

This is a page to discuss the mechanisms needed to allow a contained app to request access to a file on the user's system in a safe way.

There are three pieces need:

  1. In-container library that the app links to and uses.
  2. Out-of-container daemon that apparmor allows the contained app to talk to. This daemon only validates the request and passes it on to a more trusting daemon.
  3. Out-of-container trusting daemon that actually presents the dialog and passes back the data.

Consider an image editing program like Photoshop. It might want to do things like:

  1. Allow the user to open an image in their $HOME. (prompt, read data)
  2. Allow the user to export that image as a separate format in $HOME. (prompt, write data, creating/replacing any existing file at the chosen location)
  3. Allow the user to save back changes to that image. (prompt, read data, later and periodically write data back)

In-Container Library API

API in Vala:

  enum Mode {FILE, FOLDER};
  string title {get; set;}
  string action {get; set;}
  Mode mode {get; set;}
  bool allow_new {get; set;}
  void add_filter_pattern(string pattern);

  PromptFile(string? title, string? action);
  async GFile prompt(Cancellable? cancel) throws Error;
  async GList<GFile> prompt_multiple(Cancellable? cancel) throws Error;
  • will take returned fd & name and make a GFile out of it

  • (fds are local only right?, thus preventing this from working via networked app)
  • No way to do fancier filtering. Mime type filtering will be better done with future APIs that are mime-specific (like PromptPhoto)

  • No way to do some of the things that GtkFileChooser lets you (like controlling whether preview is shown). Do we want such picky settings?

Out-Of-Container DBus API

DBus Name: com.canonical.Prompter
Path: /Files
Interface: com.canonical.Prompter.File
 Prompt({key: value})
  • Prompt:
    • title's default is either "Choose File" or "Choose Folder" depending on other values
    • actions's default is either "Save" or "Open" depending on other values
    • will return multiple or one depending on key "allow-multiple"
    • Returns a uri. (fake uri like x-prompter://.../NiceFileName.txt)

    • Or a list of uris in the multiple case.
    • In error or cancel case, a serialization of a GError {error_string=X, error_code=Y}? dict is returned. Or a dbus error
  • Read:
    • Take a uri, return an fd with read permissions
  • Replace
    • Take a uri, return an fd with write permissions, will atomically replace file when done (to research: is the atomic bit semantically possible?)
  • permissions to consider:
    • Can access remote locations, external drives, etc
    • Can have write/read permission
  • validate all input
  • all input is optional, with default values if not provided
  • any unknown or non-string keys are ignored
  • any values that don't match expected variable types are ignored

mterry/Containment (last edited 2012-12-05 19:13:12 by c-66-30-117-196)