
Revision 3 as of 2007-06-11 18:37:32

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If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with ["Johnc4510"] or ["IanMcewen"]


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. Team Reports
  4. Team Approval Outline
  5. Agenda for next week


Jun 10 21:02:51 *       johnc4510 calls meeting to order if no objections
Jun 10 21:03:00 <slofgren_>     I am here
Jun 10 21:03:19 <slofgren_>     I won't be around for the next 10 min though
Jun 10 21:03:29 *       johnc4510 as if jacob_  would introduce himself please
Jun 10 21:03:31 <slofgren_>     putting kids to bed
Jun 10 21:03:31 *       jacob_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
Jun 10 21:03:31 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: k
Jun 10 21:03:42 <slofgren_>     bbl 10min
Jun 10 21:03:48 <johnc4510>     great he lost his connection
Jun 10 21:03:58 <Polygon89>     that sux
Jun 10 21:04:04 <johnc4510>     jacob__: you there?
Jun 10 21:04:26 <SloggerKhan>   Is he dial up?
Jun 10 21:04:31 <SloggerKhan>   Might take a minute.
Jun 10 21:04:31 <johnc4510>     not sure
Jun 10 21:04:38 <Polygon89>     hmm
Jun 10 21:04:55 *       johnc4510 says we will move on to announcements and come back to jacob__ 
Jun 10 21:05:01 <Polygon89>     im trying to update my xubuntu machine, and it says the linux headers are not authenticated?
Jun 10 21:05:05 <johnc4510>     1st announcement
Jun 10 21:05:09 <Polygon89>     kk
Jun 10 21:05:10 <Polygon89>     start
Jun 10 21:05:32 <johnc4510>     bluecat9 has set up server for gtetrinet
Jun 10 21:05:42 *       jacob_ (n=jacob@ip68-106-243-206.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 21:05:44 <johnc4510>     server address is
Jun 10 21:05:59 <johnc4510>     tetrinet.penguinized.net
Jun 10 21:06:09 <johnc4510>     for all that want to play 
Jun 10 21:06:19 <johnc4510>     thanks bluecat9 
Jun 10 21:06:24 <br24>  ty bluecat9
Jun 10 21:06:30 <Polygon89>     thanks
Jun 10 21:06:30 <johnc4510>     jacob_: you here now
Jun 10 21:06:36 <jacob_>        i hope so
Jun 10 21:06:36 <Polygon89>     so we are not going to be using ian's anymore
Jun 10 21:06:37 <Polygon89>     ?
Jun 10 21:06:53 <johnc4510>     jacob_: could you please give yourself a short intro
Jun 10 21:06:54 <johnc4510>     ty
Jun 10 21:07:15 <jacob_>        um, i am fairly new to linux. i used suse about 2 years ago
Jun 10 21:07:33 <johnc4510>     cool
Jun 10 21:07:40 <jacob_>        i have a server up with ubuntu and ubuntu/kububtu on my laptop
Jun 10 21:08:00 <johnc4510>     alright
Jun 10 21:08:08 <jacob_>        I live in gilbert and work in phoenix
Jun 10 21:08:08 <Polygon89>     nice
Jun 10 21:08:22 <jacob_>        i also go to ASU and my little brother is going to UofA next semester
Jun 10 21:08:36 <jacob_>        i see a lot of you are from tucson
Jun 10 21:08:41 <Polygon89>     yep
Jun 10 21:08:46 <Polygon89>     <- from tucson
Jun 10 21:08:52 <johnc4510>     yes but phoenix is growing in membership
Jun 10 21:08:54 <jacob_>        im trying to get him converted to linux too
Jun 10 21:08:59 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 21:09:29 *       johnc4510 says if that's all     welcome to jacob_  glad you're here  :)
Jun 10 21:09:41 <br24>  welcome jacob_
Jun 10 21:09:45 <Polygon89>     welcome
Jun 10 21:09:48 <jacob_>        thank you
Jun 10 21:09:51 <johnc4510>     on to next announcement then
Jun 10 21:09:53 <slofgren_>     welcome jacob_
Jun 10 21:10:07 *       jacob__ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
Jun 10 21:10:16 <johnc4510>     I added a link on main wiki page to the new fullcirclemag    
Jun 10 21:10:17 <jacob_>        huh?
Jun 10 21:10:26 <jacob_>        nvm
Jun 10 21:10:34 <johnc4510>     also
Jun 10 21:11:04 *       johnc4510 says we got ok for cafepress use of logo
Jun 10 21:11:13 <Polygon89>     nice
Jun 10 21:11:18 <Polygon89>     cafepress is cool :D
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Ian McEwen
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     From: Marilize Coetzee < trademarks@ubuntu.com>
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Date: Jun 7, 2007 6:14 AM
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Subject: Re: AZ LoCo team request for use of a logo
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     To: Ian McEwen <mcewen.ian@gmail.com>
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Hi Ian
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     You have permission to use our trademark, as long as it is to benefit
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     your Loco Team and community, and not for commercial gain.
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Please adhere to the following logo rules:
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     The Ubuntu logo and name are registered trademarks of Canonical. We're
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     happy to grant permission for you to use the logo under the following
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     conditions:
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     (a) You observe the logo usage rules described on our website at:
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>          http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy ;
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     (b) Somewhere on the product you recognise that Ubuntu is a trademark
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>          of Canonical Limited.
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     The logo usage rules basically boil down to "use the logo as is -
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     don't change it" and I don't expect they should cause you any
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     trouble.
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Kind regards
Jun 10 21:11:26 <johnc4510>     Marilize
Jun 10 21:11:47 <johnc4510>     got email from ian today    forwarded
Jun 10 21:11:57 <johnc4510>     so we can start on that now also
Jun 10 21:12:00 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 21:12:12 <Polygon89>     wootsause
Jun 10 21:12:18 <jacob_>        nice
Jun 10 21:12:30 *       johnc4510 asks if anyone has heard from rsthree?
Jun 10 21:12:32 <br24>  very nice indeed
Jun 10 21:12:46 <br24>  havent spoke with him or azteech in a while
Jun 10 21:12:55 <Polygon89>     so you just have to stick a litle (c) or something on it?
Jun 10 21:12:55 <Polygon89>     or a tm
Jun 10 21:12:58 <johnc4510>     hmm
Jun 10 21:13:06 <johnc4510>     ok next item
Jun 10 21:13:24 <Polygon89>     might be on vacation
Jun 10 21:13:26 <johnc4510>     I'm on agenda of Community Council for Ubuntu Membership
Jun 10 21:13:48 <SloggerKhan>   ?
Jun 10 21:13:48 <johnc4510>     I have vorian and atoponce and etank standing up for me
Jun 10 21:14:05 <johnc4510>     SloggerKhan: it is a requirement for team approval
Jun 10 21:14:11 <Polygon89>     ah
Jun 10 21:14:12 <Polygon89>     that works
Jun 10 21:14:12 <SloggerKhan>   Oh, OK.
Jun 10 21:14:14 *       dx00 (n=ssjgolle@wsip-70-166-106-109.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 21:14:19 <SloggerKhan>   I wasn't sure what that meant.
Jun 10 21:14:28 <Polygon89>     me either :D
Jun 10 21:14:30 <johnc4510>     I also need members of team to be there if possible
Jun 10 21:14:39 <Polygon89>     time and channel?
