
Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2007-06-04 13:06:30
Size: 2026
Editor: 1804ds1-by
Revision 7 as of 2007-06-22 10:09:50
Size: 2013
Editor: 1804ds1-by
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 * Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/FeistyK%C3%B8benhavn HvorforVirkerDetteLinkIkke?!?]  * Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page:

The Danish LoCoTeam has for a long time been some people at a mailinglist, with various small projects popping up between few of the members. We now feel that we have gathered enough momentum to make the plunge to become a 'real' LoCoTeam.

Key Details


  • Turn into the portal for users seeking help in danish. Includes setting up a wiki (and maybe a planet and a map).

  • Release party in October 2007.
  • CD handouts


  • Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page:

  • Monthly IRC meetings

  • Participated in Linux Forum 2007 Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/LF2007 LF2007] Blog entry from participating ubuntu-dk member:

  • Translations - Many from the LoCoTeam participate in the translation of various FLOSS projects, mainly in cooperation with dansk-gruppen, a national FLOSS-translation-team. Ubuntu specific documents and other translation has been discussed and encouraged on the mailinglist.

  • IRC-channel - We have managed to get the IRC from 3-4 people at the time to about 12-16 people (January 2007) at the time in the course of half of a year. Currently (June 2007) roughly 20 people in the channel at all times. This is probably mostly coincidental, but we have tried to refer people to it in various sneaky ways as often as possible.

  • Forums - In cooperation with the people at, we have managed to get a relatively active forum going at This has been done in the same ways as the IRC-channel.

ubuntu-dk/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2011-06-24 08:52:31 by 85)