
* ttx prepares a long stick16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is rickspencer3.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
rickspencer3[LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/Agenda16:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/Agenda16:00
rickspencer3hi cjwatson16:00
rickspencer3so looking at the burndowns16:01
rickspencer3guess I should do ..16:01
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/FeatureStatus16:01
rickspencer3looks like Ubuntu folks are pretty much on track16:01
rickspencer3ignoring the "All" chart, looks like nothing has changed much wrt trend line16:02
rickspencer3I guess we are at Freeze for A2 starting yesterday16:02
cjwatsonit's a bit later for alphas16:03
rickspencer3only bug fixes from here out16:03
cjwatsonI expect we'll freeze end of Monday / start of Tuesday or so16:03
rickspencer3yeah, I was going to say, I hear this is a bit more of a target than a limit16:03
rickspencer3to use cjwatson vernacular16:03
cjwatsonwell, we only usually have a full-week freeze for the important milestones16:03
Riddellwho's the alpha 2 release manager?16:03
cjwatsonI think my phrase was the other way round :-)16:03
rickspencer3cjwatson, right, for important milstones, Freezes are limits, not targets16:04
cjwatsonrickspencer3: ah :)16:04
rickspencer3Riddell, good question16:04
rickspencer3as robbiew is on vacation next week16:04
cjwatsonI was expecting to be landed with the bulk of CD-building work and such16:04
rickspencer3cjwatson, are  you release manager?16:04
rickspencer3for A2, I mean?16:04
cjwatsoncall me release engineer perhaps. :)16:04
rickspencer3cjwatson, if there are related tasks and such that someone else could handle to lighten your load, let me know16:05
rickspencer3we can find someone, but probably work on that outside the meeting16:05
rickspencer3so, I guess we rock the agenda now16:06
rickspencer3[TOPIC] QA16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  QA16:06
araOK, it is the first time for me as well, so I guess I'll just follow the agenda16:07
araResults for HW testing:16:07
ara    passed:   49 (78%)    failed:    0 ( 0%)    untested: 14 (22%)16:07
ara    passed:   45 (70%)    failed:    0 ( 0%)    untested: 19 (30%)16:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:07
araThe HW cert team have gotten most of the laptops tested now, as cyphermox solved the environmental issue that was preventing them from being tested.16:08
* ara hugs cyphermox 16:08
araThere are still a number of systems that were not tested this week; This will be a top priority for fader to get fixed next week when he's back from Taipei.16:08
rickspencer3ara, are the untested numbers expected to be 0% next week?16:09
arayes, fader will work on it16:09
* ara hugs fader as well, the hw cert team rocks!16:09
arahe couldn't work on those from Taipei16:09
rickspencer3ara, the QA work items are well below the trend line16:10
rickspencer3so, looks like everything is going to adjusted plan on that regard16:10
arayes, numbers look like it16:10
araqa-maverick-iso-testcases-review - 100% complete16:10
araqa-maverick-mentoring-program - 100% complete16:10
araqa-maverick-improve-iso-tracker - 100% of targeted alpha-2 workitems finished16:10
araserver-maverick-uec-testing - 73% of targetef to alpha-2 workitems finished16:10
rickspencer3is euc testing blocked, or just not finished yet?16:11
ttx73% ? was 60% 10 min ago :)16:11
rickspencer3heh, suggests "just not finished yet"16:11
ttxJust not finished yet, i'll come back in my part16:11
rickspencer3ara, anything to add16:11
rickspencer3any questions for ara?16:11
aranot from side, at least you have any questions16:12
rickspencer3moving on16:12
MootBotNew Topic: security16:12
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:12
rickspencer3fire away16:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:12
jdstrandmdeslaur is continuing to make progress on security-m-tls-renegotiation-updates, our last remaining essential blueprint.16:12
jdstrandkees got his patches into the Ubuntu kernel for security-m-kernel-hardening a while ago, and is continuing to work on getting his changes accepted upstream. Based on upstream feedback, he has written a new LSM, 'Yama' and submitted it upstream. The ultimate goal is to get Yama upstream and working with AppArmor (and other LSMs).16:13
jdstrand(and get that all in Ubuntu to reduce the delta)16:13
jdstrandI've been working primarily with chriscoulson and the mozillateam on the firefox 3.6 transition. It was discovered that the openjdk-6 plugin does not work with Jaunty or Karmic, which has set back publication for those releases. Because firefox 3.6 requires NPAPI, the current plan is to test openjdk-6 from lucid-proposed on Jaunty and Karmic. Once packages are built in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA, TCK tests will be run on them. Assuming 16:13
jdstrandAs such, I've decided to publish the update for Hardy and Lucid early next week (hopefully Monday). People interested in following the status of the security publication can read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade/SecurityPublication.16:14
rickspencer3who specifically is running the TCK tests?16:14
