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Revision 7 as of 2010-08-06 16:04:24
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Revision 88 as of 2012-01-03 21:19:04
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Editor: 197
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= About Me =

I'm Ahmed Khattab Shams Al-Din, born on 9/Oct/1988 and living in El-Mansoura City, Egypt, I'm studying English<>Arabic Simultaneous Translation in the Fac. of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University.
I've started with Red Hat/Fedora Core Ver. 2, On 2004,
## <<Include(AhmedShams/Menu)>>
'''''Thanks for visiting my page!'''''
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= My Contact Info =

 || '''Launchpad:''' || http://launchpad.net/~ashams ||
 || '''Email:''' || <<MailTo(AhmedKhattabShams[at]Gmail[dot]com)>> ||
 || '''IRC:''' || ashams on irc.freenode.net ||
 || '''Blog:''' || http://akshams ||
 || '''Ubuntu Forums:''' || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=914365|AhmedKhattabShams]] ||
 || '''Public key:''' || [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xBC9EB68C3E07924C0ED83FF5A52A565B3685D092&op=index|3685D092]] ||
||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">[[https://launchpad.net/people/ashams|{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png}}]] [[http://ashams.iblogger.org|{{http://0.gravatar.com/blavatar/4e21d703d81809d215ceaabbf07efbc6?s=16}}]] [[http://gplus.to/ashams|{{http://ubuntuone.com/4YZccOh24DmV1KKQ4ZrNOU}}]] [[https://identi.ca/ashams|{{https://identi.ca/favicon.ico}}]] [[http://askubuntu.com/users/11319/ashams|{{http://sstatic.net/askubuntu/img/favicon.ico}}]] [[http://advogato.org/person/ashams/|{{http://ubuntuone.com/6H7zXtorsOGA5I4K2wjaEP}}]] [[https://twitter.com/#!/akshams|{{http://twitter.com/favicon.ico}}]] [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1138477|{{http://ubuntuforums.org/favicon.ico}}]][[https://fb.com/Ahmed.k.Shams|{{http://facebook.com/favicon.ico}}]] [[http://wikimapia.org/#lat=31.0388151&lon=31.3838196&z=11&l=0&m=b|{{http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/pronamic-google-maps/trunk/images/favicon.ico}}]] [[http://geekli.st/ashams|{{http://geekli.st/favicon.ico}}]]<<BR>><<TableOfContents>><<BR>>||
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= Involvement =

 (./) Community:
    (./) Organising the LoCo-Resurraction-Program
    (./) Help Ubuntu Number of Users and Developers in Egypt grow.
    (./) Providing an in-field help with Ubuntu, through [[https://launchpad.net/~motc|MOTC]], for Desktop and Server Machines.
 My Name is Ahmed Shams El-Deen, 23 from Egypt. I love to triage bugs for Ubuntu, specially for Input Devices/xserver, review Ubuntu translations as well as helping others as long as I know what they are talking about ;). I like to go out, advocate open-source, help others to jump to our community easily and safely.
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 (./) Developing Ubuntu
    (./) Started to Study Packaging for Ubuntu on 1/jul/2010 and will continue taking this adventure for one month before applying to [[https://launchpad.net/~motu|MOTU]] Membership.
    (./) became a member of the Ubuntu Translating into Arabic Team [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ar|Ubuntu Arabic Translators]], on (DATE&TIME)
 (./) Getting our team Ubuntu-EG approved.
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= Goals for the 3rd Quarter of 2010 =
 (./) Activity
    (./) Finish all scheduled Tasks On Time.
    (./) Participating in all events with Egypt LoCo Team.
##== My Contact Info ==
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 (./) Teams
    (./) become an approved member of the MOTU Team.
    (./) become an approved member of The Ubuntu Arabic Translators (ubuntu-l10n-ar) Team.
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png}} lp Profile:''' || [[https://launchpad.net/~ashams|ashams in lp]] ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''{{attachment:icon-gmail.png}} Email:''' || <<MailTo(AhmedKhattabShams [at] Gmail [dot] com)>> ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''Location & Time Zone:''' || Egypt/EET +200 ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''{{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC:''' || ashams ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''{{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png}} Ubuntu Forums:''' || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1138477|ashams]] ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''Askubuntu:''' || [[http://askubuntu.com/users/11319/ashams|ashams]] ||
## ||<rowstyle="background:#592441;color:#F1F1DD;font-weight:bold;"> '''Advogato:''' || [[http://advogato.org/person/ashams/|Advogato]]||
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= Testimonials =
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Please place your testimonials below ending with your Ubuntu.com wiki page, or LaunchPad page if you have one. If you've neither, just leave your name and nickname. '''Thanks!''' <<BR>>
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== Interests ==
 {*} Reading and reciting The Holy Quran.

