
Differences between revisions 65 and 66
Revision 65 as of 2011-03-14 19:23:35
Size: 1483
Editor: ip98-182-50-39
Revision 66 as of 2011-04-27 20:54:22
Size: 1277
Editor: 94
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 16: Line 16:
 * Natty testing
 * Blog volunteers for the next month
 * Next Persona
 * Go over blueprint for this cycle to see how we're doing [[]]
 * Discuss plans for Oneiric
 * Start Oneiric blueprint

The Accessibility Team has regular monthly meeting on #ubuntu-accessibility - feel free to join in!

Meeting Agenda

Please add your topic to be discussed prior to the actual meeting.

  • Discuss plans for Oneiric
  • Start Oneiric blueprint

Minutes From Last Meeting

Archived Meetings

Please visit the Accessibility meeting archives for past meeting information. Both logs and minutes are available.


Accessibility/Team/MeetingAgenda (last edited 2012-01-18 22:13:37 by ip68-229-77-79)