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade/SecurityPublication16:14
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade/SecurityPublication16:14
jdstrandsbeattie will be performing the TCK testing on openjdk-6 for Jaunty and Karmic. He is working with doko on this, and utilizing the prior work he did while on the QA team.16:14
jdstrandsbeattie is also16:15
jdstrandcoordinating the work for the new 2.5.1 stable release of AppArmor (userspace), which should identify areas of opportunity for SRU in lucid.16:15
jdstrandOn a personal note, I'd like to point out how great it has been working with chriscoulson and micahg. They've been doing a thorough job on the transition and have been willing and able to fix any issues that come up.16:15
jdstrandWe have no milestoned bugs, and we followed up on our release-targeted bugs and are either waiting on feedback from reporters/upstream or time to fix them.16:15
rickspencer3sounds solid16:16
rickspencer3anything to add? any questions?16:16
jdstrand(that's it from me)16:16
rickspencer3thanks jdstrand16:16
rickspencer3moving on16:16
jdstrandsure! :)16:16
MootBotNew Topic: Kernel16:16
ogasawaraOverall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the item(s) called out in the agenda.  Our burndown chart for Alpha2 is at the third URL, and our overall burndown chart is at the fourth:16:17
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:17
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone maverick-alpha-216:17
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team-maverick-alpha-2.html16:17
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:17
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:17
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone maverick-alpha-216:17
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team-maverick-alpha-2.html16:17
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:17
ogasawaraOn the item noted in the agenda, the status is as follows:16:17
ogasawara* Bug 58886116:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58886116:17
ogasawaraTim is currently assigned to this bug and working with ccheney to build and test bisected kernels.  I believe they may have isolated the offending commit just this morning.  It's not completely understood why the patch is causing the regression as it seems to just implement more rigorous error checking.  Tim is going to contact the patch authors for further discussions.  This appears to be too late to be resolved in the16:17
ogasawarakernel by Alpha2.  We're in discussion with the server team for alternative Alpha2 solutions.  ttx will bring this up under the Server Team's status during the meeting.16:17
ogasawaraAs a general status, assuming no kitten killers come our way, we uploaded our final Alpha2 kernel yesterday:16:17
ogasawara[LINK] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.35-6.716:17
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.35-6.716:17
ogasawaraThis most notably contains a sync with the latest Apparmor patches, upstream evdev buffer patches, and upstream magicmouse scrolling improvements. We are also below our burdown chart overall as well as below our Alpha2 burdown chart with 89% work items complete.  The remaining Alpha2 work items are not release critical.16:18
rickspencer3thanks ogasawara16:18
rickspencer3moving on16:18
MootBotNew Topic: Foundations16:19
cjwatson[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:19
cjwatsonWe are below our trend line at last, although much of this has been by means of postponements so the next alpha will be interesting.16:19
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:19
cjwatson * UbuntuSpec:arm-m-tool-chain-selection (0%): Test rebuild still likely to happen for alpha-2, although decision will probably be later.16:19
cjwatson * UbuntuSpec:desktop-maverick-language-selector-code-changes (100%): Our side of this is done.16:19
cjwatson* UbuntuSpec:foundations-maverick-btrfs-support (100%): Complete for alpha-2.  First pass at technical work on grub2 for alpha-3 has been completed, but may stall on licensing issues beyond our control; we've tried to initiate discussion on this.16:19
cjwatson* UbuntuSpec:foundations-maverick-buy-something (25%): Work items no longer reflecting reality due to server-side changes.  Michael will get these updated today.16:19
cjwatson * UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-uefi-support (83%): Essentially complete for alpha-2.  Ran into a few problems at the UEFI Plugfest which should now be fixed.  Open work item for kernel team to investigate status of Intel graphics drivers on EFI.  Deferred investigation of multi-catalog images; this has been started but will probably not be completed in time for alpha-2.16:19
cjwatson * UbuntuSpec:server-maverick-uec-liveusb (100%): Merged live-uec seed.  We have a work item for alpha-3 to start building CD images of this.16:19
cjwatsonWe've got a jump on a few of our alpha-3 specs as well.  See our release status page for details.16:19
cjwatsonNo major bugs, but:16:19
cjwatson * Bug:588677 - slideshow show 10.04 LTS in maverick alpha1: had been waiting for a complete slideshow drop, but it might be worth fixing this before that if only to cut down on duplicates from ISO testing16:19