Jun 10 21:14:39 <jacob_>        when is it?
Jun 10 21:14:47 <dx00>  hi all
Jun 10 21:14:52 <johnc4510>     council has not set meeting yet,
Jun 10 21:14:55 <jacob_>        hey dx00
Jun 10 21:15:00 <slofgren_>     Hi dx00
Jun 10 21:15:01 <johnc4510>     will inform all when they do
Jun 10 21:15:07 <Polygon89>     kk
Jun 10 21:15:16 <slofgren_>     are you guys still going for membership now?
Jun 10 21:15:25 <johnc4510>     I would appreciated as many as possible
Jun 10 21:15:28 <johnc4510>     thanks
Jun 10 21:15:43 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: yes
Jun 10 21:15:53 <johnc4510>     going to talk about tonight
Jun 10 21:15:56 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 21:16:02 <SloggerKhan>   well, if I can make it, I will show.
Jun 10 21:16:07 <slofgren_>     johnc4510: imo it seems too soon
Jun 10 21:16:34 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: too soon for what?
Jun 10 21:16:40 <johnc4510>     team approval?
Jun 10 21:16:43 <slofgren_>     team membership
Jun 10 21:16:45 <slofgren_>     yeah
Jun 10 21:16:55 <slofgren_>     we can discuss it later though
Jun 10 21:17:04 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: that won't be until august 
Jun 10 21:17:25 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: what i was talking about was ubuntu membership for me
Jun 10 21:17:33 <slofgren_>     ok sorry
Jun 10 21:17:46 <slofgren_>     I stil want to talk about it though
Jun 10 21:17:47 <johnc4510>     one team member must be an ubuntu member to apply for team membership
Jun 10 21:17:49 <slofgren_>     later
Jun 10 21:17:52 <johnc4510>     we will
Jun 10 21:17:57 <johnc4510>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval%20Outline
Jun 10 21:18:10 <johnc4510>     there is link to outline for team approval
Jun 10 21:18:20 <slofgren_>     who is going for that?
Jun 10 21:18:37 <Polygon89>     for team approval?
Jun 10 21:18:40 <johnc4510>     that link is for team approval in august
Jun 10 21:18:54 <johnc4510>     what we need to accomplish
Jun 10 21:19:00 <johnc4510>     between now and then
Jun 10 21:19:02 <slofgren_>     no what member
Jun 10 21:19:11 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: i am up
Jun 10 21:19:16 <slofgren_>     ok
Jun 10 21:20:08 <johnc4510>     slofgren_: anyone can apply   but you have to show certain qualifications
Jun 10 21:20:24 <Polygon89>     examples of said qualifications?
Jun 10 21:20:25 <slofgren_>     yeah. I was just wondering who
Jun 10 21:20:35 <slofgren_>     maybe just link
Jun 10 21:20:41 <johnc4510>     yes hand on
Jun 10 21:20:47 <johnc4510>     hang
Jun 10 21:21:01 <Polygon89>     lol
Jun 10 21:21:17 <slofgren_>     johnc4510: sorry to be getting you off track
Jun 10 21:21:31 *       slofgren_ is now known as slofgren
Jun 10 21:21:37 *       johnc4510 says here is qualifications for individual   http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/newmember/
Jun 10 21:21:47 <Polygon89>     cool i check that out
Jun 10 21:21:59 <slofgren>      thanks johnc4510
Jun 10 21:22:08 <johnc4510>     and here is my wiki page i put in for approval https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Johnc4510?action=show
Jun 10 21:22:13 <br24>  johnc4510, if I can make a recommendation real quick
Jun 10 21:22:23 <johnc4510>     br24: go
Jun 10 21:22:41 <br24>  I recommend everyone who hasnt done so already become an Ubuntero
Jun 10 21:22:53 <jacob_>        what is that/
Jun 10 21:22:56 <SloggerKhan>   I think I am already.
Jun 10 21:23:15 *       johnc4510 yes that is good idea it is listed first on linked page and requires only signing code of conduct
Jun 10 21:23:16 <jacob_>        I have signed up for so many things in the last couple weeks i dont know if I have or not
Jun 10 21:23:18 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 21:23:26 <Polygon89>     ubuntero?
Jun 10 21:23:31 *       tapH20guru (n=sbarber@wsip-24-249-169-46.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 21:23:33 <Polygon89>     oh
Jun 10 21:23:38 *       johnc4510 says now we need to get back to topic
Jun 10 21:23:40 <johnc4510>     please
Jun 10 21:23:41 <johnc4510>     ty
Jun 10 21:23:42 <Polygon89>     which linked page tho.
Jun 10 21:23:44 <Polygon89>     real fast
Jun 10 21:23:51 <Polygon89>     the qualification one?
Jun 10 21:23:58 <johnc4510>     http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/newmember/
Jun 10 21:24:03 <Polygon89>     kk
Jun 10 21:24:25 <Polygon89>     continue =)
Jun 10 21:24:33 <slofgren>      br24: good idea
Jun 10 21:24:37 *       johnc4510 say now we need to discuss this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval%20Outline
Jun 10 21:25:06 *       johnc4510 asks all to take a few and look over please
Jun 10 21:25:08 *       tapH20guru (n=sbarber@wsip-24-249-169-46.ph.ph.cox.net) has left #ubuntu-arizona ("Ex-Chat")
Jun 10 21:25:16 *       tapH20guru (n=sbarber@wsip-24-249-169-46.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 21:25:23 <tapH20guru>    hey all
Jun 10 21:25:24 <johnc4510>     tapH20guru: howdy
Jun 10 21:25:41 <Polygon89>     yo
Jun 10 21:25:42 <johnc4510>     in meeting looking over this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval%20Outline
Jun 10 21:27:00 <SloggerKhan>   Boy, some feedback for me hidden there.
Jun 10 21:27:07 *       johnc4510 says we need to discuss if this is ok    Note: dates in marketing portion are out    need to revise that
Jun 10 21:27:15 <johnc4510>     SloggerKhan: naw    
Jun 10 21:27:17 <johnc4510>     :_
Jun 10 21:27:21 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 21:27:27 <tapH20guru>    that's alot of stuff
Jun 10 21:27:33 <Polygon89>     thats incomplete yeah
Jun 10 21:27:36 <johnc4510>     SloggerKhan: just that you were already working on
Jun 10 21:28:07 *       johnc4510 says we just need to discuss if fisable or not
Jun 10 21:28:26 *       johnc4510 says revisions to dates forthcoming
Jun 10 21:29:13 <slofgren>      johnc4510: I think we need to lay down some more experiance though
Jun 10 21:29:14 *       johnc4510 says that these don't need to be completed projects, just working projects that show progress
Jun 10 21:29:21 <slofgren>      the server will provide some of that
Jun 10 21:29:22 <Polygon89>     ah ok
Jun 10 21:29:26 <johnc4510>     slofgren: yes
Jun 10 21:29:56 *       johnc4510 says these will be ongoing projects for team from now on    
Jun 10 21:30:07 <slofgren>      I would also like to see our focus change a bit on how we contribut to the community and our roll in helping the end user
Jun 10 21:30:37 <johnc4510>     slofgren: ok,   part of these projects will do that i think
Jun 10 21:30:45 <johnc4510>     unless you have other ideas
Jun 10 21:30:46 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 21:30:49 <slofgren>      I do
Jun 10 21:30:51 <tapH20guru>    side note: this wiki page shouldn't really have "I'm going to..." I'm not sure who "I" is
Jun 10 21:30:54 <slofgren>      I have several
Jun 10 21:31:05 <johnc4510>     tapH20guru: i is me
Jun 10 21:31:14 <johnc4510>     tapH20guru:  i wrote page
Jun 10 21:31:16 <slofgren>      lets talk them over this next week though johnc4510
Jun 10 21:31:18 <tapH20guru>    lol... then put "john" :)
Jun 10 21:31:31 <johnc4510>     tapH20guru: ok
Jun 10 21:31:49 *       johnc4510 asks what people think?
