The Danish LoCoTeam has for a long time been some people at a mailinglist, with various small projects popping up between few of the members. We now feel that we have gathered enough momentum to make the plunge to become a 'real' LoCoTeam.
Key Details
Date - (June, 2007)
Team Contact - Niels Kjøller Hansen <>
Membership - 104 on mailing-list, roughly 15-20 at meetings.
Mailing List - ubuntu-dk on
IRC - #ubuntu-dk on Freenode
Wiki - DanishTeam
Turn into the portal for users seeking help in danish. Includes setting up a wiki (and maybe a planet and a map).
- The mother of all release-parties for Hardy in April
- CD handouts
- Making a style-guide for support
Booth at Open Source Days 2008 (LinuxForum)
Gutsy Release party in Copenhagen. Blog entry:
Feisty Release party in Copenhagen. Wiki planing page:
Monthly IRC meetings
Participated in Linux Forum 2007 Wiki planing page: [wiki:DanishTeam/Arrangementer/LF2007 LF2007] Blog entry from participating ubuntu-dk member:
Translations - Many from the LoCoTeam participate in the translation of various FLOSS projects, mainly in cooperation with dansk-gruppen, a national FLOSS-translation-team. Ubuntu specific documents and other translation has been discussed and encouraged on the mailinglist.
IRC-channel - We have managed to get the IRC from 3-4 people at the time to about 22-30 people (October 2007) at the time in the course of a year. This is probably mostly coincidental, but we have tried to refer people to it in various sneaky ways as often as possible.
Forums - In cooperation with the people at, we have managed to get a pretty active forum going at This has been done in the same ways as the IRC-channel.