Revision 4 as of 2008-08-06 16:15:53

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This is the wiki page for the txJSON-RPC project. The goal of this code is to assist developers in creating python JSON-RPC servers using the Twisted Network Engine.


txJSON-RPC/TwistedWeb - an HTTP implementation based on twisted.web; currently supports Basic Authentication (based completely on Itamar's work; this work is not original, but a simple conversion of his)

txJSON-RPC/TwistedWeb2 - an HTTP implementation based on twisted.web2 (ditto on the parenthetical from above)

txJSON-RPC/TwistedNetstring - a TCP implementation based on Twisted Python's implementation of the Netstring protocol


Very easy installation:

sudo easy_install txJSON-RPC

Releases are here.

Source code is here.

Relase Notes

0.0.4 Changed name in accord with Twisted community projects recommendations

0.0.3 Includes support for Twisted JSON-RPC servers/clients over TCP

0.0.2 Includes support for twisted.web2 JSON-RPC servers over HTTP

0.0.1 Includes support for twisted.web JSON-RPC servers/clients over HTTP


jsonrpclib - a JSON partial analog to the python xmlrpclib


To see what's on the list for development, check out the following



twisted - http://twistedmatrix.com/trac

simplejson - http://undefined.org/python/#simplejson