Jun 10 21:32:01 <johnc4510>     br24: what about you
Jun 10 21:32:24 <Polygon89>     i possibly have a comp to donate
Jun 10 21:32:28 <Polygon89>     to this comp4kids or whatever
Jun 10 21:32:34 <Polygon89>     i just need to upgrade it a bit
Jun 10 21:32:36 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: good talk to SloggerKhan 
Jun 10 21:32:41 <tapH20guru>    also - I think once we get our server up there could also be other sub-projects within that scope
Jun 10 21:32:41 <slofgren>      hmm sorry what page?
Jun 10 21:32:46 <Polygon89>     64 mb of ram, 500mhz
Jun 10 21:32:52 <Polygon89>     yeah it needs work ;)
Jun 10 21:32:55 <johnc4510>     tapH20guru: we can add as we go
Jun 10 21:32:59 <tapH20guru>    k
Jun 10 21:33:06 <johnc4510>     this is not the end of ideas
Jun 10 21:33:07 <SloggerKhan>   1 thing with that, computers are great, but we need to establish a place to store them and work on them.
Jun 10 21:33:14 <br24>  I think these are definitely good ideas, we just need to start putting commitment to them and follow through
Jun 10 21:33:15 <johnc4510>     more like a beginning
Jun 10 21:33:21 *       tapH20guru reminds SloggerKhan of my list of machines to donate
Jun 10 21:33:23 <johnc4510>     br24: agreed
Jun 10 21:33:34 <johnc4510>     dx00: you here
Jun 10 21:33:34 <slofgren>      I have an idea of what to do with the machines
Jun 10 21:33:41 <SloggerKhan>   Yeah http://pastie.caboo.se/68448 ?
Jun 10 21:33:43 <Polygon89>     SloggerKhan, well for now since i dont think we are going to have like 20 comps at any one time, we can give it to someone whos good with comps?
Jun 10 21:33:47 <tapH20guru>    yup
Jun 10 21:34:07 <Polygon89>     then we can have them upgrade/fix them
Jun 10 21:34:10 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: comp will stay in town where donated
Jun 10 21:34:19 <br24>  johnc4510, I like the idea bluecat9 proposed over a week ago
Jun 10 21:34:20 <johnc4510>     that way no shipping them around
Jun 10 21:34:27 <SloggerKhan>   That makes sense!
Jun 10 21:34:35 <br24>  about doing some form of user training
Jun 10 21:34:38 <Polygon89>     well im sure there is someone in each town who is good with computers
Jun 10 21:34:43 <tapH20guru>    too bad we can't get a place to host machines in tuscon
Jun 10 21:34:50 <slofgren>      lets not focus on giving the machines away to end users
Jun 10 21:34:59 *       jacob__ (n=jacob@ip68-106-243-206.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 21:35:01 <slofgren>      lets focus on using them to support local ugs
Jun 10 21:35:03 <slofgren>      lugs
Jun 10 21:35:07 <slofgren>      to give away
Jun 10 21:35:09 <johnc4510>     br24: that can be fit in with the support i think i put in the marketing paragraph
Jun 10 21:35:22 <slofgren>      or allow them to use for presentation or project
Jun 10 21:35:27 <slofgren>      maybe as loan
Jun 10 21:35:30 <SloggerKhan>   I can't really follow all this.
Jun 10 21:35:30 <br24>  possibly johnc4510
Jun 10 21:35:45 <Polygon89>     so are we talking about giving them to local lugs or for the comps4kids thing
Jun 10 21:35:46 <Polygon89>     y
Jun 10 21:35:49 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: what do you think?
Jun 10 21:35:55 <tapH20guru>    yeah - which one?
Jun 10 21:35:58 <SloggerKhan>   *Shrugs*
Jun 10 21:35:59 <br24>  johnc4510, the other thing I want to mention is deciding whether we would like to start using these other ideas from other teams
Jun 10 21:36:08 <slofgren>      someone link to the comps4kids
Jun 10 21:36:15 <johnc4510>     br24: yes
Jun 10 21:36:25 <Polygon89>     here is the wiki
Jun 10 21:36:26 <Polygon89>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Comps4Kids
Jun 10 21:36:40 <johnc4510>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Comps4Kids
Jun 10 21:37:06 <slofgren>      cool
Jun 10 21:37:31 <slofgren>      it just seems that we are an ubuntu awarness grop and not a local lug
Jun 10 21:37:35 <johnc4510>     slofgren: idea on lugs good, but want to focus on comp4kids first
Jun 10 21:37:38 <johnc4510>     ok
Jun 10 21:37:49 <slofgren>      we need to support lug growth and let them suport the user
Jun 10 21:38:13 <SloggerKhan>   Tucson has tfug
Jun 10 21:38:26 <slofgren>      I can't say I am all for it though
Jun 10 21:38:30 <tapH20guru>    i suppose it also depends on how many machines we have to use / give away
Jun 10 21:38:36 <Polygon89>     well, depends on how bad their need is for
Jun 10 21:38:44 <slofgren>      I am not agaist kids or families but I think this wil not be what you hop e it will
Jun 10 21:38:44 <johnc4510>     slofgren: how does giving comps to lug support community
Jun 10 21:38:45 <br24>  johnc4510, another possible idea
Jun 10 21:38:50 <johnc4510>     br24: yes
Jun 10 21:38:54 <slofgren>      the lug is the local support
Jun 10 21:38:58 <Polygon89>     cause im sure the lugs have comps
Jun 10 21:38:59 <slofgren>      we are state wide
Jun 10 21:39:01 *       jacob_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
Jun 10 21:39:10 <br24>  why not somebody go to one of these linux groups in Tucson
Jun 10 21:39:24 <slofgren>      we need to encourge local lugs to have hands on awarness
Jun 10 21:39:28 <johnc4510>     br24: not a bad idea
Jun 10 21:39:29 <Polygon89>     anyone got a link?
Jun 10 21:39:36 <br24>  I would be willing to
Jun 10 21:39:38 <Polygon89>     i doubt i could go but still interestering
Jun 10 21:39:39 <slofgren>      we need to be at all the stae wide groups
Jun 10 21:39:52 <slofgren>      lets not forgwet to participate locally
Jun 10 21:40:02 <slofgren>      this is NOT a lug or replacment
Jun 10 21:40:05 <SloggerKhan>   http://www.tfug.org/
Jun 10 21:40:12 <SloggerKhan>   but yeah, I agree, we are not a lug
Jun 10 21:40:30 <slofgren>      we need to focus on suportign lugs and buld more
Jun 10 21:40:31 <johnc4510>     slofgren: yes, well, i just thought comp4kids would show better for team approval
Jun 10 21:40:32 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 21:40:41 <slofgren>      and through that build ubuntu
Jun 10 21:40:45 <SloggerKhan>   I think there is no need to give lugs computers
Jun 10 21:40:49 <SloggerKhan>   It seems kinda weird.
