
Revision 4 as of 2009-12-09 09:34:31

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Basic Acceptance Test

These are the steps to perform on a fresh machine to ensure a new version of wxBanker works correctly.

  1. Ensure wxBanker is NOT installed.
  2. Install the package.
  3. Ensure wxBanker appears in Applications -> Office.

  4. Launch it, ensure you are welcomed. Close it.
  5. Launch again, make sure you are not welcomed.
  6. sudo apt-get install language-pack-fr-base language-pack-ru-base
  7. Run the tests: python -c "from wxbanker.tests import alltests; alltests.main()"
  8. Add an account.
  9. Enter a $1 transaction with no description.
  10. Add another account.
  11. Enter a 0.50 transfer from A to B.
  12. Create a recurring transaction for today for 0.25, transfer from A.
  13. Make sure the pop-up appears. Click it, make sure the transactions are entered.
  14. Click the summary tab, make sure it loads correctly.
  15. Click the Help -> About. Make sure it displays the correct version.

  16. Click License, make sure it displays the GPL. Close the About dialog.
  17. Click Help -> View FAQs, make sure it opens in a browser.

  18. Change the currency via Settings -> Currency to JPY, make sure everything changes.

  19. Import a CSV fixture from /usr/share/wxbanker/fixtures/*.csv, make sure it works.
  20. LC_ALL=ru_RU.utf8 wxbanker => make sure the app is localized in currency AND language.