 {*} Continuing with the Bug Squad/Control in the area of InputDevices/TouchPad.

 {*} Help and Enthusiast the Egyptian LoCo Team, Ubuntu-EG.

 {*} Do my best to help and welcome other people to Ubuntu and Open-Source community.

== Involvement ==
 {*} Translating/Reviewing Ubuntu messages and lp-hosted software.

 {*} Triaging bugs for Ubuntu.

 {*} Understanding community better and work to help growing it.

== Contributions ==

=== In Translation ===

 {*} Ubuntu [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arabic/+members?active_batch=1&active_memo=9&active_start=9|Arabic Translator]] since August 2009.

 {*} Ubuntu [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ar/+members?active_batch=1&active_memo=3&active_start=3|Arabic Translation Reviewer]] since September 2010. I focus on translation consistency --matching terminology with different apps-- and make sure that programmable notations will work.

 {*} Coiner of the [[https://launchpad.net/~5-msgs-a-day|5 Ubuntu Messages a day group]] --an attempt to save a stable frequency of Ubuntu Translations input and reviewing processes on daily basis.
=== In Bug Triage and Answers ===

 {*} Bug Squad member and active Bug Triagger since September 2010.

 {*} I serve as Answer contact for Support Requests/Bug Reports on Touchpad bugs and keep it healthy as much as I can(''as part of Ubuntu X SWAT work'') and [[https://launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+topcontributors|Top Contributor]] to xserver's synaptics package.

 {*} Active Ubuntu Papercuts triager and finder :) .

=== In Community ===

 {*} I advocate Open-Source and Ubuntu whenever possible.

 {*} I've a deep passion to work with Ubuntu Egypt LoCo team to spread the word through the country, whenever and wherever I can, I also try to enhance means of communication and taking care of inside relation and Community Health.

 {*} Worked with [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuleadership|Ubuntu-Leadership(-dev) Team]] at [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5CJYkBSaoN4l7L8mIPKoZNxzPrr16NOZP12Ln_8EXg/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1|LoCo Leadership Training Handbook]] (''Under construction!''), which aims to assist community leaders to drive LoCo teams through easiest and most efficient ways.

 {*} Coiner of [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UCADay|UCADay]].(I could barely say this because since I came up with it, Amber Graner did [[http://akgraner.com/?p=1110|almost everything]] --ofcource beside [[http://benjaminkerensa.com/2011/10/25/ubuntu-community-appreciation-day-let-us-appreciate-our-community/|Benjamin Kerensa]] and others, I O U all :D)

 {*} Worked with Hatem Zyoud(''Under the umbrella of Egypt LoCo team's sponsorship for constructing new LoCos'') to [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ps/2011-October/000002.html|Establish]] the Ubuntu Palestine LoCo Team, and still sharing work to get it up & running[TBD:Will end on ~Dec31].

 {*} During Precise cycle, I'm [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/12X11apW-4aDUxDLzjpfFMW7bitJjfhmOc9hkxtZeccM/edit|mentored]] to start helping with Organizing Ubuntu irc events.

 {*} Serving as moderator for Egypt LoCo's ML.

 {*} Maintaining the Egypt LoCo's wiki-site, keeping it sync'ed with what happens on ground and developing it's content.

=== Goals: ===

==== Short Term Goals ====

 {*} Help My Family to ''completely'' migrate to Ubuntu and Free SW world(60% so far).

 {*} Work with Palestine LoCo team to get Up & Running.

 {*} Hope I can help with -P cycle irc workshops(or to find something to do, as ppl there are really active).

 {*} Finish MIT OCW's Course 600(Reminder: For God's sake, stop wasting time and finish it!).

==== Long Term Goals ====
 {*} Work with Egypt LoCo Team to get to the level of approval.

 {*} Work with Palestine LoCo Team to get to the level of approval.

 {*} Get more involved with xserver, preparing patches, learn more workarounds, etc...

 {*} Start help with fixing bugs in some range of apps.

 {*} Find more ways to ignite more action in the Ubuntu Translators Community.

 {*} I'd be very happy if, after 2 years, I could confidently say, I helped shaping the *Free* community in Egypt!.

