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Naeil Zoueidi

————— [ About Me ] ————

[+] Linux user since January 2008, My name’s Naeîl Zoueidi aka Na3iL I’ve 21 years old Mandrake to Mandriva and Ubuntu user since April 2008.

[+] I joined Ubuntu-tn after 4 years as a regular member ,I joined also Ubuntu-ps in 23 February 2014 , I'm also a pentester and FOSS suporter Info (!)

[*] I love everything related to technology and information security and of course programming Big Grin :)

[-] my my gmail is naeilzoueidi [att] gmail [dot] com


————— [ /End ] ————–


Events : Conferences, workshops, install parties and others

Most Ubuntu-TN events are listed on our Events page. You can find events details, reports, photos and blog links on that page. Our monthly report may sometimes contain further details or information.

During these events I have worked with members of Ubuntu-TN community and sometimes with members of other FLOSS communities, organizations, universities and clubs. I am very thankful to everyone who contributed to these events in any way possible.

  • Ubuntu Software Freedom Day at Science Palace of Monastir 27/10/2013

  • - Discussion with the public about Ubuntu and FLOSS, answering questions and encouraging the public to convert to Ubuntu and FLOSS and staying at Ubuntu-TN Stand
    - Helping the main organisers of the event

Future Goals

  • Ubuntu Being more and more involved in the Ubuntu-tn LoCo

    Ubuntu Prepare events with Ubuntu-tn

    Ubuntu Work with Tunisia loco Team to get to the level of approval.

    Ubuntu Start help with fixing bugs in some range of apps.

    Ubuntu I'd be very happy if, after 2 years, I could confidently say, I helped shaping the *Free* community in Tunisia!.

    Ubuntu Spread FLOSS philosophy

    Ubuntu Improve Ubuntu-TN performance and integrate new active members



  • Ubuntu My activities has grown more in real life than on the Internet, since I discovered GNU/Linux and Ubuntu, I decided to promote it wherever I go, I try as best as I can to convince people to try it, and install it.

    Ubuntu I offer all the people I convinced to install Ubuntu a technical support, maintenance in case of problems, and I help them to learn and use it better, for free of course.

On The Web

  • Ubuntu I participate actively on IRC channels to help users who search for help, I'm often present in #ubuntu-tn , #ubuntu-dz and #ubuntu-ma channels on Freenode.

    Ubuntu I try to help francophones who post their bugs on Launchpad.

    Ubuntu I give help on forums, facebook groups.


  • Please add your Testimonial here. Many thanks for your support.

Sub-pages :

*CategoryTunisianTeamMembers *CategoryTunisianTeam