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Revision 8 as of 2013-06-05 11:03:59
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Revision 9 as of 2013-06-05 16:52:33
Size: 3645
Editor: 171
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Has a part of my LoCo team work I am responsible for the [[|System76 free stickers]] distribution in Portugal. As a part of my LoCo team work I am responsible for the [[|System76 free stickers]] distribution in Portugal.

About Me


My name is Tiago Carrondo and I am an IT trainer since 2005. In the past 8 years I have teached a lot of uninterresting stuff, but since 2008 most of my work is based on Ubuntu (Desktop/Server). My story with Ubuntu started with BreezyBadger by the hand of my friend Paulo Abreu. As I am not a programmer, most of my retribuition effort resides on translation, bug reporting and field work on the Portuguese LoCoTeam.

Contact Information


tcarrondo on


tiago.carrondo AT gmail DOT com


tiago AT ubuntu-pt DOT org



My contributions are divided in several projects/activities:

"Ubuntu Portuguese Translators" team

I'm a member of the Ubuntu Portuguese Translators team and I've tutored some other team members e.g. AlmaMater, Pedro Silva, Nuno Rodrigues.

Portuguese LoCo team

I'm a member of the Portuguese LoCoTeam and I have been involved along with Ana and Flávio in activities such as:

  • Events
  • Release parties
  • Install/Migration parties
  • Global Jams
  • CD distribution (lot's of it!)

Ubuntu Open Week

I was an instructor at the UOW in October 2011. I have made the presentation: Advanced dualboot (Win/Ubuntu) config sharing a lot of stuff!

System76's free stickers

As a part of my LoCo team work I am responsible for the System76 free stickers distribution in Portugal.

Ubuntu Weekly News

Recently, I have started to collaborate with the Ubuntu Weekly News Team in summary writing task.

Ubuntu evangelization

Everyday, I advocate Ubuntu's qualities and capabilities with people surrounding me. Allways have a free Ubuntu CD in my backpack to offer so that people can try some good software.

Future Goals

  • Continue the Portuguese LoCoTeam's good work

  • Continue with the organization of Ubuntu events in Portugal
  • Continue to translate Ubuntu to PT-PT
  • Continue to participate in the UWN
  • Conduct another session in UOW (need to find a good theme, suggestions are appreciated)
  • Do my part for the "200 million users" goal
  • Turn our LoCo team logo from grayscale to color


Tiago is a very enthusiastic and active member of the Portuguese LoCo team. His contribution as an Ubuntu advocate in Portugal has been important for the growth of the LoCo team: he has been involved in the organization of several events, gives introdutory talks about Ubuntu, helps with installations and other members questions, etc. Therefore, as a witness of his participation in the community, I strongly recommend Tiago as an Ubuntu member. -- Ana Figueiras

If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.

tcarrondo (last edited 2013-06-07 18:46:12 by hggdh2)