September 28th, 2010, 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Meeting Links
- Link to previous meeting
- Link to next meeting
Action Items from last meeting
- rsalveti to create NEON enabled Qt build and post it publicly
- ogra_ac and rsalveti to talk to davidm on proper approach to fix Qt
GrueMaster to fix assigned bugs list
- ogra_ac to follow omap3 kernel situation
- NCommander to eBay his soul to fix mono on ARM
Special Items
- New meeting time
Standing Items
- Kernel Status (cooloney)
QA Status (GrueMaster)
ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander)
ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
- Any Other Business
Meeting Outcome
[12:59] <NCommander> #startmeeting [12:59] <MootBot> Meeting started at 06:59. The chair is NCommander. [12:59] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [12:59] * NCommander notes the laptop clock is a bit fast [12:59] <NCommander> who's here? [13:01] <NCommander> davidm_: GrueMaster_: ogra: ping? [13:01] <NCommander> persia: ? [13:02] <ogra> moo [13:02] <GrueMaster_> me [13:02] <NCommander> oh good, signs of life === GrueMaster_ is now known as GrueMaster [13:02] <ogra> david is on vacation [13:02] <ogra> as well as ricardo [13:02] <GrueMaster> no life here [13:03] <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20101123 [13:03] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20101123 [13:03] * NCommander feels hidious so wishes to make this a short meeting [13:03] * ogra fixes the bugtasks link [13:03] <NCommander> [topic] Action Item Review [13:03] <MootBot> New Topic: Action Item Review [13:04] <NCommander> skipping non-president people's items [13:04] <ogra> ricardos item is done [13:04] <NCommander> [topic] ogra_ac and rsalveti to talk to davidm on proper approach to fix Qt [13:04] <MootBot> New Topic: ogra_ac and rsalveti to talk to davidm on proper approach to fix Qt [13:04] <ogra> we did that during the meeting iirc [13:04] <NCommander> oh [13:04] <NCommander> [topic] GrueMaster to fix assigned bugs list [13:04] <MootBot> New Topic: GrueMaster to fix assigned bugs list [13:04] <ogra> after you made it an action [13:05] <GrueMaster> ogra fixed it before I could. [13:05] <ogra> sorry :) [13:05] <NCommander> [topic] ogra_ac to follow omap3 kernel situation [13:05] <MootBot> New Topic: ogra_ac to follow omap3 kernel situation [13:05] <ogra> still in progress [13:05] <ogra> and i looked at ebay [13:05] <ogra> under which name is that soul offered ? [13:06] * ogra couldnt find anything [13:06] <NCommander> ogra: discovered that eBaying one's soul is against the Terms of Service [13:06] <ogra> pfft [13:06] <ogra> just name it differently :) [13:06] <NCommander> /dev/life? [13:07] <ogra> so how is that mono stuff going forward ? [13:07] <NCommander> Made some progress, discovered we're not building mono with VFP, and have some test cases [13:07] <ogra> cool ! [13:08] <NCommander> Got sidetracked by being patch pilot and high priority stuff from davidm plus the fact that my lungs are full of uninvited guests [13:08] <ogra> well, patch politing is fun :) [13:08] <NCommander> Also discovered that cars beside my own are prone to having their doors freeze shut and I'm going to probably be spending part of tomorrow trying to fix that. [13:09] <ogra> put graphite on the gasket [13:09] * NCommander notes its a *very* cold day in Portland [13:09] <NCommander> ogra: not my car. Wish it was, I won't be afraid I was going to pull off a handle or something [13:09] <NCommander> Anyway [13:09] <NCommander> [topic] Standing Items [13:09] <MootBot> New Topic: Standing Items [13:09] <ogra> heh, rather the gasket [13:09] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm.html [13:09] <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm.html [13:10] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm-natty-alpha-1.html [13:10] <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm-natty-alpha-1.html [13:10] <ogra> we're getting terribly close to the trend line [13:10] <NCommander> hrm [13:10] <ogra> dont forget A1 in dec. 2nd [13:10] <NCommander> my specs are STILL not there [13:10] <NCommander> *grumble* [13:10] <NCommander> oh wait [13:10] <ogra> they are [13:10] <NCommander> yes they are, I already did my workitems for this cycle [13:10] <NCommander> er [13:10] <NCommander> milestone [13:11] <NCommander> */half dead* [13:11] <NCommander> I thikn I forgot to strike it off my TODO list ... [13:11] <NCommander> [link] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html [13:11] <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html [13:11] <ogra> wrong link [13:11] <ogra> !! [13:11] * NCommander refreshs [13:11] * ogra fixed it on the wiki [13:12] <NCommander> [link] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html [13:12] <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html [13:12] <GrueMaster> should be [link] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html [13:12] <NCommander> er no [13:12] <ogra> shows that persia is a slacker :) [13:12] <NCommander> I didn it wrong twice >.