Jun 10 21:40:56 <Polygon89>     yeah
Jun 10 21:41:08 <slofgren>      it might but I think we just need to do what might actully work better
Jun 10 21:41:10 <Polygon89>     i mean these guys are kinda computer enthusiasts, im sure they have enough computers
Jun 10 21:41:22 <slofgren>      I don't care if we ever get team approval acually
Jun 10 21:41:25 <SloggerKhan>   Most lug people have their own computers and mostly meet to hang out or troubleshoot and stuff.
Jun 10 21:41:27 <slofgren>      it would be nice
Jun 10 21:41:40 <Polygon89>     and computers that are most likely a lot more powerful then the the ones we are going to be giving away
Jun 10 21:41:40 <br24>  I agree with SloggerKhan
Jun 10 21:41:46 <slofgren>      nto always
Jun 10 21:41:47 <slofgren>      not
Jun 10 21:41:56 <slofgren>      we need to help them be the local support
Jun 10 21:42:15 *       johnc4510 asks why we can't do both in time
Jun 10 21:42:28 <tapH20guru>    initially we could use some of the donations for a server or two and ubuntu demos machines
Jun 10 21:42:30 <Polygon89>     ahaha
Jun 10 21:42:39 <slofgren>      who care if we get team approval what wil it actually do other than make us look better
Jun 10 21:42:49 <SloggerKhan>   How do we know they are even interested in being local support? What does local even mean?
Jun 10 21:42:57 <SloggerKhan>   *local support even mean?
Jun 10 21:43:00 <jacob__>       i agree with tapH20guru
Jun 10 21:43:02 <slofgren>      local - near by
Jun 10 21:43:11 <br24>  everyone, how about we get our foot in one door before thinking about entering another?
Jun 10 21:43:21 <johnc4510>     slofgren: team approval means we are able to get bulk shipments of ubuntu cd's to distribute
Jun 10 21:43:25 <slofgren>      br24:  like what one
Jun 10 21:43:26 <Polygon89>     so which one are we focusing on first... we can do both in tme
Jun 10 21:43:27 <johnc4510>     no questions asked
Jun 10 21:43:38 <br24>  either one can take time
Jun 10 21:43:41 <slofgren>      johnc4510: who cares I can dl all day and burn all night
Jun 10 21:43:48 <SloggerKhan>   I think getting to a point where we can get lots of CDs is important.
Jun 10 21:43:52 <slofgren>      cd are near free any more
Jun 10 21:44:00 <br24>  so far, I like the comp4kids idea, we just need to get this going
Jun 10 21:44:02 <Polygon89>     but then they come labeled and with a nice case
Jun 10 21:44:07 <SloggerKhan>   But when they look official, it makes a difference.
Jun 10 21:44:14 <Polygon89>     we can do both if we have a labeler somewhere
Jun 10 21:44:24 <slofgren>       no body is going to up and instal from some cd unless they have a hand to hold
Jun 10 21:44:35 <slofgren>      if they would then they are probably runing it
Jun 10 21:44:38 <SloggerKhan>   Let's get on topic.
Jun 10 21:44:39 *       johnc4510 says we are going to have to burn ourselves until then
Jun 10 21:44:44 <SloggerKhan>   This is getting tangental
Jun 10 21:44:47 <SloggerKhan>   it that's a word.
Jun 10 21:44:52 <Polygon89>     sounds like it
Jun 10 21:44:52 <SloggerKhan>   I bet it's not.
Jun 10 21:44:55 *       johnc4510 calls for floor
Jun 10 21:45:01 <Polygon89>     tangent means like next to something, but yeah on topic!
Jun 10 21:45:17 *       tapH20guru has to run... bye
Jun 10 21:45:20 *       tapH20guru has quit ("Outta Here!")
Jun 10 21:45:22 *       slofgren waits
Jun 10 21:45:44 *       johnc4510 says it seems that most want team approval and comp4kids to start    that doesn't mean we can't work with lugs though
Jun 10 21:46:03 *       johnc4510 says anyone who disagrees please voice now
Jun 10 21:46:03 <Polygon89>     i agree, since we already have a nice outline
Jun 10 21:46:08 <SloggerKhan>   I agree.
Jun 10 21:46:12 <br24>  I agree
Jun 10 21:46:14 <jacob__>       i agree
Jun 10 21:46:16 <Polygon89>     we can have someone make a outline for the LUG project
Jun 10 21:46:24 <slofgren>      I just wonder why. that is all.  It seems self serving rather than pro active
Jun 10 21:46:33 <jacob__>       what all do we want to do with lug?
Jun 10 21:46:38 <Polygon89>     i dunno
Jun 10 21:46:44 <johnc4510>     slofgren: we are not blowing you off
Jun 10 21:46:52 <johnc4510>     i am willing to do both
Jun 10 21:47:00 <slofgren>      everyone of you should be envolved with your local compuer club lug
Jun 10 21:47:03 <johnc4510>     but team wants to start on other first 
Jun 10 21:47:06 <johnc4510>     sorry
Jun 10 21:47:11 <dx00>  johnc4510: i think slofgren has some good points and i think we should really discuss what the Ubuntu Team Roll is
Jun 10 21:47:14 <br24>  in fact, having lug support would be a good thing
Jun 10 21:47:31 <Polygon89>     we could have people to participate and see what they really want
Jun 10 21:47:32 *       johnc4510 says he agrees to lug support 
Jun 10 21:47:37 <dx00>  johnc4510: i think we should talk more about this in a defferent meeting
Jun 10 21:47:43 *       johnc4510 say he is not blowing this off
Jun 10 21:47:46 <slofgren>      dx00: I agree
Jun 10 21:47:47 <Polygon89>     agenda for next week?
Jun 10 21:48:01 <Polygon89>     specifically about lugs and stuff?
Jun 10 21:48:02 <br24>  johnc4510, if you think we should look at tfug, I will attend a meetiong
Jun 10 21:48:03 *       johnc4510 says he is not done yet please
Jun 10 21:48:13 <SloggerKhan>   I think having a connection with them would be good, but it's important to remember tucson has more of a unix group than a lug
Jun 10 21:48:27 <SloggerKhan>   But we should have a liason.
Jun 10 21:48:28 <Polygon89>     thats why its called free unix group
Jun 10 21:48:42 <Polygon89>     but that also includes linux, it specfically says "and unix-like"
Jun 10 21:48:50 <slofgren>      you guys are on track now :)
Jun 10 21:48:54 *       johnc4510 asks for floor again
Jun 10 21:48:55 <slofgren>      act local
Jun 10 21:48:55 <johnc4510>     please
Jun 10 21:49:04 <SloggerKhan>   However, we should have a liaison before we make plans including them.
Jun 10 21:49:05 <slofgren>      johnc4510: you have floor
Jun 10 21:49:09 *       slofgren steps back
Jun 10 21:49:40 *       johnc4510 says look everyone, these are not the only things we are going to work on
Jun 10 21:49:53 *       johnc4510 says ideas, all ideas are good
Jun 10 21:50:05 <SloggerKhan>   slofgren:  I think you should make a wiki about establishing a liason with TFUG. After doing that, then we can look at doing things including them.
