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Inashdeen, that's me!

inashdeen is basically my IT name, I use Ihsan Jaafar for official matters, but my real name is Muhammad Ihsan Bin Khalib Jaafar. You can simply call me by any name you like Smile :) .

Simple words about my self

I am a Malaysian from Selangor, But currently studying medicine in Cairo, Egypt. I got extreme Obsession for Ubuntu and Linux.

My job description: 1.Deputy head translator for Malay translation at [[ | Ubuntu Malay Translator]

2.head admin for Malaysia's Teen Linux Group (simply Remaja Linux Malaysia ).

3.Admin for 4.Freelance one-man-project Linuxwinter Campaign Egypt

5.Ex-Team Manager for Revamp OS , an RGOS ( Remastered Group of OSses) built on Ubuntu. Personally, really hope I can continue this building Revamp as it ease me in promoting Linux in my WinterLinux Campign Egypt program, but for now, due to study chore, I handed over to a friend until I obtained my degree

6.Developer and maintainer for Jawi (Traditional Malay) Keyboard Layout project

My bragging rights: #I designed Relinux logo Smile :)

Get connected with me!

Facebook : Ihsan Salam

Google + :

Website : Tinta Ihsan

Email :

Simple words about my self

I am a Malaysian from Selangor, But currently studying medicine in Cairo, Egypt. I got extreme Obsession for Ubuntu and Linux. Currently I am The head admin for Malaysia's Teen Linux Group (simply Remaja Linux Malaysia). I am also the Ex-Team Manager for Revamp OS, an RGOS ( Remastered Group of OSses) built on Ubuntu.

Current Linux Use

OS : Ubuntu 12.04

  • Chakra Linux Archimedes.

DE : Unity and KDE

Ubuntu and Linux in my own eyes

I look at Ubuntu and Linux as a great tool to materialize the Free and Open source principle, and this time round making end user as a target. Looking at things in the eye of a non programmer, I strongly believe that there is 1001 ways to make Ubuntu simpler and easier so that even new user can easily adapt to it. I strongly disagree with people who always show user the "hard way", CLI, etc. , when the GUI is simply available.

My personal Movement

I initiate the Linux Winter Campaign in Egypt to promote and improve understanding about Ubuntu and Linux among Malaysian Scholar in Egypt. I still can't upload picture here, LOL. I don't know why.

I used peer-to-peer method as an approach to promote linux to new user. I give aid from basic installation and post installation consultation to them until they are pretty comfortable with Ubuntu.

I also opened the Open Book database, basically an idea of an e-library where anyone who found any good book regarding linux can index it there. I also encourage Linux user to write their own e-book and wrote the KISS principle, a guide to help user to write easy to understand books for new user.

Lexa download manager is my previous project. It is basically a better GUI for axel, and served as a replacement for kapt-axel.

My prime effort is basically on the new media. I use twitter, email, facebook and google+ to get connected to ubuntu and linux users around the world. being active in Ubuntu Malaysia Loco team, my own Remaja Linux Malaysia as well as IRC, I provide general and personal help for new user, basically relating to Wine, Bash and Free source philosophy. A big thanks too to fellow ubuntu-my friends for giving me the task to be the admin of Ubuntu-my Fb group admin.

Note : Previously, I used to engage in ms-translation project as well as


I am quite stubborn, seriously. That is why I can't work with many people Smile :)