cjwatson * Bug:596136 - package binutils-multiarch 2.20.1-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: this has been reassigned to hardening-wrapper, so can it have the security team's attention?16:19
cjwatson * Bug:588633 - textual splash says 10.04 for maverick16:20
cjwatsonMy main concern for alpha-2 at the moment is that the archive is in a somewhat wonky state regarding installability and such (e.g. we haven't had working alternate or server CD builds for a few days), and we'll need to pay special attention to that over the next few days.16:20
cjwatson(PS the most immediate cause of alternate/server build breakage is fixed, but we'll see what's next)16:20
rickspencer3ara ...16:21
rickspencer3  * Bug:596136 - package binutils-multiarch 2.20.1-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: this has been reassigned to hardening-wrapper, so can it have the security team's attention?16:21
jdstrandcjwatson: re hardening-wrapper, I'll point kees at it16:21
cjwatsonjdstrand: thanks16:21
rickspencer3sorry ara, wrong person16:21
rickspencer3thanks jdstrand16:21
rickspencer3thanks cjwatson16:22
rickspencer3cjwatson, in terms of A3 ...16:22
rickspencer3(and this is relevant for everyone)16:22
rickspencer3please use the # of WI that were done in A2 as an initial target for A316:22
rickspencer3I'd rather if we commit to the targeted items in A3, and we have more capacity, we just do more work items16:23
rickspencer3this will help us be a bit more predictable, but shouldn't make us less productive16:23
cjwatsonthat's fair, I'll talk about it with Robbie when he gets back16:23
rickspencer3thanks cjwatson16:23
cjwatsonalthough I do hope that we'll be able to be significantly more productive for a316:23
cjwatsonparticularly with e.g. the platform sprint in theree16:23
rickspencer3cjwatson, ack16:24
rickspencer3also, I wouldn't say Foundations was not productive16:24
cjwatsonI generally feel we've been under where we should be16:24
cjwatsonobviously other factors etc.16:24
rickspencer3well, work items is only one of the things the team works on16:24
ttxrickspencer3: the work-item-tracker could seed the trends line to the previous iteration completed wi number16:24
rickspencer3so I don't think I would say the team was not productive16:24
rickspencer3ttx sure, good idea16:24
ttxthat wouldn't be worse than the current "whatever is the number at the start of cycle" current situation16:25
rickspencer3let's move on, though16:25
rickspencer3thanks again cjwatson16:25
MootBotNew Topic: Server16:26
ttxUpdated status is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MaverickReleaseStatus16:26
ttxOur good-looking burndown chart can be visited at: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html16:26
ttxAlpha2-milestoned bugs:16:26
ttxBug 588861 (davewalker/rtg) -- will come back to this one in just a few16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58886116:26
ttxBug 595421 (davewalker) -- Fixed, pending upload16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595421 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59542116:26
ttxBug 588410 (davewalker) -- Fixed, pending upload16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588410 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "dynamic block storage should use virtio" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58841016:26
ttxBug 594372 (ccheney/mterry) -- Pending MIR team review16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594372 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "MIR: tgt" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59437216:26
ttxBug 574554 (ccheney/zul) -- Needs a review from Foundations' upstart review team16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574554 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "tgtd needs init script or upstart job" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57455416:26
ttx(hint hint)16:27
ttxOn the specs side...16:27
ttxAlpha2-milestoned specs status16:27
ttxserver-maverick-new-stacks (60%): One potential package to upload to universe, will be done by next week16:27
ttxserver-maverick-sru-process (67%): On track, setup of new process will be finalized early next week16:27
ttxserver-maverick-cloud-datastores (86%): Only one communication/documentation work item left16:27
ttxserver-maverick-cloud-init (93%): Only one communication/documentation work item left16:27
rickspencer3ttx, is bug #574554 blocking A2?16:27
ttxno, it was a target, but can be postponed16:28
ttxits part of the MIR16:28
ttxSpecs with remaining work items affected by Alpha2 freeze:16:28
ttxserver-maverick-uec-eucalyptus-next (80%): Needs to land a eucalyptus package fixing the already-mentioned alpha2-critical issues16:28
ttxOther Critical/High Specs < 85% completion:16:28
ttxserver-maverick-hypervisor (82%): Only triage tasks left16:28
ttxserver-maverick-hadoop-pig (67%): Remaining tasks will be completed at Hadoop Summit next week16:28
ttxserver-maverick-uec-testing (60%): Work in progress, still on track for Alpha2 milestone release16:28
ttxOther Medium/Low Specs < 70% completion:16:29
