
Revision 45 as of 2019-03-15 16:18:15

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About Me

My name is Jacob Vlijm.

I am an Ubuntu user since Natty. Being a musician for my day-job, I am also programming on a daily base, mostly in the context of being a member of the Ubuntu Budgie Team. I have signed the code of conduct (https://launchpad.net/~vlijm/+codesofconduct).

Contact Information


  • Active user on Ask Ubuntu (https://askubuntu.com/users/72216/jacob-vlijm)(64,900 rep) and ask Ubuntu Meta.

  • Member of the Ubuntu Budgie core team, Ubuntu Budgie developers and Ubuntu Budgie bug busters (https://ubuntubudgie.org). As such, I wrote a.o. 17 applets, a window shuffler for window tiling and other additional desktop enhancements.

  • Active in translating on several projects.
  • Previously to my Ubuntu Budgie team membership, I contributed a dozen indicators for Unity, mainly hosted on Launchpad, and a number of other applications. In many cases, these indicators were initiated or inspired by questions on Ask Ubuntu.

Future Goals

  • My main goal is to contribute to the growing quality and maturity of Ubuntu Budgie and to contribute to elegant and creative desktop solutions on the Ubuntu desktop in general.
  • Become comfortable with an expanding set of languages (currently mostly writing in Vala & python).


Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".

If you are not already an Ubuntu member please use the following google+ document and your testimonial will be copy-pasted into this section.*

- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cZMdiSWZRYba_CrqwyLZCVZ5rijI6YH5KqCbXexs-SM/edit?usp=sharing

Ubuntu Jacob is an active member of the Ubuntu Budgie team and is valued throughout the UB community through his contributions to our distro for the last couple of years.

Jacob has shaped UB via his work on developing budgie applets. He interacts with the community both on Ask Ubuntu and our discourse forum in a friendly and professional manner.

I first met Jacob through his active participation on Ask Ubuntu. He's a keen Ubuntu user - always willing to help out & share his knowledge - a significant credit to the wider Ubuntu family. Jacob has brought that enthusiasm to UB and is the primary driver for its success. I highly recommend him for Ubuntu membership. Jacob - why have you waited so long to apply?! -- -- fossfreedom 2019-03-15 10:56:45