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Augustine Souza Ubuntu Forums Profile


About Me

I got a Ph.D. from an obscure university in India and then worked as a research scientist in the field of tropical infectious disease where I got my first real exposure to computers and the internet mostly doing homology searches of databases to find out about stuff I sequenced.

Currently, I'm the secretary of a 183-member housing society where I live (Vasai, just north of Mumbai, India) and that keeps me on edge most days! To make things more efficient and transparent, I've computerised much of the data associated with running the society. For this, I rely on Ubuntu, the Openbox session of Lubuntu actually, and LibreOffice.

Hobbies and Interests

Listening to soothing music, doing moderately difficult crosswords, learning more command-line tricks.


Ubuntu Forums have been invaluable to me in my learning process: I've been seeking help and getting it since around August 2010. Whenever I can, I give back to the community by helping others, sometimes by answering their questions, sometimes by pointing them to suitable resources, and sometimes by asking them to provide clarifications that may make it easier for others to help them.

The areas in which I feel I've been able to contribute relate mostly to Firefox, Lubuntu, LibreOffice, and gtk theme issues.

I've also been active in reporting what I regarded as problematic posts and spam. I'm a moderator at Ubuntu Forums since April 19, 2016 and will continue to help in things running smoothly to the best of my ability.

Other than participating in the Ubuntu Forums, I wrote up most of the Launching Windows Maximized or Fullscreen and of the Reposition and Resize Windows Without Using a Mouse sections in the Lubuntu wiki.

Future Goals

To be a better person.


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vasa1 (last edited 2016-06-17 17:14:44 by slickymaster)