
Revision 5 as of 2010-12-15 06:24:33

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The Ubuntu Wiki of Jacky Alcine


Hello, my name is Jacky Alcine. Currently, I'm a high-school senior who plans on pursuing Computer Science, Psychology and Business Management in college. I started programming at the age of eleven with simple web pages and then later developed a deep passion for desktop programming and other aspects of programming. The raw power and the unlimited reach of a computer's potential is one of the many things that drive my yearn to be with the Ubuntu community; the desire to not only learn and grow, but to also share and disseminate that information with others to even further enhance our blossoming community.

Programming Language Comprehension

Desktop Programming

  1. C++ ( both managed and unmanaged ) b. C# ( both under the Microsoft .NET framework and the Mono framework )

Web Programming

  1. Client-Side a.(X)HTML ( from 4.01+ )

    b.ECMAScript/JavaScript ( uses primarily the jQuery framework for graphical interactions ) c. CSS 2.0+ B. Server-Side

  2. PHP 4.3+ b. ASP.NET ( using C# )

Mobile Programming

  1. ** I have no training nor experiment in this field; but it's something I look forward later on. **


Well, I do have a few goals, at least when it comes to the Ubuntu system, and all of Linux software ( but primarly Ubuntu ;] ).

* Voice as the third input: Keyboards and mice have dominated our usage of computers, and in a way, limit them. I want to implement a means of using a computer solely by using your voice. Every aspect of everyday computing controlled via voice ( and some hand/eye/head movement ) will not only bring awareness to Ubuntu; it'd revolutionize the way we use computers today. I want to be one of the programmers behind such an amazing feat and introduce a new age of computing.

* Companion d500: This is actually kind of a - er, depressing? - project for me to pursue, but having the computer interact with the user in a way that reduces that computer-ish fear that non-computer savvy people tend to have is another attribute that I'd like to embark onto the Ubuntu interface. After all, my mother has no idea what this MBR is, or how can NTFS and ext3 file systems can't natively interact with each other; so there should be a super-friendly and super-sleek means of having novices become pros.

Current Pursuits

Right now, I'm a developer in the Speech Control Team, led by a determined and passionate project leader to develop a transparent input system can be used for people with disabilities. This project is young, and many more things are needed. Contributions of any sort are welcome and appreciated.

Closing Words

Well, I'll try to update my Wiki as much as possible. You can see my current ideas and thoughts on my blog and follow me on Twitter to see my progress. I'm also in search of a more trained C++ programmer, and a Python programmer to educate me in such fields. That, and someone who's decent with algorithm composition. Thank you.