ttxserver-maverick-uds-web20-workloads (67%): Two packages to upload to universe16:29
ttxserver-maverick-cloud-kernel-upgrades (57%): Tech investigation tasks, will be completed by next week16:29
ttxserver-maverick-uds-seed-review (50%): package set contents review, should be completed by next week16:29
ttxserver-maverick-uds-cloud-loadbalancing (50%): Tech investigation task left, will be completed by next week16:29
ttxSo it's all looking good, we don't expect spillover to A316:29
ttxQuestions on that, before I switch to bug 588861 ?16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58886116:29
ttxok, moving on...16:30
ttxSo I wanted to talk about bug 588861 as there is a decision for the release team to take for Alpha2 on that16:30
ttxThis bug is a java file decryption error in Eucalyptus, only when run on a recent (2.6.33+) kernel16:30
ttxThe net effect being it prevents to register any image in Eucalyptus, so you just can't use it.16:30
ttxtgardner and ccheney bisected the regression up to a precise commit early in
rickspencer3that sounds like a blocker16:31
ttxWe don't understand yet why it's causing that decryption error in Javaland.16:31
ttxThe options for A2 are:16:31
ttx(1) ship with a kernel which reverts that commit (but we are late for that, as ogasawara mentioned)16:31
ttx(2) ship Ubuntu Server Maverick Alpha2 with a Lucid kernel (is that even possible ?)16:31
cjwatson(2) is not possible16:31
ttx(3) releasenote, for UEC installs, the process to revert to a Lucid kernel to workaround the issue16:31
ttxcjwatson: right16:31
ttx(4) .... anything else ?16:32
cjwatson(well, not without changing a vast amount of stuff)16:32
* ogasawara would vote for #316:32
rickspencer3cjwatson, could folks who want to test uec install the lucid kernel themselves, in a manual way? as work around?16:32
rickspencer3that's option #316:32
rickspencer3nm, even16:32
* rickspencer3 votes for option #3 too16:32
Davieyttx: Could we not have a PPA of the kernel with the commit redacted, for A2?16:32
ttxif we can come up with a simple way of doing #3, maybe that's the best option16:32
DavieyThen that is *closer* to Maverick A2 vanilla16:33
tgardnerDaviey, we could16:33
ttxDaviey: yes, that could be how we present the #3 option16:33
rickspencer3well, presumably, if the bug is not fixed in A2, it will be fixed quite soon16:33
rickspencer3so it seems the effort of creating the PPA may be better channeled to working on the bug16:33
tgardnerrickspencer3, I've got the full court press going on it16:33
rickspencer3so perhaps you install A2, apt-get dist-upgrade, and you're good to go?16:34
rickspencer3tgardner ^ what are the chances of that?16:34
jdstrandif 3 is not done right/relatively easily, then you will lose testers16:34
tgardnerpretty good.16:34
rickspencer3jdstrand, but if #3 is "dist-upgrade" what could be easier?16:35
rickspencer3ttx, how many testers do you expect to have who will be blocked by this bug?16:35
jdstrandsure. that is as easy as it gets :) (I typed that before I saw that option :)16:35
ttxrickspencer3: I'd like to keep a workaround in the milestone, so that the UEC actually gets tested at milestone16:35
ttxbut if PPA is costly...16:36
rickspencer3ttx, but if there is a new kernel with the bug fix in place by next Thursday, then your testers are in fine shape, right?16:36
ttxI prefer to releasenote "this is how you get past the bug" rather than "we'll probably be fixing it soon". But if soon < release16:36
ttxrickspencer3: yes16:36
rickspencer3ttx, ack16:36
tgardnerttx, the PPA thing will take ogasawara10 minutes to prep and upload16:37
ttxtgardner: so we can make a call on the releasenote text at the last minute, ack16:37
DavieyI believe it was only one person that had issues with the bug during A1... and that same person found the work around, so i'm not sure it's a *big* concern going from iso to $whatever to get testing in A2.16:37
rickspencer3so we can defer this decision to next Wednesday?16:37
rickspencer3depending on what are the fact at the time?16:37
rickspencer3I'll take that as a "yes"16:37
cjwatsonrickspencer3: certainly one can downgrade, although it would be fiddly16:38
rickspencer3cjwatson, ack16:38
ttx+1 from me16:38
rickspencer3I think it's best to keep resources focused on fixing bugs in the kernel16:38
ogasawaraworks for me16:38
ttxthanks everyone, I'm done16:38
rickspencer3if on Wednesday, it's not fixed, then can ogasawara prepare the PPA and then ttx can release note that?16:38
rickspencer3I think there is a bot macro for this?16:39
ogasawararickspencer3: sounds good16:39
ttxotherwise I'll releasenote: "dist-upgrade before registering your first image"16:39
ttxI'll write that down in the bug16:39
rickspencer3[AGREED]if on Wednesday bug #588861 is not fixed in kernel, then can ogasawara prepare the PPA and then ttx can release note the PPA, otherwise ttx to release note to dist-upgrade16:40
MootBotAGREED received: if on Wednesday bug #588861 is not fixed in kernel, then can ogasawara prepare the PPA and then ttx can release note the PPA, otherwise ttx to release note to dist-upgrade16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58886116:40
* rickspencer3 rocks the irc bot16:40
rickspencer3moving on16:40
