Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo Team - The Hottest LoCo on Earth
Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter #06 (Week of June13 to June 19, 2007)
Our wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
It was a busy meeting on Sunday, so I will get right to the announcements. We added a link to FullCircleMagazine on the main wiki page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam This is a very good publication, with lots of good articles. I encourage all members to sign up. With Ian gone, we had lost our gtetrinet server. bluecat9 however has stepped in and enabled it on his server. You can get the connection info from one of us in the IRC Channel. Speaking of Ian, he forwarded an email he received from Ubuntu, which gave the ok for our team to use our logo on items from CafePress.
I(johnc4510) have put my on the Community Council Agenda for Ubuntu Membership. As you all should know by now, we need at least on Ubuntu Member to apply for Approved Team Status. I have been lucky enough to get Vorian, atoponce and etank to stand up for my in the council meeting. Vorian tells me that I should also have as many team members present as possible too. Vorian likens this to having a cheering squad available to help seal the deal. The Council meeting date and time have not been set yet, but when it is, I will let everyone know. I would appreciate having those who are available attending in my behalf. We also decided to encourage all members to become an Ubuntero. This is a very easy thing to do, and only involves signing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Here is a link to that so everyone can decide for themselves: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/newmember/
DX00 reported that server is still not up and running yet. He is still having a problem installing the Ubuntu Server Operating System. It seems the cd-rom is not being cooperative. slofgren said he would be in Phoenix this week, and will see if he can assist DX00 in getting the system installed. We also decided that we would have a conference call between myself and a few of the members to further cement the goals of the Server Team. In other words, what uses we could get out of the server for the team and Ubuntu.
The main discussion of the meeting centered around our Outline for Team Approval here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline?action=show It was decided to accept the outline and the projects involved in order to be able to submit for Team Approval by the end of August 2007. I have since made a new wiki page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline/Resources?action=show for volunteers of time and material to sign up at. Please sign up ASAP so that we can start to organize each area into groups of members to work on the projects. If you don't sign up, we can't get started.
We also discussed increasing our involvement with the areas local LUG groups. slofgren thinks that it is necessary to be able to work with the different LUG groups in state in order to promote support for Ubuntu and Open Source in Arizona. I have added this item to next weeks agenda for further discussion.
That's it for now. Don't forget to sign up to help on the Team Approval Projects
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Newsletters ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07June13 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:14:12 by localhost)