This is a page to discuss the mechanisms needed to allow a contained app to request access to a file on the user's system in a safe way.
There are three pieces need:
- In-container library that the app links to and uses.
- Out-of-container daemon that apparmor allows the contained app to talk to. This daemon only validates the request and passes it on to a more trusting daemon.
- Out-of-container trusting daemon that actually presents the dialog and passes back the data.
Consider an image editing program like Photoshop. It might want to do things like:
- Allow the user to open an image in their $HOME. (prompt, read data)
- Allow the user to export that image as a separate format in $HOME. (prompt, write data, creating/replacing any existing file at the chosen location)
- Allow the user to save back changes to that image. (prompt, read data, later and periodically write data back)
In-Container Library API
API in Vala:
PrompterFile { enum Mode {FILE, FOLDER}; string title {get; set;} string action {get; set;} Mode mode {get; set;} bool allow_new {get; set;} void add_filter_pattern(string pattern); PromptFile(string? title, string? action); async GFile prompt(Cancellable? cancel) throws Error; async GList<GFile> prompt_multiple(Cancellable? cancel) throws Error; }
will take returned fd & name and make a GFile out of it
- (fds are local only right?, thus preventing this from working via networked app)
No way to do fancier filtering. Mime type filtering will be better done with future APIs that are mime-specific (like PromptPhoto)
No way to do some of the things that GtkFileChooser lets you (like controlling whether preview is shown). Do we want such picky settings?
Out-Of-Container DBus API
DBus Name: com.canonical.Prompter Path: /Files Interface: com.canonical.Prompter.File Prompt({key: value}) Read(uri) Replace(uri)
- Prompt:
- title's default is either "Choose File" or "Choose Folder" depending on other values
- actions's default is either "Save" or "Open" depending on other values
- will return multiple or one depending on key "allow-multiple"
Returns a uri. (fake uri like x-prompter://.../NiceFileName.txt)
- Or a list of uris in the multiple case.
- In error or cancel case, a serialization of a GError {error_string=X, error_code=Y}? dict is returned. Or a dbus error
- Read:
- Take a uri, return an fd with read permissions
- Replace
- Take a uri, return an fd with write permissions, will atomically replace file when done (to research: is the atomic bit semantically possible?)
- permissions to consider:
- Can access remote locations, external drives, etc
- Can have write/read permission
- validate all input
- all input is optional, with default values if not provided
- any unknown or non-string keys are ignored
- any values that don't match expected variable types are ignored
mterry/Containment (last edited 2012-12-05 19:13:12 by c-66-30-117-196)