< [13:12] * NCommander notes it would be nice if he attended our meetings ... [13:12] <ogra> yes, it would [13:12] <NCommander> Finally confirmed bug #626749 [13:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 626749 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Maverick) "flash-kernel tries to use MTD devices on OMAP4 when no flash-kernel.conf exists" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/626749 [13:12] * NCommander coughs [13:12] <ogra> but the time is bad for him [13:12] <NCommander> There's no actual bug here [13:12] <persia> Um, you folk have a funny definition of "attendance" [13:13] <NCommander> Cause the code is doing exactly what its supposed to [13:13] <ogra> heh [13:13] <ogra> NCommander, its not [13:13] <ogra> obviously it doesnt use a method the HW can deal with [13:13] <NCommander> ogra: I wrote the code to intentionally try to write to NAND if it was on a Beagle Board [13:13] <NCommander> Beagle XM says its a Beagleboard [13:13] <ogra> yes [13:13] <NCommander> I therefore say its a hardware bug, and we need ot fix it software :-) [13:13] <NCommander> Thus I'm not at fault [13:13] <ogra> you are [13:13] <NCommander> :-P [13:13] <GrueMaster> beagleXM is omap3 [13:14] <ogra> since you added that code [13:14] <ogra> make it work or remove it [13:14] <NCommander> ogra: the cirmstances which the code is being run changed :-P [13:14] <persia> It7s generally better to do things like try to detect if there *is* MTD, rather than depending on detection. Such work is likely to be much more applicable in the future. [13:14] <NCommander> but I plan on fixing it anyway [13:14] <NCommander> since I have an XM now [13:15] <ogra> right [13:15] <ogra> more checks please :) === rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_ [13:15] <NCommander> preferable with five figures on them :-) [13:15] <NCommander> *preferably [13:15] <ogra> that should be possible independently from the board type [13:15] <NCommander> ogra: yeah, I plan to add something look for the mtd device and maybe even check for u-boot or something in flash [13:16] <ogra> also for a vfat containing uImage etc etc [13:16] <ogra> you need to cover all possible cases to make it proper and generic [13:16] <NCommander> ogra: right that code is there and is known to work [13:16] <persia> Well, kinda. It works sometimes, for some hardware. [13:16] <ogra> .oO(tell that to Neko) [13:16] <NCommander> What isn't working is that the code assumes that a board saying its a Beagle has NAND [13:17] <NCommander> That assumption proved to be incorrect [13:17] <ogra> the bug as about a blaze iirc [13:17] <persia> MTD detection, partitioning management, etc. is kinda funny, in several annoying ways. [13:17] <ogra> which has only eMMC [13:17] <NCommander> d-i has a lot of ugly code dealing with it :-/ [13:17] <ogra> for which we have no solution yet afaik [13:17] <ogra> but your code needs to take that into account too [13:17] <NCommander> indeed [13:17] <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney) [13:17] <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney) [13:18] <ogra> not around [13:18] <GrueMaster> Until I get an upgraded blaze, we have no way of testing it. [13:18] <ogra> i have an upgrade card [13:18] <ogra> just not in the balze atm [13:18] <ogra> *blaze [13:19] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster) [13:19] <MootBot> New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster) [13:19] <GrueMaster> Currently working on test for QT neon. [13:20] <ogra> i thought you can only do that next week ? [13:20] <GrueMaster> Friday's omap4 image fails to boot after 2nd reboot. Not sure if it is X related. Kernel segfaults. [13:20] <ogra> did you dig deeper into why the omap4 images dont work ? [13:20] <ogra> ah [13:20] <GrueMaster> Not yet. [13:21] <ogra> might be a toolcahin