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About me

Hi, I am Sam Cater, otherwise known as sacater or sacatermeister. I am 14 years old and live in Ipswich, Suffolk, GB. I have signed the Code of Conduct with gpg and am an ubuntero.



sacater [] My channel is #sacater





I was first introduced to ubuntu/linux by welp (Peter Weller), a gentoo developer. He had ordered some free CD's and let me have one or two. I couldn't get things to work very well at first, but things soon became clear. Since then I have used nothing but ubuntu, and completely removed windows from my machine. I have been using it for about a year now, and find it the best distro out there. I have been helping in the community properly for about 4 months.

Here are one or two factsa about me...

  • Ubuntu Ubuntu user since the Breezy Badger release BR Ubuntu Ubuntu beta testing BR Ubuntu Contribute in #ubuntu BR Ubuntu Ubuntu bugsquad (triage+report bugs) BR Ubuntu Launchpad Beta tester BR Ubuntu Maintainer of a Universe package (Tea: text editor BR Ubuntu Training for MOTU status under LaserJock (Jordan Mantha) BR

My plans and ideas for Ubuntu in the near and far future

At the moment I only have one plan for ubuntu, and I am already working on it.

My plan is to bridge gaps between other linux distros. Some people see ubuntu as a 'light hearted' linux distro. It is not, it is just more user-friendly than others, Gentoo seem to do this a bit, and I wish for everyone to understand that no distro is better than another, just different. I myself like the need of technical know-how to use Gentoo well, while I also like ubuntu for the warm-hearted community feel Big Grin :)

My contributions to Ubuntu

I have contributed to ubuntu in a few different ways. I spend all my spare time in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-motu. Both helping out and learning whenever and wherever I can. I even got +u status on freenode, as I am eager to help in so many different aspects of ubuntu. I always follow the Code of Conduct when I help others.

In the way of packaging, I have only made changes to one, which is the 'tea text editor'. For that package I added a new .desktop file, edited the changelog and control file, before presenting the debdiff to my universe sponsor, LaserJock(Jordan Mantha), who I believe uploaded it to the repositories. (I am more of a 'helping-out' person, rather than a packager at this point in time).

I also help out whenever I can on Launchpad, with looking at bug reports and answers, then adding my bug comments and answers into them.