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Revision 3 as of 2007-01-22 11:45:48
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Editor: xp-termvagt1
Revision 4 as of 2007-06-04 10:54:49
Size: 2016
Editor: fw
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= Approval Application for Danish LoCoTeam (ubuntu-dk) =
||<tablestyle="font-size: 0.85em; border: none; width: 100%; background-color: #f1f1ed; font-weight: bold;"> [:LoCoTeams:Home] || [:LoCoTeamList:Teams List] || [:LoCoTeamJoining:Join a Team] || [:LoCoTeamHowto:Start a LoCo Team!] || [:LoCoTeamMentoring:Team Mentoring] || [:LoCoFAQ:FAQ] || [:LoCoTeamContacts:Contacts] ||

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The first task of the new and hopefully official LoCoTeam will be attendance at the 2007 LinuxForum in Copenhagen. We do not have at total overview on the number of members, so the number below will reflect the number of members on the mailinglist.
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 * '''Date''' - (''January 22nd, 2006'')  * '''Date''' - (''June, 2007'')
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 * ''Participate in LinuxForum 2007'' - We have applied for a booth at the 2007 LinuxForum in Copenhagen.
 * ''Meeting Wednesday January 24th'' - We have an IRC-meeting scheduled this wednesday, where we are to discuss what we would like to do, both at the conference and in the future.
 * Turn into '''the''' portal for users seeking help in danish. Includes setting up a wiki.
 * Release party in October 2007.
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List here acivities that the group has already done. Again provide links to online discussions, reviews, blog entries etc:
 * Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/FeistyK%C3%B8benhavn FeistyCopenhagen]
 * ''Meeting Wednesday January 24th'' - We have an IRC-meeting scheduled this wednesday, where we are to discuss what we would like to do, both at the conference and in the future.
 * ''Participated in Linux Forum 2007'' Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/LF2007 LF2007]
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 * '''' - We were working on a site, especially directed at newbies in spring/summer 2006. We were pretty much done, when the process stalled due to server troubles. Because of work pressure on the participants it lay dormant for a while. When the nice folks at were doing something similar, we contributed as much as we could.
* ''IRC-channel'' - We have managed to get the IRC from 3-4 people at the time to about 12-16 people at the time in the course of half of a year. This is probably mostly coincidental, but we have tried to refer people to it in various sneaky ways as often as possible.
 * ''IRC-channel'' - We have managed to get the IRC from 3-4 people at the time to about 12-16 people at the time in the course of half of a year. Currently roughly 20 people in the channel at all times. This is probably mostly coincidental, but we have tried to refer people to it in various sneaky ways as often as possible.
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 * ''Translations'' - In cooperation with the people at, we have managed to get a relatively active forum going at This has been done in the same ways as the IRC-channel.

The Danish LoCoTeam has for a long time been some people at a mailinglist, with various small projects popping up between few of the members. We now feel that we have gathered enough momentum to make the plunge to become a 'real' LoCoTeam.

Key Details


  • Turn into the portal for users seeking help in danish. Includes setting up a wiki.

  • Release party in October 2007.


  • Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/FeistyK%C3%B8benhavn FeistyCopenhagen]

  • Meeting Wednesday January 24th - We have an IRC-meeting scheduled this wednesday, where we are to discuss what we would like to do, both at the conference and in the future.

  • Participated in Linux Forum 2007 Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/LF2007 LF2007]

  • Translations - Many from the LoCoTeam participate in the translation of various FLOSS projects, mainly in cooperation with dansk-gruppen, a national FLOSS-translation-team. Ubuntu specific documents and other translation has been discussed and encouraged on the mailinglist.

  • IRC-channel - We have managed to get the IRC from 3-4 people at the time to about 12-16 people at the time in the course of half of a year. Currently roughly 20 people in the channel at all times. This is probably mostly coincidental, but we have tried to refer people to it in various sneaky ways as often as possible.

  • Forums - In cooperation with the people at, we have managed to get a relatively active forum going at This has been done in the same ways as the IRC-channel.

ubuntu-dk/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2011-06-24 08:52:31 by 85)