issue [13:21] <ogra> *toolchain [13:21] <GrueMaster> I have a pastebin of the console log. [13:21] <ogra> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc has a workitem for us [13:21] <ogra> could you take an onap4 image and replace the kernel with the linaro omap3 one ? [13:22] <ogra> and see how that works [13:22] <ogra> *omap [13:22] <ogra> cool, file a bug [13:22] <GrueMaster> Will it work on omap4? I only have a panda. [13:23] <GrueMaster> I'll file a bug when I can narrow down the segfault. [13:23] <ogra> oh, you dont have your XM with you [13:23] <ogra> file the bug asap probably someone can tell something about it [13:24] <GrueMaster> I only have my panda. Thisis a holiday week and I had only planned on working on my blueprints this week. [13:24] <GrueMaster> Will do. [13:24] <ogra> might be because the kernel wasnt recompiled with the new toolchain or so [13:24] <GrueMaster> It boots up to mounting rootfs. [13:25] <GrueMaster> jasper boot sequence runs fine. [13:25] <ogra> oh [13:25] <ogra> thats different indeed [13:25] <GrueMaster> exactly. [13:25] <ogra> must be userspace then [13:25] <GrueMaster> see http://paste.ubuntu.com/535244/ [13:26] <GrueMaster> I have limited resources, but will try to narrow it down. [13:26] <NCommander> can I mov eon? [13:26] <GrueMaster> go [13:27] <ogra> chvt: can't open console [13:27] <ogra> thats your main issue [13:28] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander) [13:28] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander) [13:28] <NCommander> mostly mono work [13:28] <ogra> any idea how KDE is progressing ? [13:28] <ogra> did you talk to ScottK [13:28] * ogra is still waiting for the QT mail from asa [13:28] <ogra> c [13:29] <NCommander> ogra: didn't have a chance yet [13:29] <NCommander> will do so [13:29] <ogra> given that he wanted to discuss with thiago at meego conf [13:29] <NCommander> [action] NCommander to speak with ScottK on KDE progress [13:29] <MootBot> ACTION received: NCommander to speak with ScottK on KDE progress [13:29] <ogra> i see him going wild on the different ARM channels [13:29] <ogra> which is awseome :) [13:29] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [13:29] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [13:30] <GrueMaster> Not working. [13:30] <ogra> U1 acts up today [13:30] <ogra> u-n-d-s was fixed [13:31] <ogra> i hope if U1 is in sync we will have images again [13:31] <ogra> nothing more about image status [13:33] <NCommander> [topic] abo [13:33] <MootBot> New Topic: abo [13:33] <NCommander> er [13:33] <NCommander> [topic] AOB [13:33] <MootBot> New Topic: AOB [13:33] <ogra> BOA ? [13:34] <ogra> nothing here ... i guess meeting time has to wait until we are complete again [13:35] <ogra> persia, anything from you ? [13:35] <ogra> i.e. about ubuntu-armel and work items ? [13:36] <ogra> i.e. reveal your plans to a wider audience [13:37] <persia> Hrm? Oh, yeah, I want there to be an Ubuntu ARM team, rather than just Canonical ARM. [13:37] <persia> I'm not sure how much there is to say about that: it's in part up to you to want to do that :) [13:37] <ogra> which is there, but mainly used for bug triage atm [13:38] <ogra> well, its trivial to add another WI tracker, i just thought you wanted to elaborate a bit on it [13:38] <ogra> i.e. do you want its status covered in this meeting etc [13:39] <persia> Dunno how much to elaborate. I know of several things happening with ARM by people who don't much attend this meeting, so my other encouragemetns to you are mostly about being inclusive. [13:39] <ogra> and make sure NCommander invites the people from that team to attend it [13:40] <ogra> just having a tracker if nobody watches it doesnt seem to make much sense to me [13:40] <persia> Well, if there is a meeting that tracks some ARM stuff, I'd rather track all ARM stuff, and encourage more participants. I think it's up to individual folk whether they want to participate, to some degree, but I think it would be worthwhile to have an overview of everything happening in ARM. [13:40] <ogra> so it would need additional actions around that [13:40] <persia> Additional actions? [13:40] <ogra> i.e. invites from NCommander and a note in the meeting announcement etc [13:41] <ogra> NCommander, oh, btw, the meeting announcement ... we're the ARM team ;( [13:41] <ogra> ;) [13:41] <ogra> and we should mobve to a new namespace on the wiki [13:41] * GrueMaster never saw one this week. [13:41] <persia> The