
Revision 17 as of 2008-10-13 23:34:53

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About Me

My name is SeanCarl. 19-year old student from Malta, Europe


  1. Promoting Ubuntu in Malta
  2. Translations
  3. Provide Ubuntu CDs
  4. Provide Ubuntu CDs to some shops in order to distribute with new systems
  5. Help people on Ubuntu Forums
  6. Make artwork esp wallpaper to share with other ubuntu users
  7. Help out people on IRC in #ubuntu-mt
  8. Support for new Maltese Ubuntu users

My Contributions

  1. Distributions of original and copied CDs around Malta
  2. Promoting Ubuntu in Malta
  3. Supporting new Ubuntu users (for free)
  4. Giving a helping hand in translations and artwork
  5. Starting up LoCoTeam for Malta

  6. Help other users on

Plans for the future

  1. Building up a successful Maltese Ubuntu team
  2. Print t-shirts for the Maltese Ubuntu users
  3. Make much more translations to Maltese
  4. Introduce Ubuntu to major computer sellers in Malta in order to distribute Ubuntu with new systems
  5. Start seminars in Malta
