
Revision 34 as of 2006-09-05 20:30:12

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Alexandro Silva

Email: MailTo(penguim SPAMFREE AT gmail DOT com)


Blog: ( Pt_br )

Nick / IRC: LinuxBA on Freenode [] (#ubuntu-br,#ubuntu-br-ba, #planeta-ubuntu-brasil, #ubuntu-br-tradutores, #ubuntu-br-garimpeiros #ubuntu-br-seguranca)

GPG Key Id: [ 1024D/E5157C6E]

Localization: Salvador - Bahia - Brasil

About me

BR * Administrator of the [ Ubuntu Brasil - BA] Team BR * Member of the [ Ubuntu Brazilian Planet] Team BR * Member of the [ Ubuntu Brazilian Translatores] Team BR * Member of the [ Ubuntu Brazilian Dataminers ] Team BR * Member of the [ Ubuntu Brasil - SP] Team BR * Member of the [ Ubuntu Arcanos] Team BR * Member of [ FUG-BR] (FreeBSD User Group Brasil) BR * Member/Founding of the [ Ubuntu Brazilian Security] Team

My Life

I have been using computer since ten years age. I´m using Linux since 1998 with Conectiva Guarani Linux as first desktop. I just Graduate in Computer Science in UNIFACS. I initiated my professional life in OpenSource enviroment as Network Administrator and System Administrator. My current job is Security Officer of the Ideia Digital using Linux or OpenSouce tools. I work daily divulging the Ubuntu Linux in my state.

Ubuntu Goals

Translations in Rosetta to pt_BR

Colaborations in [ Ubuntu-Games]

Add Games Torcs and Gl-117

Colaborations in [ Guia Inicial Não Oficial do Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)]

Colaborations in [ Garimpeiros de Fóruns, blogs, listas!!]

Creation of the [ Wiki Ubuntu Brazilian Security Team]

Support in [ Launchpad]

Support newbie users on Freenode [] in #Ubuntu-BR chat room

Colaborations in [ Edgy Eft Testing]

Ubuntu Translations in Rosetta

More than 100099 translations performed to the day! My contributions can be seen [ here].


Alexandro has been a very active member of our community, both in translations as well as attending to meetings and advocating Ubuntu in Brazilian state of Bahia (which is quite a big place, roughly the size of Spain). He recently presented a lecture on network security using Ubuntu on a Free Software Festival, and it was so crowded that people had to stand up to see! He really deserves to be a Ubuntu member, as he collaborates so much. (Testimonial by AlexandreOttoStrube )

Alexandro is without a doubt a very strong Linux and Ubuntu advocate at his home state of Bahia, Brazil. Together with a small group of volunteers, he just recently helped the organization and ran the Ubuntu Brasil booth at the III Festival Software Livre da Bahia. These individuals have done several of such events, often paying for all of their expenses out of their own pocket. Alexandro's passion is security and he's pioneered the Brazilian Security Team. Based on his advocacy and complete embrace of the Ubuntu "way of life," I strongly endorse his candidacy to the Ubuntu Team. OgMaciel

Alexandro has been an important piece of Ubuntu Brasil. And he's doing a great job on security area and nUbuntu. [:AndreNoel3:AndreNoel]

Alexandro has been doing a great job on the brazilian team, evagelization is your name. Your perfomances can be seen in your translations, wiki pages and lectures on the Linux Festivals. One big and active member for the Ubuntu family... [:FRNSantos:FRNSantos] - MailTo(deb-user-ba SPAMFREE AT ubuntu DOT com)