Please add your Testimonial here. Many thanks for your support.
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Testimonials for Ubuntu Membership:
Naeîl has always been a friendly and helpful loco team member. He is doing his best to spread Ubuntu and FOSS philosophy among the Tunisian community. I highly recommend his approval as an Ubuntu member as a recognition for his efforts.
- Bedis ElAcheche, Ubuntu-tn FF Member & Ubuntu Member, 09-08-2015.
As a new Ubuntu user and activist in the community, I was first introduced by Na3il, he kept an eye on me and helped me a lot, he's responsible, a great leader and a kind person, I strongly recommend accepting him as an Ubuntu member, not because it's a reward for his great work when it comes to FOSS but because I believe he can do more and better if you approve him.
- Mohamed Armaoui, Ubuntu-tn member & member of other F/OSS communities, 18-08-2015.
Naeîl is one of my best friend and he participated actively in ubuntu-tn. He is an enthusiastic and passionate person, i'm so proud to see someone like him, I'm sure he deserve to be a Ubuntu Member.
- Mariam Hammouda, Ubuntu-tn MC Member, Ubuntu Member & Loco Council Member, 29-11-2015.
I'm proud of calling Naeîl a friend and an extremely useful asset for our teams. He's proven being a nice translator for many wiki pages to more than one language, for the Lubuntu Global Team. He also cooperates with my Comms and Artwork Team, and he's always willing to help newbies in several IRC channels. He's also a believer in the Ubuntu philosophy, the spirit of helping the others, the brotherhood sharing ideas, and in personal matters, he's an awesome person that I'm glad to know. I highly recommend him for the Ubuntu Membership.
- Rafael Laguna, Lubuntu Artwork, Global (translation), Lubuntu Comms, Media Manager and Ubuntu Member, 29-11-2015.
Naeîl has been great with his good nature and willingness to help with the ubuntu-africa group. The Ubuntu Africa wiki pages are thanks to his efforts and he is always willing to help anyone on #ubuntu-africa. From the contact we have had we have become friends and I feel that he is and will continue to be a great asset for Ubuntu so he has my full support in becoming a member.
- msdomdonner 2015-11-30 11:21:09
Naeîl is both a friend and a great guy for both helping others and advocacy in general. A simple example of this being that in a casual conversation with rafaellaguna he provided a full translation of a wiki page within a day! I cannot add too much more else to what has already been written except to say that as a Ubuntu member this advocacy can only grow stronger. I ask that the council look favourably on his record and grant him Ubuntu Membership.
- phillw, 30-11-2015
Naeil has been a great addition to the team since he has been collaborating with all departments of our internal structure, helping us out in all tasks. As Phill already mentioned, he also helped us enhance our list of available translations, thus allowing us to have more languages available for those who visit our pages. A great person that has been helping out Ubuntu grow, specially with the ubuntu LoCo he has been involved. The council must consider his membership!
- gsilvapt, 30-11-2015
Na3iL is one of the most active members in Ubuntu-tn LoCo team. He's very smart and always try to help the LoCo to be more active, I can's add much more than what already said above by all those nice people. I just summarize, when you need someone to help/contribute → ping Na3iL
- El Achèche ANIS, Ubuntu Membership Board Member, Ubuntu-tn MC Member & Ubuntu Member, 02-12-2015.
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