ttxrickspencer3: beware, you're starting to enjoy it16:40
MootBotNew Topic: Desktop16:40
seb128[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:40
seb128[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-maverick-alpha-2.html16:40
seb128 16:40
seb128We are on track for alpha2, got most of our workitems done and postponed a few to the next iteration16:40
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:40
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-maverick-alpha-2.html16:40
seb128* specs completed: desktop-maverick-xorg-in-mm dx-m-unity-une-integration vfat-noexec16:40
seb128* specs still requiring work on the a2 list: desktop-maverick-easy-wayland-testing desktop-maverick-video-bugs-in-the-kms-world16:40
seb128* the previous specs are ppa testing and bug triage work so not blocking alpha2 in any way and we can postpone some items if required16:40
seb128maverick bugs:16:41
seb128* bug:594214: "Preferences" and "Setup new device..." options are broken in bluetooth-applet": not investigated yet not a blocker issue either16:41
seb128lucid sru bugs:16:41
seb128* bug:525807 [upstream] [3.2.1] OOo Slide Show and Fullscreen modes - not full screen under compiz: should be worked next week16:41
seb128* bug:578281 Add search plugin for Baidu: not worked yet, our firefox maintainer has been busy with security updates16:41
seb128 16:41
seb128question: when is the upload line for updates that will go to lucid .1?16:41
seb128 16:41
rickspencer3seb128, I promised that we would get bug #578281 into 10.04.1!16:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 578281 in ubufox (Ubuntu Maverick) "Add search plugin for Baidu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57828116:41
seb128(that's it from me, questions next, then Riddell for Kubuntu)16:41
seb128rickspencer3, give me an extra webbrowser maintainer and I will get it fixed for .1! ;-)16:42
seb128rickspencer3, joke aside, see the question for the upload target for .116:42
rickspencer3I would have to defer to cjwatson16:42
rickspencer3can we take this offline?16:42
seb128new firefox is available so the security work will be over in the next days16:42
seb128I think chrisccoulson will be able to work on this issue on time for lucid .116:42
rickspencer3let's figure it out next week, I don't this it's A2 specific16:42
Riddellit's an interesting question to all though, should probably be announced on ubuntu-devel-announce16:43
rickspencer3[ACTION]rickspencer3 to get someone to announce 10.04.1 timelines16:43
MootBotACTION received: rickspencer3 to get someone to announce 10.04.1 timelines16:43
rickspencer3Riddell, is that what you were looking for?16:43
ografreezes rather i guess :)16:43
rickspencer3ogra, ack16:43
rickspencer3Riddell, Kubuntu?16:43
Riddell * I promoted a load of packages to main so koffice, rekonq, kdevelop, kdeedu and kdenetwork are now in main fully featured, MIRs still needing done16:44
Riddell * plasma-netbook and plasma-desktop are now on the same CD, chosen at load based on screen size, so kubuntu netbook images should be going away soon and kubuntu normal images will want arm builds16:44
Riddell * images are oversized as a result of above, but there's bits we can get rid of16:44
Riddell * arm builds going "slowly, and painfully" or "All good except bindings and edu" depending on your point of view16:44
Riddell * Kubuntu Ninjas are putting their moves on KDE SC 4.5 release candidate tars which are due for release by upstream later today16:44
ograRiddell, with arm do you refer to images or to packages ?16:44
Riddellogra: arm builds refers to packages16:45
ograNCommander will take massive care of the KDE stuff after A216:45
Riddellhe's a star16:45
Riddellactually he'll be with me at Akademy after alpha 216:45
ograwe're currently all focused on getting our A2 images working, after that there is manpower available for the rest of the world :)16:45
ograbut he can work remotely :)16:46
rickspencer3Riddell, all done?16:46
cjwatsonupload line: good question, to be honest I am not up to date on the .1 schedule16:46
rickspencer3move on?16:46
ograi know he is already looking into it with half an eye16:46
cjwatsonit should be pretty soon16:46
Riddellrickspencer3: move on16:46
MootBotNew Topic: [TOPIC}Dx16:47
cjwatsonupload line> I think it should probably be this time next week16:47
davidbarthhttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-dx-team-maverick-alpha-2.html (not up to date though, i just moved the last w.i. this afternoon)16:47
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-dx-team-maverick-alpha-2.html (not up to date though, i just moved the last w.i. this afternoon)16:47
davidbarthnew this week, we're also putting some fancy release notes for a2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/MaverickAlpha2ReleaseNotes16:48
davidbarthnow back to the serious stuff16:48
davidbarth * [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-app-menubar|dx-m-app-menubar]]16:48
davidbarth  * delivered release for a2, including GTK & QT menus support, app. switching, transient windows, shortcuts and dynamic menu items support; lots of those came together in the last 4 days16:48
