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About me

Positions and memberships

FOSS Contributions

  • Started using linux since 1994. Saw Linus Trovalds speach in 1995 about Linux OS. Registered Linux user since 1996, when I started with Slakware, to move later to Debian, and using Ubuntu since Hoary, but moved completely since Breezy.

    Contributed to various projects, advocating Linux and Ubuntu on many occasions. As a University teaching stuff, I have promoted the use of Linux and Ubuntu on several courses and laboratories. Member of FOSS of Finland and Romania LoCo team. Managing SW development for Mobile devices with Intel/Moblin/Ultra Mobile Group.

Work done in upstream

Work done in Ubuntu

Work done in Debian

  • contributed to libdc1394-22 packaging (Maintainer is Guus Sliepen)


  • Philosophy Doctor (PhD) Degree in Information Processing Science, Diploma title "Augmented reality based user interface for mobile applications and services" from University of Oulu, Finland


  • Improve SW for Mobile Terminals and Mobile Services in Linux
  • Mobile Internet Devices (specially Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded and their UI framework)

  • Programming (low and high-level)
  • Augmented and Mixed Reality support in Linux
  • Concurrent Engineering and Agile SW methods for FOSS projects
  • Computer Networks
  • Real-time Systems
  • Wearable Computers
  • Ubiquitous Devices and Applications


  • None shall pass!

Wiki pages contributions


PeterAntoniac (last edited 2010-09-30 09:16:19 by 192)