
About Me

My name is Milad. You can find me under Ravexina username on different websites like Launchpad, AskUbuntu, GitHub and other places. I am from Iran and I have studied software engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

I am a community elected moderator at AskUbuntu. An official member of "Ubuntu Iranian LoCo Team". An active member of Iranian Ubuntu community forum since 2010. And also an active Wiki editor at Iranian Ubuntu community.


I use GNU/Linux since 2010. I've got experience with different distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux and Slackware. Ubuntu and Debian are mostly my prime Operating Systems.

Contact Information


ravexina on freenode


ravexina on Ǧmāil



Other places to look me up


  • My main activity in past years was helping people with their problems in:
    • Q/A websites like AskUbuntu and unix stackexchange.

    • Iranian Ubuntu community forum.
  • Occasionally I try to create new pages or make the existing one better at Iranian Ubuntu WiKi. Here are some of the pages that I started:

    • Debootstrap, FSArchiver, Docker, sudo, Repositories, libvirt, virsh, Ventoy, Kazam, ufw, SafeEyes, etc (Including lots of edits and fixes on already existence pages).

  • I had different free workshops about Ubuntu and Free Software in different Universities that I have studied in.
  • To spread Ubuntu, I had held three conferences about Ubuntu and free software. Two mainly focused on Ubuntu and one about Big data and Unix tools in general at University of Science and culture, Tehran/Iran.
    • Of course with the help of volunteers and some members of Iranian Ubuntu Community.
    • Thanks to the university support, we were able to distributed free Ubuntu disks between people.
  • I have helped a lot of peoples in person. Turned them into using Ubuntu and free software in general. Helped them with their problems. Installed and configure Ubuntu on a lot of systems.

Future Goals

I will do my best to keep up the good work. To help people as much as it is possible for me and to try and help people to figure out their problems.

You can invite me to talk about Ubuntu or Free Software. To tech your crew and get them up and running with Ubuntu and GNU/Linux in general.

Goals always on the table are:

  • Spreading Ubuntu.
  • Spread the culture of Free Software.


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ravexina (last edited 2020-12-01 08:18:30 by ravexina)