davidbarth  * bug reports piling up though, we're going through that to 1. clean old reports, 2. identify remaining critical issues16:48
davidbarth  * landed in universe16:48
davidbarth  * agreement to turn the feature on by default on UNE, only if we demonstrate that most reported bugs are fixed by Monday16:48
davidbarth  * see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationMenu for how you can help16:48
davidbarth * [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-gtk-enhancements|dx-m-gtk-enhancements]]16:48
davidbarth  * csd out for  maverick16:48
davidbarth  * argb out for a2; will be retested for a316:48
davidbarth * [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-sound-menu-v2|dx-m-sound-menu-v2]]16:48
davidbarth  * new release for a2; delivers the app registration and remote control features that were planned16:48
davidbarth  * RB, VLC & Amarok enabled to support the latest menu features16:48
davidbarth  * generally on track for Maverick16:49
davidbarththat's the desktop part16:49
seb128"only if we demonstrate that most reported bugs are fixed by Monday" is a "bugs are triaged" rather16:49
seb128or "somebody is showing interest for those"16:49
davidbartha human readable summary would say: menubar on the edge, sound is all good, and csd is out16:49
davidbarthseb128: right16:49
davidbarthnow on for the unity part, unity rocks ;)16:50
davidbarth * [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-unity-une-integration|dx-m-unity-une-integration]]16:50
davidbarth  * New weekly release (now on time), featuring the new files and apps place16:50
davidbarth  * Lucid PPA also available at: http://launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/+archive/une16:50
davidbarthand sadly, the connman menu is still behind:16:50
davidbarth * [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-indicator-network|dx-m-indicator-network]]16:50
davidbarth  * Prototype Settings UI + some minor changes to the panel indicator released16:50
davidbarth  * Weekly batch of backend bugfixes submitted to connman/ofono16:50
davidbarth  * *Not* on track for A2 for the UI part, not on track for data gathering / testing; not on track for packaging / integration in Maverick16:50
davidbarthfor unity: the new places and search feature are on track; the launcher refresh too; the network menu is not16:51
davidbarthon the network menu, we're continuing our efforts nonetheless, knowing we have a good fallback plan16:51
rickspencer3thanks davidbarth16:52
rickspencer3moving on16:52
MootBotNew Topic: RM16:52
MootBotNew Topic: ARM16:52
ograthats me !16:52
* ogra waves16:53
ograDetailed status at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARMTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:53
ograShort Summary:16:53
ogra- omap kernel and preinstalled image enablement: omap4 kernel package available, omap3 kernel 594382 was fixed but 597904 broke display output now.16:53
ogra- ongoing work on main ftbfs: gobject-introspection was fixed16:53
ogra - KDE/Kubuntu stack still broken due to kdebindings, work ongoing16:53
ogra- work towards A2 for preinstalled omap (oem like) netbook images16:53
ogra- MIR for jasper-initramfs (595947) is a **critical blocker** grinding us to a full halt wrt image builds16:53
ograA2 status:16:53
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-maverick-alpha-2.html16:53
ograA2 targeted specs:16:53
ograstill only https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/preinstalled-sd-card-images-for-omap16:53
ograBlocking bugs:16:53
ograbug 59594716:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595947 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "MIR for jasper-initramfs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59594716:53
ograbug 58962416:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589624 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] omap flavour does not work on beagle XM board" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58962416:53
ograbug 59438216:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594382 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Wake up daisy chain activation failed on omap3" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59438216:53
ogra- ARM team would like to propose to rethink the way of MIR handling and to have a discussion about this at the sprint, currently the backlog grows constantly while the MIR team shrinks.16:53
rickspencer3ogra, I think the MIR situation is under discussion, on a @u-devel thread, is it not?16:54
asacdidnt send the mail yet16:54
ograoh, i missed that if it is16:54
asacbut ogra knows that we are working on that :)16:54
ograi just promised the team to bring it up here :)16:54
seb128there was an email about it?16:54
rickspencer3in other words, this is a BIG topic, and I think we probably don't want to try to resolve in the 6 minutes left for this meeting ;)16:54
rickspencer3ogra, we hear you though16:55
ograrickspencer3, "rethink the way of MIR handling and to have a discussion about this at the sprint"16:55
asacogra: your team suffered the least so far i tell you :)16:55
ograi didnt talk about this meeting ;)16:55
rickspencer3ogra, ack16:55
ograasac, well, we wont make A2 due to it16:55
rickspencer3I was really just trying to head of discussion ;)16:55
