
seele's TODO for Kubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04.

Kubuntu Jaunty Blueprints

Kubuntu Jaunty Gap Analysis

  • Continue development of System Config Printer w/ Riddell and Arby
  • Check with upstream on design of User setup tool (to replace KUser) or begin designing one separately (This is looking like it won't happen for Jaunty. It will be tight just for KDE 4.3)

Kubuntu Jaunty Installer and Jaunty Ubiquity Usability

  • Better labels for the Guided/Manual partitioning options
  • Work with MPT on a password strength widget

Kubuntu Jaunty Package Manager

  • UI review of KPackageKit for any possible improvements (colomar is reviewing)

Kubuntu Jaunty KDE Packaging

  • w/ Lydia, try to find where users had the most trouble with upgrading in 3/4 and 4/4

Kubuntu Jaunty Setup

  • ...

Other (not discussed at UDS or does not have a Blueprint)

  • Quassel reviewed (read more) -- Waiting for developers to make changes. Kubuntu Council/Members still need to make a decision about inclusion.

  • Review KDE apps for default window size and submit bugs
  • Keep track of upstream KDE development and decisions

seele/JauntyTODO (last edited 2009-01-03 19:49:22 by pool-72-83-89-191)