About Me
Do I talk about myself in the first or third person? Let's go with first-person:
I like to make light of mostly everything, and always have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. I've loved computers as long as I can remember having grown up with them present ever since my first family PC the AMSTRAD PC1512, which my parents brought home when I was about 3 years-old. I discovered Linux in the late 90s and after pottering about in Gentoo during the early new millennium years I settled on Ubuntu soon after the 5.04 release and consolidated my love during the 6.06 era.
I hang around in IRC most days and can be found chatting in the Ubuntu UK group's room (#ubuntu-uk) and the WordPress channels. I currently work as a Web Developer specialising in WordPress sites.
I am a proponent of Mental Health issues, especially among the tech community, having lived with Depression since my teens. I recently came out as trans in 2021 and am trying to be visible within the community as a trans woman to provide a role model for anyone within our sphere that are struggling with their gender identity.
My pronouns are She/Her.
Contact Information
lucyllewy |
Website |
I have been an active participant of the #Ubuntu-uk room on FreeNode for many years, and an Ubuntu user since 2005. I have helped occasionally in the #ubuntu support channel on FreeNode and now LiberaChat, though not regularly, and filed and helped with a few issues on Launchpad, though nothing worthy of highlight.
However, since 2016 I have become very involved with the Snapcraft ecosystem and project. I have packaged many snap packages, and am pushing the boundaries of the Snapcraft platform to encourage development and refinements. I respond readily on the to help people who are hitting road blocks and help to get more people involved. I have been recognised for my contributions to Snapcraft by being included into the Snapcrafters Initiative, and invited to the Snapcraft Summit. At the Summit I helped package more desirable snaps for and with several third parties, work with the Snapd developers to get important bugs highlighted and squashed during the sprint, and generally meet with the team to get to know each other better.
My forum profile:
I have served as a delegate on the Ubuntu Membership Board for since September 2018, where I helped approve several new members. I have chaired multiple meetings, and worked through the processes for adding new members at the meetings I chaired (sending relevant email notifications, adding members to the LP team, etc).
Since the release of WSL2 I am heavily involved with the community there and improving Ubuntu on the WSL2 technology. I helped Hayden Barnes with his book "Pro Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)" published by Apress. My contributions to the WSL2 ecosystem have earned me the Microsoft MVP Award for two years running, which due to ill health has now lapsed as of 2024.
I'm a member of the Snapcrafters project which maintains Snap Packages that are desired by the community that the upstream project or vendor does not currently wish to maintain themselves. I help maintain all the snaps under the Snapcrafters banner, am driver of several of the packages in the project, and also maintain my own Snaps which have been accepted by Snapcrafters. I am a "Core member" of the Snapcrafters project representing my level of trust, leadership, and involvement:
Snaps I've directly published
Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".
I've known Lucy for quite a while through her activity in the Ubuntu UK LoCo IRC channel. In the last few months I've been working with Lucy on snapcraft. She's been an excellent community member, contributing in significant ways that improve the platform. Lucy has packaged a bunch of applications as snaps, is active on the snapcraft forums and on IRC. Lucy has been a delight to work with. She's come up with creative solutions when problems occur, and is self motivated to get stuff done. Totally deserves Ubuntu membership in my opinion. -- popey 2018-01-31 00:56:27
Lucy's knowledge, enthusiasm and nice attitude are having an incredible impact in our community. She's helping many devs and communities to get their software into thousands of linux machines, and at the same time she's helping us improve many aspects of Ubuntu that need polishing or we need to completely rebuild. It is great that she now wants to join as an official member. +1 without a doubt. -- elopio 2018-02-01 05:57:48
I've worked with Lucy through Snapcrafters. She's a self-starter and a talented engineer. -- ev
I've got to know Lucy through her contributions in the Snapcraft community and Snapcrafters. Lucy has snapped a number of high profile applications including Gimp and Corebird. More recently she has helped a Microsoft engineer bring PowerShell to the snap ecosystem. Lucy is also keen to share her experience and insight as an active member of the Snapcraft forum and as a sponsored attendee of the Seattle Snapcraft Summit in January 2018. -- flexiondotorg 2018-02-01 19:31:09
lucyllewy (last edited 2024-12-02 20:23:32 by lucyllewy)