asacogra: lets talk offline. there is _no_ reason to not make A2 because of that16:55
rickspencer3[ACTION]asac to seed MRI disussion on @u-devel, all to discuss at sprint16:56
MootBotACTION received: asac to seed MRI disussion on @u-devel, all to discuss at sprint16:56
rickspencer3ogra, awesome, seems ARM is quite on track16:56
rickspencer3ready to move on?16:56
ograany non MIR questions ?16:56
ograif not, i'm done :)16:56
asacogra: do you have capacity to do the une-launcher spec?16:56
rickspencer3moving on16:56
ograasac, i can tell you after A216:56
ograwe might though :)16:57
asacmove on16:57
MootBotNew Topic: MOTU16:57
rickspencer3is this normally ScottK ?16:58
rickspencer3moving on16:58
rickspencer3[TOPIC]Downstream Deriviatives16:58
MootBotNew Topic: Downstream Deriviatives16:58
asacthats me ;) (helping out why jamie is on vac)16:59
rickspencer3arm-m-tool-chain-selection (Linaro) - 0% complete16:59
ScottKNothing exciting to report.16:59
ScottKNow that DIF is passed, we can work on banging things into shape.16:59
rickspencer3asac, robbiew had ^ on the agenda16:59
asacrickspencer3: that spec (according to robbiew) is doko material16:59
rickspencer3I see16:59
asacbesides from that we have16:59
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinaroTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:59
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinaroTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick16:59
asacand a bunch of burndowns:17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-foundations.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-foundations.html17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-foundations-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-foundations-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-infrastructure.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-infrastructure.html17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-infrastructure-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-infrastructure-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-user-platforms.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-user-platforms.html17:00
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-user-platforms-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-user-platforms-maverick-alpha-2.html17:00
asacso to give a summary:17:00
asac * Overall: behind on alpha-2 work items, but catching up now that planning is finished. * Foundations: good progress on cross compiling base system spec * Infrastructure: approved specs; image builder spec stalled due to LexBuilder open sourcing; archive specs working with Launchpad guys17:00
asac * User Platforms: maverick hadless image set-up; qt-qws packaging finished and call for testing; clutk porting sgtalled - looking for opengl ES 2. shader expert; worked on getting a X11 driver cookbook up for ARM drivers; telepony packaging started17:00
asac* Overall: behind on alpha-2 work items, but catching up now that planning is finished.17:00
asac * Foundations: good progress on cross compiling base system spec17:01
asac * Infrastructure: approved specs; image builder spec stalled due to LexBuilder open sourcing; archive specs working with Launchpad guys17:01
asac * User Platforms: maverick headless image set-up; qt-qws packaging finished and call for testing; clutk porting stalled - looking for opengl ES 2. shader expert; worked on getting a X11 driver cookbook up for ARM drivers; telepony packaging started17:01
asacand as already rasied a request for help on:17:01
asac[LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-une-launcher-on-arm17:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-une-launcher-on-arm17:01
asacthat spec isnt that critical for linaro, while its probably critical for ubuntu on arm17:02
asacso i feel bad about it maybe getting not done because we own it ... at best we would move that to a shared ubuntu desktop/arm place17:02
rickspencer3asac, in any case, there is no point in having the work items targeted for A2 if there is no hope of them getting done17:03
rickspencer3in general, perhaps you should postpone work items across the board to get at least near the trend lines?17:03
asacyes ... we will do that17:03
rickspencer3asac, I guess jamie will drive that?17:04
asacthe postponing? no. each team would drive that. i will carry that forward17:04
asacof course jamie is supposed to ensure its happening ... but he is gone for another week or two17:04
rickspencer3[ACTION]asac to work with teams to postpone Linaro work items to get teams to trend lines17:05
MootBotACTION received: asac to work with teams to postpone Linaro work items to get teams to trend lines17:05
asacany other questions besids some more whipping?17:05
rickspencer3asac, who should own figuring out if we are going to do this:17:05
asacrickspencer3: ogra said he would decided at a3 ... so maybe he?17:06
rickspencer3well, if ogra says they can't do it ... then what?17:06
ograwe're getting a new team member in 10 days or so17:06
ograso there is a possibility that we have the manpower17:07
asacrickspencer3: i dont know. for linaro it could be dropped. but i think for ubuntu its high or essential17:07
