
Revision 8 as of 2011-09-29 16:54:42

Clear message

The Ubuntu Application Review Board is responsible for reviewing and approving proposals for lightweight applications to be distributed in Ubuntu.

The Application Review Board operates on the following basis:

  • The Board meets at least every two weeks, on IRC. See the Agenda for more details.

  • You can submit an application for review through

  • The Board can be reached at This list is publicly archived; if you wish to raise confidential issues, please mail the members of the Board directly.

  • Board meetings are open to all interested parties, but only Board members vote on applications.
  • Board members vote +1, -1, or 0 (abstain). Three or more +1 votes mean the application is approved, three or more -1 votes mean the application is rejected.
  • Minutes of the meeting will be published immediately after the meeting.


The agenda for the upcoming meeting is kept at AppReviewBoard/Agenda.

Meeting Chair Duties

  • Review Agenda for this meeting.

  • Facilitate meeting
    • Round up people needed for the meeting as necessary
    • Drive MootBot

    • Review actions from last meeting
    • Review proposals
    • Follow Agenda
  • Write TeamReports for the meeting.

  • Update Agenda for next meeting.

Board members guides