meeting announcement needs help anyway. Fixing it one way or the other is probably the same work. [13:41] <ogra> NCommander, can you handle that ? [13:42] <ogra> GrueMaster, it goes to ubuntu-devel now, since thats our new mailing list [13:42] <GrueMaster> argh [13:42] <ogra> GrueMaster, make sure to be subscribed to it and probably u-d-discuss [13:42] <ogra> we talked about it before [13:42] <ogra> u-mobile is essentially dead [13:43] <ogra> (not sure david removed it completely yet, but that will happen soon) [13:44] <NCommander> anything else, or can I close it out? [13:44] * NCommander is feeling pretty close to death ATM [13:44] * ogra waits for answers from NCommander [13:44] <ogra> (and probably some actions) [13:45] <ogra> but after that you can happily close :P [13:45] <persia> ogra, So, you poked me to talk about a wider team definition. Do you have an opinion on that? [13:45] <NCommander> ogra: which answers? [13:45] <ogra> well, as long as the team is included and invited [13:46] <ogra> <ogra> NCommander, oh, btw, the meeting announcement ... we're the ARM team [13:46] <ogra> <ogra> and we should mobve to a new namespace on the wiki [13:46] <ogra> <ogra> NCommander, can you handle that ? [13:46] <persia> ogra, The point of inclusiveness is that *everyone* is invited :) I very much don't want to exclude you (or anyone else). [13:46] <ogra> persia, no, but the team members need to know about it [13:46] <persia> I'm even happy to create a teamspace on the wiki for an ARM team, if there is to be an open ARM team. [13:47] <ogra> so if the announcement needs rephrasing in that direction and the agenda needs points for that, they need to be added [13:47] <ogra> i.e. have a ARM Community topic [13:47] <persia> NCommander, Give me actions for those, and when you're feeling better, I'll feed you text :) [13:47] <ScottK> NCommander and ogra: Qt/KDE is blocked on a gcc fix. The gcc patch was posted upstream for review yesterday, so hopefully we'll see something soon. [13:47] <ogra> and point out that everyone is invited in the meeting announcement [13:48] <NCommander> [action] persia to handle namespace renaming [13:48] <MootBot> ACTION received: persia to handle namespace renaming [13:48] <persia> ogra, You can do something about the WI tracker and bug list? [13:48] <ogra> why the bug list ? [13:48] <ogra> i can add another team to the tracker, yes [13:48] <persia> Same rationale as the WI tracker, really. [13:48] <ogra> you need to give me a mail address for the responsible person for broken tracker entries [13:49] * ogra doesnt understand [13:49] <ogra> we never subscribe ubuntu-armel to any bugs [13:49] <ogra> but we use it to subscribe the whole team to it [13:49] <persia> Sure, but members are assigned bugs. [13:50] <ogra> persia, ping bdmurray about that, he can help [13:50] <persia> Sure. I'll do that. [13:50] <ogra> NCommander, [action] persia and NCommander to work out new meeting announcement text [13:51] <ogra> NCommander, [action] persia to make the bugsquad create a bug overview page for ubuntu-armel [13:51] <ogra> (though the latter will highly overlap with our team list i think) [13:52] <ogra> NCommander, add these two actions and close the meeting (then back to bed with you !) [13:53] <persia> ogra, I expect lots of overlap between Ubuntu ARM and Canonical ARM, which I consider a good thing :) [13:53] <ogra> persia, you are aware that no other team does such a distinction ? [13:53] <NCommander> [action] persia to make the bugsquad create a bug overview page for ubuntu-armel [13:53] <MootBot> ACTION received: persia to make the bugsquad create a bug overview page for ubuntu-armel [13:53] <NCommander> [action] persia and NCommander to work out new meeting announcement text [13:53] <MootBot> ACTION received: persia and NCommander to work out new meeting announcement text [13:53] <NCommander> #endmeeting [13:53] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 07:53.
Action Items
Weekly Reports
Michael Casadevall (NCommander)
- Began mono debugging
- Killed dove images
- persia to handle namespace renaming
- persia and NCommander to work out new meeting announcement text
- persia to make the bugsquad create a bug overview page for ubuntu-armel
- KDE currently blocked due to toolchain bugs
- OMAP4 images available
- NCommander confirm flash-kernel bug on Beagle XM
ARM/Meeting/2010/20101123 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:57:42 by pool-96-226-234-14)