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Inashdeen, that's me!

inashdeen is basically my IT name, I use Ihsan Jaafar for official matters, but my real name is Muhammad Ihsan Bin Khalib Jaafar. You can simply call me by any name you like Smile :) .

Get connected with me!

Facebook : Ihsan Salam

Google + :

Website : Tinta Ihsan

Email :

Simple words about my self

I am a Malaysian from Selangor, But currently studying medicine in Cairo, Egypt. I got extreme Obsession for Ubuntu and Linux. I am quite stubborn, seriously. That is why I can't work with many people Smile :)

Current Linux Use

OS : Ubuntu 12.04

  • Chakra Linux Archimedes.

DE : Unity and KDE


I don't really like the idea of noting what have I done for Ubuntu, but I do realised that drive me to a clearer goal

My current job description:

1.Deputy head translator for Malay translation at Ubuntu Malay Translator.

2.head admin for Malaysia's Teen Linux Group (simply Remaja Linux Malaysia ).

3.Admin for

4.Freelance one-man-project Linuxwinter Campaign Egypt

5.Ex-Team Manager for Revamp OS , an RGOS ( Remastered Group of OSses) built on Ubuntu. Personally, really hope I can continue this building Revamp as it ease me in promoting Linux in my WinterLinux Campign Egypt program, but for now, due to study chore, I handed over to a friend until I obtained my degree

6.Developer and maintainer for Jawi (Traditional Malay) Keyboard Layout project

===My bragging rights:===

1. I designed Relinux logo Smile :)

2. I once opened the Open Book database. It is basically an idea of an e-library where anyone who found any good book regarding linux can index it there. I also encourage Linux user to write their own e-book and wrote the KISS principle, a guide to help user to write easy to understand books for new user. It is still workable, just it is not that active. I wrote few books here. Smile :) do have a look at some and add more if you have of your own.

3. Lexa download manager is my previous project. It is basically a better GUI for axel, and served as a replacement for kapt-axel. I abandon the project now since Jdownloader is now available for Ubuntu and work multiple times better than my Lexa Download Manager.

4. When Zekr quran project was having problem with audio, I thought it will take forever for them to fix it. So I opened a patch project for Zekr . I don't think we need now anymore don't we Wink ;)

Detail explanation of my contributions

1. As deputy head translator for malay language, my task is not only to translate, but I also use my free time to structure a systematic organisation for the translation.

For start, I rewrite the wiki page just recently for the reference of new translator. To make the translation team more dynamic, I created a facebook group for fellow translator to discuss in a more flexible manner.

I also create an alpha version of a Malay database to gather standard words that we will use in our translation. Once the database is matured enough I plan to place it in the wiki as well to make it our primary reference for newer translation, especially for junior translator

I created a log book to compare the performance between translator to improve competitive spirit among translator.

As a translator myself, I manage to grab up to 5944 item for translation despite my tight schedule for studies and classes.

2. As Founder and head admin for Malaysia's Teen Linux Group, I initiate the idea of building an infotainment medium to provide young linux user with better knowledge and understanding about Linux. Starting as a facebook page , we are now actively moving our project to the blogging arena.

3. Actively engaged in Ubuntu Malaysia Loco Team since 2010, I was appointed to Ubuntu Malaysia Loco Group Admin around a year ago. My daily task involves as simple as answering questions to removing spam and irrelevant content from the group.

4. Linux Winter Campaign is a project I do here in Egypt to promote Linux to Malaysian students who are currently studying in egypt. I go from house to house giving free copy of Ubuntu and Linux CD to fellow student and provide small tutor classes to help them learn their new system. || || || ||

5. Revamplinux Project serves as a complementary project to Linux Winter Campaign. With Revamplinux, I aim to built an all-in Ubuntu based system which is not only beautiful but contain all the important daily used built in. It aims to attract new user to try out Linux without having to go through rigor of installing softwares like openjdk, Chromiun browser, VLC, Myunity and much more program. I currently postponed my paticipation in Revamplinux project and let my partner to continue its development

6. The idea of Jawi keyboard Layout project came about when a ubuntu loco Malaysia member requested on our facebook page to anyone who are kind enough to built a jawi (traditional malay) keyboard layout. Jawi writings are used widely in religious school, several textbooks and older manuscript and hence it serve as a good item to promote Linux to new user. starting with version 0.5.7, It now has reach version 0.7.1, comes along complete with a Jawi Keyboard Layout Manager to change the keyboard settings.

Bragging rights:

1. Well, the logo isn't that nice, but at least Relinux now has a logo right? Smile :)

Future Aim and Goals

Short Term:

1. To push the translation team to finish 50% of the total unfinished translation by July 31st 2012.

2. To propose the following in the next Loco meeting:

a) To form a Skuad Muda Team (Young Linux User) which will assist fellow elder Ubuntu users in the following field:

  • i ) Young translator : Protege for the translation team ii ) Wiki writer : Find potential young journalist among Teen Ubuntu users iii) Secretarial : Aid loco secretary in secretarial task iv ) Welcome team : A new branch under Ubuntu loco which assist new Malaysian Ubuntu user to register for Launchpad, Ubuntuforums, Wiki, Loco forums, and open id.

b) To form software builder division under the translation branch which will perform the following task:

  • i ) Team A (I hope I can head) will produce a database containing predefined text which will be used in the translation machine
  • ii) Team B will produce a software to help in translation (auto translator) using the database build by team A.

3. Reaching my own goal of 30,000 Karma by end of the year.

4. Improve my bash capabilities

5. Become an Ubuntu member

Long Term

1. Lobby the Education Malaysia Egypt office of Embassy of Malaysia to make Linux Winter campaign an official program under the student council ICT unit. In this plan, we will held a Linux Fiesta inside the embassy and my invite ubuntu-eg for the talks

2. Broaden Jawi Keyboard Layout project to support KDE, XFCE, and LXDE as well as building package for Fedora, Chakra Linux and other Linux OSses.

3. Learn C or Python (Planning to take a diploma in programming)

5. Aid other Ubuntu translator to gain 5000 karma.

6. Help other member to become Ubuntu member.

7. Build a strong Malaysian student Linux community here in Egypt by providing classes on how to use Linux and guide new users to engage in more Linux and Ubuntu activities

Ubuntu and Linux in my own eyes

I look at Ubuntu and Linux as a great tool to materialize the Free and Open source principle, and this time round making end user as a target. Looking at things in the eye of a non programmer, I strongly believe that there is 1001 ways to make Ubuntu simpler and easier so that even new user can easily adapt to it. I strongly disagree with people who always show user the "hard way", CLI, etc. , when the GUI is simply available. I try my best with my limited knowledge to build GUI for Linux apps I build and make them user-friendly as much as it can be.

Drop your comment here :)

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