
Contact Information Name

nerdtron Launchpad Profile

nerdtron Ubuntu Forums Profile


About Me

I've first encountered Linux in general when I was in was in College. I was taking Engineering that time and I got a book from the university library on how to build your own computer. Good thing was it included a CD with Damn Small Linux on it. I was amazed that I was able to run Linux from a CD or USB stick with my old Pentuim 3 Computer.

So in my spare I started reading about Linux and discovered other flavors. Next I tried was Knoppix which has a nice KDE 3 GUI. Then I encountered Ubuntu 8.04. Our internet connection at home was not reliable and downloading the CD iso was not an option. Fortunately, one of my friends downloaded the iso and gave me a copy to try out at home. I was excited to be able to run Ubuntu on my desktop computer at home.
Bonus points to Ubuntu during that time which lets you order and ship a free CD copy that can be delivered internationally. I was able to grab copies of Kubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 10.04.

We also had a semester in computer class in which our professor introduced us to Linux. I was able to learn the basics of partitioning and installation. The course was very helpful for a newbie like me. But after trying out Linux for about a year or two, I was still stuck on the other OS since my senior years on College required specific software. Plus I became too busy working on college thesis which stopped my learning with Linux.

Professional Life

After I finished my Engineering course I was pretty determined to begin my career with the IT industry most probably as a Network Engineer. I got more than I wanted as I was also assigned as a Linux Administrator. We deployed Ubuntu 12.04 and Centos servers during that time. The job required me to study Linux extensively and I also post questions on the forums to seek advise from others. I enjoyed learning more and more about Linux. Now I work full time as a Unix Administrator handling not just Linux Servers but also other Unix flavors.


When I registered on Ubuntu Forums in 2009 I was still on college and that I hoped to learn more about this new Linux OS. The forum community was kind enough to provide support on how to partition and install Ubuntu in dual-boot setup. I was overwhelmed by the number of enthusiastic people helping other people on any way they can. Since then, I explored and re-installed Ubuntu several times which gave me a working knowledge on the installation of a Linux OS. Then I started to answer other posts too just to help newbies like me on their basic questions. The help I provided during that time was limited since my knowledge was also limited. It was not until I graduated and started working full time in which I had more knowledge to share to the community to answer more advanced questions of other users. Now every time I visit the forums I say to myself "The forum community helped me a lot when I was a newbie, now it's my turn to help them back."


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nerdtron (last edited 2016-06-27 10:26:49 by slickymaster)