Jun 10 21:50:15 *       johnc4510 says he is just trying to do what team has asked him to do
Jun 10 21:50:21 <slofgren>      SloggerKhan: col let johnc4510 have floor
Jun 10 21:50:33 <SloggerKhan>   srry
Jun 10 21:50:57 *       johnc4510 says that these are just ideas to get team approval which all have wanted
Jun 10 21:51:05 *       johnc4510 asks if he is wrong
Jun 10 21:51:10 <slofgren>      no
Jun 10 21:51:22 <SloggerKhan>   don't think so.
Jun 10 21:51:23 <jacob__>       nope
Jun 10 21:51:25 <slofgren>      I think team approval sould be our last focus though
Jun 10 21:51:26 *       johnc4510 says that we can do anything if we try
Jun 10 21:51:36 *       johnc4510 says slofgren has good ideas
Jun 10 21:51:36 <slofgren>      not our main focus
Jun 10 21:52:04 *       johnc4510 asks if team will approve his wiki on outline for team approval
Jun 10 21:52:23 <jacob__>       approved
Jun 10 21:52:29 *       johnc4510 says that this will be a lot of work for all
Jun 10 21:52:36 <SloggerKhan>   I think it's OK. I am not best person to understand if it's correct or anything.
Jun 10 21:52:36 <slofgren>      I still need to read it all
Jun 10 21:53:09 *       johnc4510 says if approved he will set up a subpage for volunteers and material donations
Jun 10 21:53:25 <Polygon89>     i have a question
Jun 10 21:53:29 *       johnc4510 says that he will donate 100 cd's to start
Jun 10 21:53:34 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: go
Jun 10 21:53:36 <Polygon89>     under experience it says we need 3 projects
Jun 10 21:53:39 <johnc4510>     yes
Jun 10 21:53:45 <Polygon89>     marketing, computer recycle and project #3
Jun 10 21:53:52 <johnc4510>     hold on
Jun 10 21:53:52 <Polygon89>     what is the comp recycle and project #3?
Jun 10 21:53:53 <Polygon89>     it doesnt say
Jun 10 21:54:08 <Polygon89>     or is that comp4kids and ubuntu demos?
Jun 10 21:54:10 <slofgren>      I would like to seee lug envolment in our team aproval wiki
Jun 10 21:54:26 <slofgren>      lug/computer club/FOSS club
Jun 10 21:54:39 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: you're on wrong page i think   try this one  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval%20Outline
Jun 10 21:55:01 <slofgren>      *nix club ... what ev
Jun 10 21:55:22 <slofgren>      we have to start taking an active roll in our local community.
Jun 10 21:55:27 <johnc4510>     slofgren: how about you set up a overview and email it to me to look at and present to team
Jun 10 21:55:27 <slofgren>      our towns that we live  in
Jun 10 21:55:28 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 21:55:41 <slofgren>      I could do that
Jun 10 21:55:58 <johnc4510>     slofgren: we can try anything
Jun 10 21:56:04 <Polygon89>     johnc4510, its the same page
Jun 10 21:56:11 <Polygon89>     johnc4510, look under "experience"
Jun 10 21:57:09 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: ah sorry i just need to edit the demos in  sorry i missed that
Jun 10 21:57:21 <johnc4510>     demos at bottom of wiki page
Jun 10 21:57:27 <Polygon89>     ok
Jun 10 21:57:29 <Polygon89>     that makes sense :D
Jun 10 21:57:30 <johnc4510>     is third projec6t
Jun 10 21:58:00 *       johnc4510 asks again what everyone thinks?
Jun 10 21:58:08 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: how about you?
Jun 10 21:58:10 <slofgren>      guys I am not trying to disrupt here. These are ideas I have been stewing about.  I would like to make sure we are focusing our group properly. johnc4510 I am not trying to steal floor.  Thanks for puttign up with my ideas
Jun 10 21:58:12 <jacob__>       i think it works well
Jun 10 21:58:27 <johnc4510>     slofgren: np
Jun 10 21:58:36 <Polygon89>     we can add the lug/whatever involvement under the team roadmap
Jun 10 21:58:41 <johnc4510>     slofgren: as i said there are no bad ideas
Jun 10 21:58:41 <Polygon89>     cause it is something we want to work on
Jun 10 21:58:47 <johnc4510>     yes
Jun 10 21:58:51 <Polygon89>     and since that is still incomplete
Jun 10 21:58:54 <Polygon89>     we can add it quite easily
Jun 10 21:58:59 *       johnc4510 asks for floor again
Jun 10 21:59:01 <slofgren>      there are many bad ideas.  you are just being nice
Jun 10 21:59:43 *       johnc4510 not at all slofgren     this outline page is for our use only,    we will have another wiki page outlining our team for team approval
Jun 10 22:00:18 *       johnc4510 says members in each town will be needed
Jun 10 22:00:21 <johnc4510>     ok
Jun 10 22:00:32 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: what about you  will you help out
Jun 10 22:00:37 <Polygon89>     for the project?
Jun 10 22:00:44 <johnc4510>     yes
Jun 10 22:00:47 <Polygon89>     kk
Jun 10 22:00:50 <johnc4510>     projects
Jun 10 22:01:05 *       johnc4510 says we will have to interact
Jun 10 22:01:29 <johnc4510>     with each other and each project
Jun 10 22:01:29 <jacob__>       i can work in either gilbert or phoenix or even mesa
Jun 10 22:01:35 <johnc4510>     jacob__: ty
Jun 10 22:01:53 <jacob__>       hell, apache junction isnt to far either
Jun 10 22:02:14 *       johnc4510 asks if any other discussion or should we accept my proposal
Jun 10 22:02:45 <jacob__>       i have no further discussion
Jun 10 22:02:50 *       johnc4510 says to watch the outline wiki page to subpages add this wk
Jun 10 22:03:10 *       johnc4510 says for volunteers of time and material
Jun 10 22:03:23 <jacob__>       i can do a lot of printing at my work
Jun 10 22:03:28 <jacob__>       so paper and ink
Jun 10 22:03:28 <johnc4510>     jacob__: ty
Jun 10 22:03:42 <jacob__>       and I can provide as much time as possible, I do work 8-5 though
Jun 10 22:03:42 *       johnc4510 asks for agenda points for next wk
Jun 10 22:04:08 *       johnc4510 asks if he has pissed everyone off?  :)
Jun 10 22:04:12 <johnc4510>     hee hee
Jun 10 22:04:18 <jacob__>       haha
Jun 10 22:04:21 <Polygon89>     looks good
Jun 10 22:04:24 <jacob__>       i think the lug issue is big
Jun 10 22:04:38 <jacob__>       and what groups we should get with should be disscussed next week
Jun 10 22:04:46 <slofgren>      johnc4510: mad at you. I am sure I made you mad
Jun 10 22:04:47 <johnc4510>     jacob__: if you want to work with slofgren on lug stuff ask him
Jun 10 22:04:56 <johnc4510>     slofgren: not at all really
Jun 10 22:04:58 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 22:04:59 <slofgren>      johnc4510: you are a good
Jun 10 22:05:04 <johnc4510>     ass
Jun 10 22:05:10 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 22:05:15 <slofgren>      hah
Jun 10 22:05:20 <slofgren>      I meant good guy
Jun 10 22:05:22 <johnc4510>     bet ya to it
Jun 10 22:05:24 <johnc4510>     ha ha
Jun 10 22:05:25 <slofgren>      ooops
Jun 10 22:05:27 <johnc4510>     np
Jun 10 22:05:30 <slofgren>      heh
Jun 10 22:05:32 <Polygon89>     lawl
Jun 10 22:05:47 *       johnc4510 asks for agenda items for next wk
Jun 10 22:06:04 <slofgren>      server?
