
How to get a full Ubuntu experience

This tutorial describes how to install the full GNOME Desktop Environment package without having to go and install the other packages later.

What you'll need:

  • Ubuntu Server 7.04.iso

  • A blank CD-R(W)
  • ISO burning software (only if you're on a Win box)
  • A fast Internet connection, and some patience Smile :)

Step 1: burn the Ubuntu Server ISO, and boot off of it (how to burn a ISO is located here: BurningIsoHowto)

Step 2: Begin the installation process, is a simple text-based installer, no LiveCD.

Step 2.5: If you want, you can install the LAMP and/or DNS server.

Step 3: Once you've finished the installation, reboot into your new Ubuntu system.

Step 4: When your computer restarts, log in (it may or may not appear at 1st, you may have to enter some letters and hit enter, then it should show up)

Step 5: Once you've logged in you should see a command line (as if you had a terminal open), type sudo aptitude and hit enter, you will be prompted to enter your password, after you enter it aptitude should show up.

Step 6: Once you get to aptitude you'll see a list (Installed Packages, Not Installed Packages, Virtual Packages, and Tasks). Browse down to Tasks and hit enter, then highlight Unrecognized tasks and you'll see a list of tasks. Go down to ubuntu-desktop and hit shift + + to add it to the install query. Once you do this (make sure you're connected to the internet for this) hit g once, then hit it again. The download will commence. This download make take 1 hour to 30 mins (its around 2 GB) for fast connections and longer for lower speeds. Once the download is done aptitude will begin to install the packages which may take some time depending on how fast your system is.

Step 7: once you're done installing aptitude will ask you to hit enter and once you do it will bring you back to the aptitude screen, hit the q key to quit it. After you quit aptitude you should be back to the command line. Enter sudo reboot and enter your password to reboot you system. Once your system is rebooted your screen should look like any Ubuntu log in screen, but once you login and look in the Applications menu you should have a bunch more packages as a normal Ubuntu system. Big Grin :)

fullgnome (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:58 by localhost)