
I am nominating myself for Ubuntu's IRC Council (IRCC) election, so here's a little bit of info about myself.

I have been a channel operator for #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-women, and various other #ubuntu-* channels since 2010. I've been around freenode since 2007, and around #ubuntu since 2008.

While I have a lot of opinions on Ubuntu's IRC presence and changes that need to be made, I am generally in favor of an IRCC that is both hands-off most of the time and responsive when it needs to be. I feel that changes to our IRC presence should be pushed forward by IRC Team members (with approval and help from IRCC as needed) and that top-down changes have historically not succeeded. I am also aware that Ubuntu's IRC Team is too inactive to effect bottom-up change, and feel that is the most urgent issue facing the IRCC in 2019.

If elected, my priorities as an IRC councilmember will be (in order):

  1. Continuing to be available on IRC regularly for the entire length of my term so that IRCC business does not become blocked by my absence
  2. Realistically evaluating our current count of active operators in #ubuntu (and other channels as needed) and helping to appoint new channel operators
  3. Updating IRCC's documentation to reflect that it is no longer 2015 and advocating for the return of regular meetings and/or activity reports, even if they appear to be a formality and do not have much content in them

Thank you for your consideration.

rww (last edited 2019-09-14 17:36:09 by rww)