Contact Information (and quite a bit too much of it)
Contact me any time on any of these; I'll get back to it if I'm not around (I'm usually set on away even if I'm there, so be warned).
Website: http://www.ianmcorvidae.net/]
Email: <mcewen.ian AT gmail DOT com>
Jabber: <mcewen.ian AT gmail DOT com> OR ianmcorvidae@livejournal.com
ICQ: 306375398]
- AIM (note that ICQ above is compatible with AIM): mcewenian2
Yahoo: ianmcorvidae]
MSN (Yeah, I know. Consorting with the devil and all.): <ian-mcewen AT cox DOT net>
Skype: mcewen.ian]
- IRC: I sit in the channel all day, nick ianmcorvidae.
Old Blog: LiveJournal]
Random Other Stuff
- "Converted," as it were, to Ubuntu in January, 2007 upon realizing his computer was getting too unstable and he might as well.
Member, in whatever extent he can be, of ArizonaTeam. Officially, leader of the Membership subteam.
- A native of Arizona; born in Flagstaff, now lives in Tucson.
- Runs Feisty on Desktop and Laptop, with fluxbox as window manager.
- High school student; University High School, for the reference of any Tucsonans who stop by.
IanMcewen (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:27 by localhost)