rickspencer3asac, in that case that ARM can't do it, I think you need to make the call whether we postpone to maverick+1 or if you can find someone else to do it17:07
asacat least a lightweight variant for that spec needs to happen to have a good experience17:07
rickspencer3but I don't think we should let it dangle17:07
ograrickspencer3, its only dangling for a week17:08
ograi can respond next meeting to the request17:08
rickspencer3fine then17:08
asacrickspencer3: if nothing is getting done on this spec for maverick, then the default ARM image will fail to the default X session17:08
rickspencer3[ACTION]ogra to accept https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-une-launcher-on-arm for ARM team, or to postpone to maverick+117:08
MootBotACTION received: ogra to accept https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-une-launcher-on-arm for ARM team, or to postpone to maverick+117:08
asacwe need at least a lightweight solution17:08
ograits just that we dont have a single working arm kernel yet so cant buiuld images and i want to have spare cycles in the team once we build them17:08
ograsince i expect a good bunch of bugs17:09
asacso ... i think it definitly should be move to another team. even if it gets dropped from maverick17:09
ograwe're kind of blocked on all fronts in arm atm and once we are released we'll drown in bugs i fear17:10
asacso can i set assignee to ubuntu-arm team and then you decide what to do?17:10
ograasac, your spec is about the automatic detection though17:10
ograthe lightweight session will be there17:10
ograthats covered in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-m-lightweight-panel-for-efl17:11
asacogra: it has automatic detection work items, but the general spirit is: get to a state where you can log in after boot and get at least some desktop (defaulting to efl would be the light weight variant)17:11
* ogra doesnt think *that* needs a spec since it is ubuntus default session on arm17:12
rickspencer3this seems like it needs to be sorted for A3 planning17:12
ograoffline likely17:12
rickspencer3asac, ogra, can you guys get this sorted by next meeting?17:12
asacogra: ltes take that offline. its not the default. lucid default did the fallback. so now it just fails iirc17:12
asacgive us an action17:13
ograasac, i dont have working images to verify :)17:13
rickspencer3ok, moving on17:13
ograso i wouldnt even know it fails17:13
rickspencer3next is ...17:13
rickspencer310.04.1 LTS Agenda17:13
rickspencer3I think we already covered this by saying that we need to get our act together ASAP17:13
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PointReleaseProcess is the rubric for this17:14
rickspencer3seb128, cjwatson, desktop and foundations each have Critical/High bugs17:14
rickspencer310.04.1 is on July 29th17:15
rickspencer3that puts us at the end of this timeframe:17:15
rickspencer3Release minus 2 months:17:15
rickspencer3Process stable release updates as normal. For hardware-enabling fixes, the package should be tested on the affected hardware prior to submitting to sign-off for -proposed.17:15
rickspencer3Discuss the possibility of a Canonical press release for the point release with Gerry Carr.17:15
rickspencer3Liaise with IS, QA, and certification to arrange for testing resources.17:15
rickspencer3 17:15
rickspencer3and hair-raisingly close to this one17:15
rickspencer3Release minus 1 month:17:16
rickspencer3In coordination with QA, verify that all candidate bugs are fixed.17:16
rickspencer3Upload a new base-files package to -proposed to bump the lsb_release description (example for 6.06.2). Do not change the DISTRIB_RELEASE value, which is used programmatically by third-party software.17:16
rickspencer3If the kernel or associated modules have been changed, upload debian-installer after all the binaries are in place. If the ABI changed, make sure to take account of this throughout debian-installer/build/config/ and in the installer seed for all flavours being built.17:16
rickspencer3Notify Evan Dandrea to update umenu and wubi for the point release.17:16
rickspencer3Change cdimage/bin/make-web-indices, cdimage/bin/publish-release, and debian-cd/CONF.sh to use the new release version number.17:16
rickspencer3Change cdimage/bin/run-germinate and debian-cd/CONF.sh to build from -proposed temporarily.17:16
rickspencer3Build CD images (which will be published on cdimage.ubuntu.com) and smoke-test in some convenient environment to check for obvious failures.17:16
rickspencer3 In coordination with QA, verify that all candidate bugs are fixed."17:16
cjwatsonthe upload/change items there are all very easy, BTW17:16
rickspencer3I am skeptical that all candidate bugs are fixed17:16
cjwatsonkind of five minutes each17:16
rickspencer3cjwatson, can you please spare 1 hour on Monday to help me reason this out?17:17
rickspencer3then I can do my best to get everyone on the train17:17
rickspencer3looking over this list, I feel that the current date is achievable17:17
rickspencer3any specific comments, questions, concerns, discussion regarding 10.04.1 atm?17:17
rickspencer3going ...17:18
rickspencer3going ...17:18

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