Jun 10 22:06:06 <Polygon89>     i think the projects, should be talked about
Jun 10 22:06:22 <jacob__>       good call slofgren
Jun 10 22:06:22 <johnc4510>     br24: you want to discuss other loco ideas I know 
Jun 10 22:06:24 <Polygon89>     if not now, just to get started
Jun 10 22:06:26 <SlickMcRunfast>        johnc: what am i helping with
Jun 10 22:06:32 <br24>  johnc4510, yes
Jun 10 22:06:37 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: anything you want to 
Jun 10 22:06:44 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: please
Jun 10 22:07:01 <johnc4510>     br24: i have not forgotten
Jun 10 22:07:20 <johnc4510>     br24: marketing project is right out of ohio loco   mostly
Jun 10 22:07:21 <br24>  roger that
Jun 10 22:07:36 <johnc4510>     i know there are other things
Jun 10 22:07:39 <slofgren>      anyone here feel we are a Linux Tent Revival?
Jun 10 22:07:46 <slofgren>      sorry I am from the bible belt
Jun 10 22:07:48 <johnc4510>     hee he
Jun 10 22:07:51 <johnc4510>     me too
Jun 10 22:07:54 <johnc4510>     missouri
Jun 10 22:08:02 <slofgren>      johnc4510: you are healed
Jun 10 22:08:09 <johnc4510>     slofgren: yes, np
Jun 10 22:08:29 <johnc4510>     slofgren: it is just hard to talk over everyone
Jun 10 22:08:30 <johnc4510>     np
Jun 10 22:08:43 <johnc4510>     i'm not the best mod
Jun 10 22:08:45 <johnc4510>     either
Jun 10 22:08:56 <dx00>  slofgren: need to log on to your nick
Jun 10 22:09:01 <slofgren>      eh...you do fine
Jun 10 22:09:25 <slofgren>      dx00: I am
Jun 10 22:09:35 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: can you help in phoenix on items with comp4kids and marketing project?  anything
Jun 10 22:10:08 <slofgren>      dx00: you are not though
Jun 10 22:10:11 <slofgren>      ;)
Jun 10 22:10:26 *       johnc4510 say to all to check tomorrow on outline wiki for volunteer subpage
Jun 10 22:10:27 <dx00>  slofgren: ups
Jun 10 22:10:41 *       johnc4510 says he will have it up by noon or so
Jun 10 22:10:44 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 22:10:55 <Polygon89>     for the marketing one, we need people who are actually at those colleges
Jun 10 22:11:05 <Polygon89>     or have relations to them
Jun 10 22:11:11 <Polygon89>     that would be really good
Jun 10 22:11:25 <SloggerKhan>   which would be me...
Jun 10 22:11:26 *       johnc4510 says yes Polygon89 we have several people on campus's
Jun 10 22:11:33 <johnc4510>     SloggerKhan: ty
Jun 10 22:11:41 *       dx00 has quit ("leaving")
Jun 10 22:11:42 <Polygon89>     that works :D
Jun 10 22:11:52 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: SloggerKhan is in the know about u of a activities
Jun 10 22:12:00 *       dx00 (n=ssjgolle@wsip-70-166-106-109.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 22:12:14 <johnc4510>     dx00: what can you tell us about server?
Jun 10 22:12:18 <slofgren>      welcome dx00
Jun 10 22:12:25 <dx00>  :)
Jun 10 22:12:39 <johnc4510>     dx00: is server functional yet?
Jun 10 22:12:40 <dx00>  the server is on the rack now and we are trying to install the OS
Jun 10 22:12:44 <johnc4510>     ah
Jun 10 22:12:58 <dx00>  we been having problems because a confirmed bad cdrom
Jun 10 22:13:00 <Polygon89>     trying?
Jun 10 22:13:03 <johnc4510>     dx00: have you tried net install yet
Jun 10 22:13:03 <Polygon89>     ah
Jun 10 22:13:19 <dx00>  kinda
Jun 10 22:13:21 <johnc4510>     dx00: as slofgren suggested
Jun 10 22:13:23 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 22:13:33 <johnc4510>     dx00: did it not work?
Jun 10 22:13:38 <slofgren>      or usb install
Jun 10 22:13:43 <dx00>  it turn out to be a little more involved that we wanted it and didn't have all the equipment to do a net install
Jun 10 22:13:53 <dx00>  no
Jun 10 22:13:53 <johnc4510>     ah
Jun 10 22:14:00 <Polygon89>     equipment? what is required?
Jun 10 22:14:12 <dx00>  we need another puter with dhcp
Jun 10 22:14:20 <Polygon89>     ah
Jun 10 22:14:21 <slofgren>      I wil be down in phx next week. I might be able to help
Jun 10 22:14:25 <dx00>  dhcp server actually
Jun 10 22:14:33 <dx00>  let me know when
Jun 10 22:14:36 <slofgren>      ok
Jun 10 22:14:43 <slofgren>      I am not sure now
Jun 10 22:15:01 <slofgren>      I will tell you when I know
Jun 10 22:15:12 <slofgren>      I have to go back down to my office in Phx
Jun 10 22:17:38 *       dx00_ (n=ssjgolle@wsip-70-166-106-109.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 22:17:44 <dx00_> arr
Jun 10 22:17:47 <Polygon89>     heh
Jun 10 22:17:53 *       dx00 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
Jun 10 22:17:56 <slofgren>      dx00_: heh
Jun 10 22:18:04 <Polygon89>     bad internet connection?
Jun 10 22:18:09 <slofgren>      lmao
Jun 10 22:18:15 <dx00_> sorry guys, i'm not a home (on public network) and keep getting reset
Jun 10 22:18:27 <dx00_> whats the last thing i said?
Jun 10 22:18:30 *       johnc4510 asks if anything else
Jun 10 22:18:32 <Polygon89>     heh. they must not like you being on irc
Jun 10 22:18:33 <slofgren>      free beer
Jun 10 22:18:38 <Polygon89>     you said "let me knw when"
Jun 10 22:18:45 <dx00_> oh
Jun 10 22:18:56 <dx00_> johnc4510:
Jun 10 22:18:59 <br24>  Im up for free beer
Jun 10 22:19:02 <johnc4510>     dx00_: yes
Jun 10 22:19:09 <slofgren>      dx00_ is buying
Jun 10 22:19:17 <dx00_> one of the things that im also working on is...
Jun 10 22:19:19 <jacob__>       sweet!
