Name: George Karavasilev (



Future Plans


Having worked alongside Georgi on a number of open-source projects and endeavours I can only admire the enthusiasm and sheer effort that he puts into his work. His determination to help embetter numerous projects is admirable and is a great asset for any team. ~snwh (Launchpad)

A person who is very enthusiatic about design and perfection. He helped me with the redesign of NSTrain. Enjoyed working with him on that project. I have personally also seen him assist various other community projects like Kazam with new designs. ~nik90 (Launchpad)

Even though I've not worked on a project with me4oslav, apart from translating Unity Tweak Tool, I know he is a hugely skilled guy. He is one of the most competent designers whose work I'm aware of, and I know Georgi and his skill will be a great asset to any team. ~tomslominski (Launchpad)

I've greatly enjoyed watching George and Sam inject some fresh enthusiasm around design, working with developers in the community to improve the interface and visual branding of their applications. Ubuntu has long been in need of a stronger community of designers, and the work and collaboration from these two guys has been exactly the kind of thing we need more of. I fully endorse George's bid for Ubuntu Membership. -- mhall119 2013-04-28 23:32:51

I have had great pleasure working with George during the design and development of unity-tweak-tool. He is very enthusiastic (occasionally, even over-enthusiastic Smile :) ) towards Ubuntu and open source projects in general and contributes to the projects in his own style. I hope the Membership Board reviews his application favorably. -- jokerdino (Launchpad)

me4oslav is awesome, I recommend he be dipped in Ubuntu Membership Sauce. -- jderose 2013-05-02 16:17:00

If you know me and my work feel free to write a testimonial here. :=)

me4oslav (last edited 2013-07-03 12:39:08 by karavasilevi)