Achim 'k1l' Behrens

Launchpad ID:





k1l irc.Libera.Chat

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Achim Behrens, i am 36 and live in Cologne/Germany. I am a sports and physics teacher. Besides my main sport rowing i like many different sports, coach the Kids in my rowing club and like to fiddle about computers; e.g. I placed my Homeserver into my shoe cabinet.

I tried using Linux several times since 2000 but back then hardware support wasnt what it is today. I am using Ubuntu in Dualboot since Breezy Badger and as my main operating system since Edgy Eft afair. I still use Ubuntu on my Laptop, Netbook and my homeserver.

I don't want to persuade people to try or use Ubuntu but i like to arouse their interest, because i think when people get pushed to Ubuntu and something goes wrong (e.g. some drivers not working) there wont be an easy second chance. If they are interested by themselves maybe they try to solve the problem and dont surrender.

What have I done for Ubuntu so far?

After some time hanging around and helping in the german IRC channels i was asked to become an operator in 2008. Since then i try to keep some nice and proper climate and help in the german support- and offtopicchannels.

In the group of active operators i am one with the longest age of service and was granted superop status to change flags on the channels through the teamleader.

When i have some sparetime left i try to help with the german translations in different packages in launchpad. I dont have any favorite package there, i take a look on the locoteam site what needs to be done urgently or in rosetta where are some holes to darn.

What will I do for Ubuntu in the future?

I 'll try to keep up the work in the IRC channels and help as many users as possible to stay comfortable in and with the community.


Would be nice if you could leave a comment on my work. Thank you!

k1l (last edited 2021-06-06 19:36:30 by k1l)