
Iain Bucław Location

United Kingdom Ubuntu Forums Profile

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ibuclaw [ at] ubuntu [ dot] com Registered Ubuntu User

#26510 OpenPGP


1. About

Away from the real world, I spend most my time poking round at objects and observing the Universe, learning from the Universe, and teaching the Universe to others.

I first encountered Linux at the beginning of College. I came across the homepage of Debian for the first time in my life and was curiously drawn to it's quirky frontpage. I was to then spend the following two years self-learning how to work with it. It wasn't until early January 2008 that Ubuntu fell onto my lap, which left me astounded at the friendliness of the community and the information and knowledge available from them. The values and philosophy that drives ecosystem were the main points that won me over. Since then, it has been a series of black swan, or unplanned events that have made me realise my potential. It all started with a private message from one Shaun Dennie, so I guess it's pretty safe to say it's all his fault.

In April 2009, I became a member of staff at the UbuntuForums, and later in December 2009 an Ubuntu Member. It may also interest some people that I got interviewed by Matthew Helmke, a former Ubuntu Forums Administrator and one of the Authors of the Ubuntu Unleashed series.

Nowadays, I mainly work on the GNU D Compiler Frontend and further aspirations are it's eventual inclusion into the GNU Compiler Collection suite.

2. Contributions

  1. Ubuntu

    Council Member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team

  2. Ubuntu Forums

    HowTO: Install/Maintain NViDIA Driver Manually

    HowTO: Full Disk Encrypted LVM Installation on a Netbook

    HowTO: Sudoers Configuration

    Comprehensive Guide to Customising GDM and XSplash

    HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation on Lucid

  3. Debian

    Maintained Debian (and Ubuntu) Packages

  4. Launchpad

    Ubuntu Bug #413296 - changelog

    Ubuntu Bug #502992 - changelog

    Ubuntu Bug #556080 - changelog

    Ubuntu Bug #703603 - changelog

3. Testimonials

ibuclaw (last edited 2011-11-14 21:25:28 by cpc2-telf1-0-0-cust1595)