Jun 10 22:19:30 <dx00_> ACL and servers, along with policies
Jun 10 22:19:52 <dx00_> but like slofgren was saying earlier, we need to know what the server will be used for
Jun 10 22:20:08 <slofgren>      we have some ideas
Jun 10 22:20:12 <dx00_> and that means we really need to look at the role of the ubuntu team
Jun 10 22:20:29 <Polygon89>     whoa that lagged
Jun 10 22:20:45 <johnc4510>     dx00_: server will be used for channel stats, tetrinet, our web page hosting and anything else we need it for
Jun 10 22:20:47 <dx00_> and the function of the server will be greatly impacted by wether we are lug type of team or a lug supporter
Jun 10 22:21:22 <slofgren>      we also need to know if we are just wanting to use our server for testing or suporting others
Jun 10 22:21:28 <johnc4510>     dx00_: some of these are questions i can't answer right now,  and some you will have to explain
Jun 10 22:21:50 <johnc4510>     slofgren: testing what,   supporting whom
Jun 10 22:21:52 <dx00_> thats why i suggested earlier that we talk about the team purpose
Jun 10 22:22:03 <dx00_> on a different meeting
Jun 10 22:22:15 <slofgren>      I say we don't use our server for team testing and we try and make it something functional
Jun 10 22:22:24 <slofgren>      like as in test apache
Jun 10 22:22:31 <slofgren>      or other services we want to learn
Jun 10 22:22:49 <slofgren>      we need to have the server be stable
Jun 10 22:22:54 <slofgren>      not just for random use
Jun 10 22:23:04 <Polygon89>     yeah
Jun 10 22:23:15 <slofgren>      I would liek to see our server used to support arizona lUGs and our loco
Jun 10 22:23:19 *       johnc4510 says he thinks server should be used for anything the team wants   i know that is vague, but i don't have the expertise to forsee our needs
Jun 10 22:23:34 <slofgren>      also goos ubuntu support for non computer geeks
Jun 10 22:23:34 <johnc4510>     slofgren: yes good idea 
Jun 10 22:23:39 <br24>  slofgren, while I do agree we should use the server for something productive, there are those, such as myself, that would like to learn new skills
Jun 10 22:23:45 <Polygon89>     that would be a good idea for the people who are active in the lugs
Jun 10 22:23:47 <dx00_> thats understood johnc4510, but there needs to be guidelines
Jun 10 22:23:51 <johnc4510>     slofgren: it should be a teaching tool for team
Jun 10 22:23:52 <Polygon89>     to see what the could we use the server for
Jun 10 22:23:55 <dx00_> and that depends on what the purpose of the team is
Jun 10 22:24:08 <slofgren>      maybe we could setup something else to play with
Jun 10 22:24:19 <slofgren>      or use spare computers to send around to play on
Jun 10 22:24:28 <johnc4510>     dx00_: what do you see the purpose of the team as being?
Jun 10 22:24:41 <dx00_> johnc4510: i don't exactly know
Jun 10 22:24:49 <slofgren>      but I do
Jun 10 22:24:58 <slofgren>      I have spent time thinging about it
Jun 10 22:24:59 <johnc4510>     slofgren: give us some ideas then
Jun 10 22:25:01 <dx00_> thats why i recomend that we do talk about the purpose of the team
Jun 10 22:25:08 <slofgren>      yes
Jun 10 22:25:11 <johnc4510>     dx00_: do you have time now
Jun 10 22:25:30 <dx00_> i think we should do a conferance call or even meet in person
Jun 10 22:25:37 <slofgren>      I don't but you did not ask me
Jun 10 22:25:41 <dx00_> i rather literally talk about it
Jun 10 22:25:47 <slofgren>      dx00_: I agree
Jun 10 22:25:56 <johnc4510>     dx00_: slofgren ok sorry
Jun 10 22:26:00 <slofgren>      much more can get done with voice
Jun 10 22:26:15 <br24>  okay, when and where?
Jun 10 22:26:25 <slofgren>      my typing sucks like MS ME
Jun 10 22:26:25 *       johnc4510 says he can't travel to phoenix right now    other ideas on discussion
Jun 10 22:26:38 <slofgren>      confrence call
Jun 10 22:26:48 <jacob__>       who would host the call?
Jun 10 22:26:50 <slofgren>      I can go to phx and we can call tucson
Jun 10 22:26:56 <dx00_> skype
Jun 10 22:27:01 <jacob__>       ah, yeah
Jun 10 22:27:11 <jacob__>       i can meet in phoenix
Jun 10 22:27:20 <slofgren>      jacob__: cool
Jun 10 22:27:28 <johnc4510>     i don't have skype   
Jun 10 22:27:32 <johnc4510>     could install
Jun 10 22:27:44 <dx00_> or a conferance call
Jun 10 22:27:49 <slofgren>      johnc4510: do you have access to a confrence phone
Jun 10 22:27:50 <br24>  johnc4510, maybe this can help you with Skype
Jun 10 22:27:50 <br24>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype
Jun 10 22:27:51 <Polygon89>     google talk or something, there are programs in linux that let you use google talk's voip
Jun 10 22:28:13 <slofgren>      br24 and Polygon89 good ideas
Jun 10 22:28:45 <jacob__>       my lap top cant do voice, but if we had a group meet in phx that has one i can meet there
Jun 10 22:28:47 <dx00_> anyway, thats all i got for server stuff
Jun 10 22:28:49 <Polygon89>     i believe the linux client for google talk voip is called "tapioca" or something
Jun 10 22:29:23 <johnc4510>     dx00_: you are meeting with slofgren this wk    is that right slofgren 
Jun 10 22:29:37 <johnc4510>     slofgren: ?
Jun 10 22:29:39 <dx00_> its possible
Jun 10 22:29:46 <slofgren>      johnc4510: I wil go to phx when our new computer arrives
Jun 10 22:29:54 <slofgren>      I can not say when
Jun 10 22:30:03 <slofgren>      it is in Dell's hands ;)
Jun 10 22:30:29 <slofgren>      could be end of this week or beginning of next
Jun 10 22:30:38 *       johnc4510 says with dx00_   slofgren   and jacob__  maybe i am not needed
Jun 10 22:30:40 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 22:30:50 <slofgren>      eh?
Jun 10 22:30:53 <jacob__>       huh?
Jun 10 22:30:55 <dx00_> i really think johnc4510 should be there
Jun 10 22:31:00 *       johnc4510 says ok
Jun 10 22:31:01 <slofgren>      johnc4510: you need to be apart of this
Jun 10 22:31:06 <johnc4510>     :P
Jun 10 22:31:08 <johnc4510>     k
Jun 10 22:31:17 <slofgren>      johnc4510 ftw ;)
Jun 10 22:31:19 <jacob__>       where in phoenix are we talking about?
Jun 10 22:31:29 <slofgren>      probably my office
Jun 10 22:31:37 <slofgren>      east Bell road
Jun 10 22:31:39 *       johnc4510 says he can not meet in person in phoenix
Jun 10 22:31:44 <SlickMcRunfast>        huuu meeting in phoenix?
Jun 10 22:31:59 <dx00_> we can call you johnc4510
Jun 10 22:31:59 <slofgren>      are the reast of you guys around tucson?
Jun 10 22:32:00 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: you want to meet about server
Jun 10 22:32:07 <johnc4510>     mostly
Jun 10 22:32:12 <jacob__>       i am at 3rd ave and jefferson
Jun 10 22:32:28 <slofgren>      then oyu guys could all gather somewere we could call
Jun 10 22:32:36 <dx00_> take the 51 jacob__
Jun 10 22:32:43 <dx00_> :)
Jun 10 22:32:49 *       johnc4510 asks if you all meet in phoenix could you not call me and get my imput that way  on speaker phone
Jun 10 22:32:51 <johnc4510>     ?
