
Differences between revisions 58 and 59
Revision 58 as of 2010-12-18 22:10:49
Size: 1906
Editor: 98
Revision 59 as of 2011-01-19 17:17:40
Size: 1434
Editor: ip98-182-50-39
Comment: new agenda
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Review Blueprint for UDS-N and the Natty Narwhal cycle
  * Schedule blueprint items
 * Proposal for a focus group on the use of speech - hajour
   scope to include:
   * Improving text to speech in Ubuntu, helping to improve the range of engines and voices available through the speech dispatcher framework
   * Improving speech to text, allowing the computer to listen to the user, both for command control of the Ubuntu desktop and free text dictation
   * Intelligent integration of speech to text with text to speech to allow use of Ubuntu with voice and ears.
 * Proposal to support a focus group under the Beginners team on Accessibility - phillw
 * Status update on personas
 * Development status update
 * Team Blog
 * Status on testing prep/testing
 * Breif intro to SpeechControl (Hajour)

The Accessibility Team has regular monthly meeting on #ubuntu-accessibility - feel free to join in!

Meeting Agenda

Please add your topic to be discussed prior to the actual meeting.

Minutes From Last Meeting

Archived Meetings

Please visit the Accessibility meeting archives for past meeting information. Both logs and minutes are available.


Accessibility/Team/MeetingAgenda (last edited 2012-01-18 22:13:37 by ip68-229-77-79)