== Endorsements ==
 * Please add your Endorsement [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AhmedShams/Endorsements|here]]. Many thanks for your support.
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||<tablestyle="font-size: 1.0em; border: none; width: 70%; background-color: #f1f1ed; font-weight: bold;"> [[MOTU/Teams/Audio|Audio]] || [[MOTU/Teams/CommonLisp|Common Lisp]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Games|Games]] || [[MOTU/Teams/IM|Instant Messaging]] ||
|| [[MOTU/Teams/Java|Java]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Kubuntu|Kubuntu]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Media|Media]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Photo|Photo]] ||
|| [[MOTU/Teams/Python|Python]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Ruby|Ruby]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Science| Science]] || [[MOTU/Teams/Security|Security]] ||
|| [[MOTU/Teams/Torrent| Torrent]] || [[MOTU/Teams/UncommonProgrammingLanguages|Uncommon Prog. Languages]] || [[MOTU/Teams/ZopePlone|Zope/Plone]] || '''[[MOTU/Mentoring|MOTU Mentors]]''' ||

Thanks for visiting my page!

  • My Name is Ahmed Shams El-Deen, 23 from Egypt. I love to triage bugs for Ubuntu, specially for Input Devices/xserver, review Ubuntu translations as well as helping others as long as I know what they are talking about ;). I like to go out, advocate open-source, help others to jump to our community easily and safely.


  • Ubuntu Reading and reciting The Holy Quran.

    Ubuntu Continuing with the Bug Squad/Control in the area of InputDevices/TouchPad.

    Ubuntu Help and Enthusiast the Egyptian LoCo Team, Ubuntu-EG.

    Ubuntu Do my best to help and welcome other people to Ubuntu and Open-Source community.


  • Ubuntu Translating/Reviewing Ubuntu messages and lp-hosted software.

    Ubuntu Triaging bugs for Ubuntu.

    Ubuntu Understanding community better and work to help growing it.


In Translation

  • Ubuntu Ubuntu Arabic Translator since August 2009.

    Ubuntu Ubuntu Arabic Translation Reviewer since September 2010. I focus on translation consistency --matching terminology with different apps-- and make sure that programmable notations will work.

    Ubuntu Coiner of the 5 Ubuntu Messages a day group --an attempt to save a stable frequency of Ubuntu Translations input and reviewing processes on daily basis.

In Bug Triage and Answers

  • Ubuntu Bug Squad member and active Bug Triagger since September 2010.

    Ubuntu I serve as Answer contact for Support Requests/Bug Reports on Touchpad bugs and keep it healthy as much as I can(as part of Ubuntu X SWAT work) and Top Contributor to xserver's synaptics package.

    Ubuntu Active Ubuntu Papercuts triager and finder Smile :) .

In Community

  • Ubuntu I advocate Open-Source and Ubuntu whenever possible.

    Ubuntu I've a deep passion to work with Ubuntu Egypt LoCo team to spread the word through the country, whenever and wherever I can, I also try to enhance means of communication and taking care of inside relation and Community Health.

    Ubuntu Worked with Ubuntu-Leadership(-dev) Team at LoCo Leadership Training Handbook (Under construction!), which aims to assist community leaders to drive LoCo teams through easiest and most efficient ways.

    Ubuntu Coiner of UCADay.(I could barely say this because since I came up with it, Amber Graner did almost everything --ofcource beside Benjamin Kerensa and others, I O U all :D)

    Ubuntu Worked with Hatem Zyoud(Under the umbrella of Egypt LoCo team's sponsorship for constructing new LoCos) to Establish the Ubuntu Palestine LoCo Team, and still sharing work to get it up & running[TBD:Will end on ~Dec31].

    Ubuntu During Precise cycle, I'm mentored to start helping with Organizing Ubuntu irc events.

    Ubuntu Serving as moderator for Egypt LoCo's ML.

    Ubuntu Maintaining the Egypt LoCo's wiki-site, keeping it sync'ed with what happens on ground and developing it's content.


Short Term Goals

  • Ubuntu Help My Family to completely migrate to Ubuntu and Free SW world(60% so far).

    Ubuntu Work with Palestine LoCo team to get Up & Running.

    Ubuntu Hope I can help with -P cycle irc workshops(or to find something to do, as ppl there are really active).

    Ubuntu Finish MIT OCW's Course 600(Reminder: For God's sake, stop wasting time and finish it!).

Long Term Goals

  • Ubuntu Work with Egypt LoCo Team to get to the level of approval.

    Ubuntu Work with Palestine LoCo Team to get to the level of approval.

    Ubuntu Get more involved with xserver, preparing patches, learn more workarounds, etc...

    Ubuntu Start help with fixing bugs in some range of apps.

    Ubuntu Find more ways to ignite more action in the Ubuntu Translators Community.

    Ubuntu I'd be very happy if, after 2 years, I could confidently say, I helped shaping the *Free* community in Egypt!.


  • Please add your Endorsement here. Many thanks for your support.


AhmedShams (last edited 2012-05-28 15:38:20 by 188)