

https://launchpad.net/@@/person Name:

David Andrews

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png Location

Pasadena, CA USA

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http://www.iheartubuntu.com/favicon.ico Website:


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iheartubuntu on irc.freenode.net

http://ubuntu.com//sites/all/themes/ubuntu10/favicon.ico Current Ubuntu Version:

Ubuntu 12.10


My name is Dave and I am an Ubuntu only user of 6 years. Ubuntu is my only operating system. I help out with my California LoCo team and enjoy meeting new people at Ubuntu Hours. I have installed Ubuntu on 50+ computers. My strengths are artwork and design and have contributed wallpapers and countdown banners to the various Ubuntu release competitions. I am a big fan of open source software and privacy issues. I enjoy hiking and camping, traveling, blogging, photography, genealogy, recording music, cooking and restoring my craftsman bungalow.

I originally made the jump from Windows to Ubuntu and open source back in early 2007 (using Ubuntu 6.10) for privacy and virus concerns. Not only has Ubuntu been a great learning experience, it has offered me many opportunities and ways to give back to the community and be part of humanity as a whole.

As I am more of an end user, I see how Ubuntu appeals to all computer users. Both to programmers and users alike. There is a place in the Ubuntu community for everyone and Ubuntu becomes that bridge to connect people.

Ubuntu Membership

With a unanimous vote I was elected an official Ubuntu Member back in March 2011. I worked hard to achieve membership and use it to open the hearts and minds of computer users towards the merits and qualities of Ubuntu.


  • http://www.iheartubuntu.com/ is a website created to help introduce Ubuntu to new users making the switch (or those considering Ubuntu) and to offer easy access to other Ubuntu info about applications, how-to's, and getting hardware to work properly.

  • http://www.dailyubuntu.com/ is an Ubuntu News aggregator website bringing all the best Ubuntu news to one spot.

  • Live blogged the Ubu-Con event at SCaLE10x as well as did preliminary artwork for the SCaLE10x conference.
  • Updated California Team documents so they were ready for the upcoming SCaLE 9x linux expo.
  • Burned 100 Ubuntu CDs for SCaLE9x and burned more 64 bit on the fly as people requested them. Printed 400 Ubuntu CD covers.
  • Attended SCaLE9x in Los Angeles 2011. Went to UbuCon on Friday and met up with everyone with the Ubuntu CA Team. Spent the other two days working non-stop all day fielding questions about Ubuntu, folding Ubuntu CD covers, and burning discs on the fly. I brought two computers with me: one to burn discs, the other was a netbook showcasing Unity. Overall, the Ubuntu booth was a huge success as we handed out approx 650 Ubuntu CDs (400 official, 250 burned)

  • Active for three years in the Ubuntu California IRC room #ubuntu-us-ca and if theres a question I can help answer I will offer my input.
  • Created first Ubuntu Hour in Pasadena,CA. Created the first Ubuntu Hour in Claremont, CA (known for its five respected universities).

  • Enjoy troubleshooting and fixing bugs. Spent several days and nights helping Canonical employee Chad Miller fix some key bugs just before the 10.04 release. My first real taste of bug work and I liked it!
  • Successfully converted a small company to Ubuntu linux. The only challenge I encountered was finding a good accounting program. Still unable to find an adequate one. Company does not want to go online with accounting info. For now, the accountant uses Windows XP in VirtualBox to run Quick Books Pro. Everything works great! Future plans would be to upgrade the old custom made MS Access program into Ruby and possibly integrate it so customers could log into a website and check order status. Also using Ubuntu for the music player and Ubuntu for monitoring security cameras.

  • Contributed 4 countdown banner designs for the Lucid release:
  • Contributed 1 countdown banner design for the Natty release (and was selected):
  • Contributed approximately 20 wallpapers for the Lucid, Maverick and Natty Ubuntu releases.

Future Plans

  • Proposed & now researching a monthly online Ubuntu Game Night for our California LoCo team and beyond.

  • Help in the Ubuntu forums as time permits
  • Create more Ubuntu Hours in Southern California
  • Speak at LUGs


  • Hardworking, dedicated, and talented, Dave is the kind of being that is a value to whatever team he is on. Ubuntu California, and any team for that matter, is lucky to have him. He is good people. seidos 3/17/2011

  • I have witnessed Dave at the Southern California Linux Expo put his heart and soul into letting people who attended just how great the Ubuntu community really is. Because of his efforts, our booth was able to pass out the hundred cd's that he personally burned and use the 400 cd sleeves he printed out just for the convention. Now I know how much time it takes to burn that many cd's and that is one thing that truly reflects his commitment to this operating system. I see his vision for what he does with Ubuntu and I see him with untold potential for helping Ubuntu to become what it can be. - Philip Ballew https://wiki.ubuntu.com/philipballew

  • What can I say about Dave? He was invaluable to the California Loco during the states largest expo. Burning CDs, Making sleeves, updating information and handouts. I wish we had more people like Dave in the community and I consider myself lucky that we have him in the Loco. He started Ubuntu Hours in his area and is always ready and willing to help, spread Ubuntu to the masses and is very kind in doing so. Dave is the type of person that not only works toward the ideal of Ubuntu but, he also lives it. I would be honored to have his as a fellow Ubuntu Member. -- david.wonderly 2011-03-17 18:52:41

iheartubuntu (last edited 2012-10-12 06:14:57 by cpe-76-172-118-29)