About Me
My name is Tiago Carrondo and I have been an IT trainer since 2005. In the past 8 years I have taught a lot of uninteresting subjects, but since 2008 most of my work is based on Ubuntu (Desktop/Server). My story with Ubuntu started with BreezyBadger thanks to my friend Paulo Abreu. As I am not a programmer, most of my contribution effort resides in translation, bug reporting and field work on the Portuguese LoCoTeam.
Contact Information
tcarrondo on |
GTalk |
tiago.carrondo AT gmail DOT com |
tiago AT ubuntu-pt DOT org |
Website | |
My contributions are divided in several projects/activities:
"Ubuntu Portuguese Translators" team
I'm a member of the Ubuntu Portuguese Translators team and I've tutored some other team members e.g. AlmaMater, Pedro Silva, Nuno Rodrigues.
Portuguese LoCo team
I'm a member of the Portuguese LoCoTeam and I have been involved along with Ana and Flávio in activities such as:
- Events
- Release parties
- Install/Migration parties
- Global Jams
- CD distribution (lot's of it!)
Ubuntu Open Week
I was an instructor at the UOW in October 2011. I have made the presentation: Advanced dualboot (Win/Ubuntu) config sharing a lot of stuff!
System76's free stickers
As a part of my LoCo team work I am responsible for the System76 free stickers distribution in Portugal.
Ubuntu Weekly News
Recently, I have started to collaborate with the Ubuntu Weekly News Team in summary writing task.
Ubuntu evangelization
Everyday, I advocate Ubuntu's qualities and capabilities with people surrounding me. I always have a free Ubuntu CD in my backpack to offer so that people can try some good software.
Some photos
Future Goals
Continue the Portuguese LoCoTeam's good work
- Continue with the organization of Ubuntu events in Portugal
- Continue to translate Ubuntu to PT-PT
- Continue to participate in the UWN
- Conduct another session in UOW (need to find a good theme, suggestions are appreciated)
- Do my part for the "200 million users" goal
Turn our LoCo team logo from grayscale to color
Tiago is an exceptional representative of the Ubuntu team in Portugal. He volunteered to distribute free 'Powered by Ubuntu Stickers" and Ubuntu Key stickers to the Ubuntu users in Portugal. Tiago took the time to write System76 and request the materials, as well as fulfill requests weekly. Tiago is strongly devoted to spreading Ubuntu and is an asset to the Ubuntu Portugal LoCo Team. We appreciate his help and contribution to the Ubuntu Community and would love to see Tiago Carrondo recognized with Ubuntu Membership." -- Emma Marshall on Behalf of System76, Inc.
O Tiago é um acérrimo defensor e divulgador do Ubuntu. Sempre pronto a prestar esclarecimentos e, muitas vezes, a ajudar na sua implementação, não só no seu trabalho, mas também na sua vida pessoal. A título de exemplo, posso dizer que os seus pais se iniciaram nas novas tecnologias com o sistema Ubuntu e não sabem trabalhar com nenhum outro. Eu própria estou, nesta altura, a dar os primeiros passos para que, num futuro próximo, possa trabalhar a tempo inteiro em Ubuntu. Desta forma, é uma mais–valia ter o Tiago na vossa equipa pelo empenho, entusiasmo, persistência, saber fazer e vontade contínua de aprender. -- Ana Galhanas
Tiago is a very enthusiastic and active member of the Portuguese LoCo team. His contribution as an Ubuntu advocate in Portugal has been important for the growth of the LoCo team: he has been involved in the organization of several events, gives introdutory talks about Ubuntu, helps with installations and other members questions, etc. Therefore, as a witness of his participation in the community, I strongly recommend Tiago as an Ubuntu member. -- Ana Figueiras
I worked with Tiago, from 2008 until 2012. Tiago is a formidable Ubuntu/Linux teacher. He is really an enthusiast of all Ubuntu software. What I saw Tiago do with Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server in the teaching level is what I would call a revolutionary teaching work in Portugal. I worked with several Linux/Ubuntu teachers and no one was at is level of knowledge or expertise. I recommend Tiago as a true Ubuntu expert and mostly as an Ubuntu evangelizer. -- Fernando Belo
Uma das coisas que me faz crer, é ver as comunidades de software livre portuguesas crescer. Tiago Carrondo, um formador e grande amigo meu, tem vindo a desenvolver um excelente trabalho na divulgação do mundo *buntu em Portugal. A minha visita ao Centro de Formação de Alcoitão fez-me acreditar que a perseverança dá frutos, e de boa qualidade. O Tiago não só conseguiu, junto com toda a equipa, que todos os seus formandos iniciassem os seus projectos de aprendizagem unicamente sob tecnologias livres e /ou abertas, como também conseguiu convencer o próprio centro a migrar a biblioteca e alguns postos de trabalho. Para além deste trabalho de evangelização, é um membro activo, tradutor e editor do projecto ubunto na comunidade Ubuntu Portugal. Não me posso esquecer da excelente ajuda que tem dado à Comunidade LibreOffice Portugal, não só com a contribuição de documentação como a dinamização da comunidade do G+. Tomara que existissem bem mais Tiago’s em Portugal. -- Adriano Afonso (Comunidade LibreOffice Portugal)
Tiago introduced me to Linux back in the University days. Since then I became an Ubuntu/opensource user and fan. When I have questions or need help to fix something he is always available. He as been an amazing Ubuntu spreader. In his website and social pages we can read the latest news and learn about tricks, tweaks and software to have a better Ubutnu experience. He he is also very active in the Portuguese Ubuntu Community. As an IT trainer and teacher I understand his great skills and commitment to spread Ubuntu and open source formats to our antiquated school system. The Portugese Ubuntu terminal should have an SOS manual: man Tiago. -- Pedro Martins
Conheci o Tiago recentemente e apercebi-me do grande envolvimento que tem tido na expansão do Ubuntu localmente. Creio que é merecida a sua candidatura a membro Ubuntu. Jaime Pereira
If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.