
Hello, and welcome to my page

About Me

  • Name

    Mohamed Armaoui




    Tunis, Tunisia

    Operating System


  • My name is Mohamed Armaoui aka hamma, I've been a Linux user & lover since 2008. Since I was convinced by some of our local community members "Ubuntu-Tn" to convert to be a GNU/Linux user, I intend to pass the love of Linux to many parties in my social/professional life.

  • So my goal for now is to try hard to convince individuals and companies to use GNU/Linux, not an easy quest but it's all about keep trying and talking.
  • I'm a Pentester, web developer, Grey Hat Hacker & proud to be.

  • Big Fan of Mr. Richard Stallman


Ubuntu 2008 ==> 2010 || Backtrack

Ubuntu 2008 || Learned Web Development ( HTML - CSS - JavaScript - PHP )

Ubuntu 2010 || Gentoo, SUSE

Ubuntu 2011 || Ubuntu Studio, Backtrack

Ubuntu 2012 || Learned Python, OS => Backtrack

Ubuntu 2013 || Kali Linux

Ubuntu 2014 ==> 2015 || Ubuntu

Ubuntu 2015 ==> Joined the Ubuntu-Tn

Ubuntu 2015 ==> Co Founder @ TGLUG

Ubuntu 2015 ==> Member of StartUbuntu


Why Ubuntu?

I believe that Ubuntu is the best GNU/Linux distribution on the level of so many standards, starting from its active & big community to the simplicity of the OS & its beauty. As far as I know, people love power & beauty, and Ubuntu combines these two and offer them to the user so he can use it in so many fields such as Professional Life or Daily Tasks.

Contact Details

Ubuntu E-mail : bluemail1996@gmail.com

Ubuntu irc.freenode.org : hamma

Ubuntu Launchpad : https://launchpad.net/~hamma

Ubuntu LinkedIn : https://tn.linkedin.com/pub/mohamed-armaoui/103/806/141

Ubuntu Facebook : https://fb.com/hamma.fallag

Ubuntu Twitter : https://twitter.com/TnSolo


I believe in priorities, so for now I have a TO-DO list for my GNU/Linux contribution. I think I'm good when it comes to talking to people & debates so all I'm concerned about is to convince multiple parties to convert to Ubuntu and that's why I'm charged of Social Media Channels in StartUbuntu. Otherwise I think I'm good at project planning & coming out with new ideas.

  • Spreading the spirit of GNU/Linux & FOSS is mainly my first goal.

  • Providing Support & Ubuntu CDs to anyone who want to take a step towards what's better.

  • Continue amaze people & influence them to be a part of the loco.

  • Help Ubuntu-Tn in so many ways & insure that we are going in the right path.

Thank You guys

hamma (last edited 2015-08-17 12:31:37 by 41)