Jun 10 22:33:08 <dx00_> yeah, thats what we can do
Jun 10 22:33:18 <jacob__>       sure
Jun 10 22:33:19 *       johnc4510 says he sees dx00_  already had that idea
Jun 10 22:33:29 <jacob__>       what time would we be doing this?
Jun 10 22:33:34 *       johnc4510 says that would work for him 
Jun 10 22:33:37 <slofgren>      yeah johnc4510 it would be a conference call
Jun 10 22:33:48 *       johnc4510 says wed is out for him
Jun 10 22:33:59 <br24>  I would like to be part of this meeting
Jun 10 22:34:00 <johnc4510>     sister arriving at tucson airport
Jun 10 22:34:23 <jacob__>       it would have to be after working hours...
Jun 10 22:34:26 <johnc4510>     dx00_: can we get br24  in on conference call
Jun 10 22:34:29 <slofgren>      I will let everyone know as soon as I am able to go to phx and we can see if then we can set a time
Jun 10 22:34:37 <jacob__>       okay
Jun 10 22:34:51 <dx00_> slofgren: do you have conferance phone?
Jun 10 22:34:58 <slofgren>      dx00_:  yes
Jun 10 22:35:01 <johnc4510>     SlickMcRunfast: can you meet sometime in evening on this?
Jun 10 22:35:03 <slofgren>      dx00_: a polycom
Jun 10 22:35:31 <dx00_> johnc4510 and jacob__, you just need to dial to slofgren phone and that would get you both in
Jun 10 22:35:39 <slofgren>      johnc4510: do you have a conference phone available?
Jun 10 22:35:58 <johnc4510>     slofgren: i just have a regular home phone
Jun 10 22:35:59 <slofgren>      jacob__: can you come to north phx
Jun 10 22:36:02 <johnc4510>     don't know
Jun 10 22:36:06 <slofgren>      johnc4510: that is cool
Jun 10 22:36:25 <jacob__>       i could, but I cant get off of work till 5... unless it would be on the weekend
Jun 10 22:36:29 <jacob__>       or else I can call
Jun 10 22:36:46 *       johnc4510 says someone will have to let me know when and a number  :)
Jun 10 22:36:58 <johnc4510>     dx00_: did you see pm?
Jun 10 22:37:03 <slofgren>      I think the meeting needs to be 6 or later due to my work and using their phone
Jun 10 22:37:11 <jacob__>       i agree
Jun 10 22:37:16 <johnc4510>     agreed
Jun 10 22:37:17 <slofgren>      plus everyone works til 5 or 6
Jun 10 22:37:24 <johnc4510>     ok with me
Jun 10 22:37:42 <johnc4510>     dx00_: did you see private msg?
Jun 10 22:37:43 <dx00_> johnc4510: can't pm right now
Jun 10 22:37:49 <johnc4510>     ah
Jun 10 22:37:56 *       dx00_ has quit ("leaving")
Jun 10 22:38:01 <slofgren>      haha
Jun 10 22:38:07 <johnc4510>     damn
Jun 10 22:38:19 *       dx00 (n=ssjgolle@wsip-70-166-106-109.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #ubuntu-arizona
Jun 10 22:38:20 <slofgren>      he is at starbucks I bet
Jun 10 22:38:24 <johnc4510>     ah
Jun 10 22:38:24 <slofgren>      lol
Jun 10 22:38:27 <br24>  yuck
Jun 10 22:38:35 <slofgren>      dx00: starbucks?
Jun 10 22:38:51 <dx00>  yeah, thats fine
Jun 10 22:38:52 <johnc4510>     dx00: i will send you email about pm
Jun 10 22:38:56 <slofgren>      mcdonalds wifi?
Jun 10 22:38:57 <dx00>  k
Jun 10 22:39:04 <Polygon89>     hehehe
Jun 10 22:39:32 *       johnc4510 says mac's wifi is greasy i bet   :)
Jun 10 22:39:42 <johnc4510>     brb
Jun 10 22:39:54 <dx00>  anyway, i'm done with server stuff
Jun 10 22:40:10 <slofgren>      dx00: forever? ;)
Jun 10 22:40:19 <jacob__>       lol
Jun 10 22:40:33 <slofgren>      dx00: we can work together on it when I come down
Jun 10 22:40:39 <slofgren>      if you want
Jun 10 22:40:41 <dx00>  that be cool
Jun 10 22:41:02 <dx00>  just let me know when you can come
Jun 10 22:41:04 <slofgren>      dx00: I won't chat your ear off this time :p
Jun 10 22:41:16 <dx00>  thanks
Jun 10 22:41:18 <slofgren>      but I probably will :)
Jun 10 22:41:19 <dx00>  :)
Jun 10 22:41:33 <johnc4510>     dx00: email on way
Jun 10 22:41:44 <SloggerKhan>   I need to get going.
Jun 10 22:41:53 <johnc4510>     slofgren: ty bye
Jun 10 22:41:58 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 22:41:58 <slofgren>      yeah me too. lots of work tonight
Jun 10 22:42:04 <johnc4510>     slofgren: ty bye
Jun 10 22:42:13 <slofgren>      hehe
Jun 10 22:42:17 <jacob__>       see ya
Jun 10 22:42:27 <slofgren>      bye johnc4510 and all
Jun 10 22:42:31 <johnc4510>     jacob__: thanks for coming and your imput
Jun 10 22:42:32 <SloggerKhan>   Sorry all
Jun 10 22:42:36 <SloggerKhan>   goodnight.
Jun 10 22:42:36 <johnc4510>     slofgren: np
Jun 10 22:42:42 <dx00>  got it johnc4510
Jun 10 22:42:44 <johnc4510>     SloggerKhan: np bye
Jun 10 22:42:45 <jacob__>       this is fun
Jun 10 22:42:50 <jacob__>       good group
Jun 10 22:42:50 <johnc4510>     dx00: ty
Jun 10 22:42:59 <slofgren>      this was a long meeting
Jun 10 22:43:00 <Polygon89>     laters all
Jun 10 22:43:01 <johnc4510>     jacob__: we are a lively bunch
Jun 10 22:43:03 <johnc4510>     :)
Jun 10 22:43:11 <johnc4510>     Polygon89: bye
Jun 10 22:43:12 <dx00>  bye Polygon89
Jun 10 22:43:14 <johnc4510>     now playing: Speed King -- Deep Purple
Jun 10 22:43:18 <johnc4510>     :P
Jun 10 22:43:21 <johnc4510>     a classic
Jun 10 22:43:32 *       slofgren still hangs in chan
Jun 10 22:43:34 <johnc4510>     from made in japan
Jun 10 22:44:53 *       johnc4510 says thanks to all and bye
Jun 10 22:45:02 <jacob__>       see ya
Jun 10 22:45:21 <dx00>  bye johnc4510
Jun 10 22:46:32 *       br24 is away: busy
Jun 10 22:46:40 <br24>  everyone have a good evening
Jun 10 22:47:16 <jacob__>       you too
Jun 10 22:47:23 Tcl interface unloaded
Jun 10 22:47:23 Exaile! XChat unloaded
Jun 10 22:47:23 Perl interface unloaded
Jun 10 22:47:23 Python interface unloaded
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jun 10 22:47:23 2007

Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam/Meetings"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
