
Revision 48 as of 2010-08-09 13:20:57

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I, Artur Rona, apply for MOTU.


Artur Rona

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page


Who I am

Only that we have for free what we do ourselves.

This is my motto for contributing to Ubuntu.

My name is Artur and I study logistics. I'm from Tczew and my moniker is Ari - so these are components of my nickname.

My Ubuntu story

I did first run Linux in 2005. This was Aurox, a Polish distribution (currently commercialized). I got a kernel panic and my Aurox crashed forever. Then I heard about Ubuntu as user-friendly distro based on great Linux server system which is Debian. I bought a second HDD and I installed there Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. I ran Linux occasionally. Since December 2007 I started using Ubuntu as my main operating system on my PC.

Since March 2009 I've started learn about packaging Debian/Ubuntu packages.

My involvement

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

  • 334164 - first expierence with packaging, cooperate with Alessio Treglia and Benjamin Drung

  • 339661 - fix issue for kadu - messenger from my country

  • 427539 - help in getting maven into karmic

  • 521666 - involvement in the discussion about fakesyncs

  • 538376 - coordinate contact to fix broken package

  • 421684 - fix very ardous issue in obexd by SRU

  • 549009 - help in getting clementine-player into Ubuntu

  • 574262 - fix GDM issue by SRU

Areas of work

  • Merges
  • Syncs
  • Security Uploads

Things I could do better

  • Debian packages management
  • Minimalize Ubuntu's delta
  • Full Ubuntu security sector support

Plans for the future


I want to invite contributors from my country and help them with start packaging. Besides this, I want to implement Ubuntu Quick Response Strategy (my own).

What I like least in Ubuntu

I'm concerned of:

  • unactive sponsors since joined MOTU
  • too long response from sponsors for main and SRU due to many bugs subscribed

I want to encourage the implementation of Ubuntu Quick Response Strategy.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.

  • Artur has done some security updates in universe (e.g. drupal) which have worked out well. He contributes to the Ubuntu CVE tracker, and looks for packages to fix. While not his native language, he's working to improve his use of English. -- kees 2010-05-04 07:13:54

  • I've worked with Artur on a handful of items, specifically a couple sponsored security updates and the Ubuntu CVE tracker. On the few things I've seen, his work has been good. I encourage him to continue improving his English as well. -- jdstrand 2010-05-04 16:42:56

  • Artur has been doing a lot of good universe security contributions lately, and I hope to see him continue in the future. -- mdeslaur 2010-05-05 12:53:58

  • During the review bugs from 'Areas of Improvement', please note the date on bugs comments (a few months ago). Now I've been improve my skill packaging and I remember to be more careful. -- ari-tczew 2010-05-08 11:09:08

  • Full disclosure: See previous revisions of this wiki page for my previous comment on this application. Since I wrote this comment, I haven't noticed so much negative behaviour from Artur. But I have noticed some. He still seems to feel very victimised by the system, and that it is working against him. There is a lack of respect for our freezes and processes which concerns me. For example there was a recent discussion regarding the point of Feature Freeze which contained a threat to stop work if exceptions were required. So while I see progress towards improved patience and tolerance, I feel that Artur is still not at a place where I would be comfortable speaking positively, or even neutrally about his application. -- [IainLane]

  • I've worked with Artur, reviewing a large chunk of his SRU submissions. On a technical basis, I've found him very capable of producing reasonable SRUs that pass review without trouble. I have not worked with Artur with regards to other MOTU tasks, so I cannot provide useful feedback there. As mentioned by some other commentors, from time to time Artur can be very persistent at pushing his tasks through queues. While this persistence can be a good trait if used in an appropriate matter, there have been occasions where I've felt that it was conducted in a way slightly disruptive to the process. Overall, though, I have had positive experiences working with Artur on SRUs and commend him for taking an interest in the SRU and sponsorship processes. -- [JohnDong]

  • A month ago I made this comment: "He is clearly NOT ready to be a MOTU. I just had a long disucssion with him about knowingly marking bugs invalid that aren't (he feels that server related bugs for Dapper should be marked invalid because "I think that there are not servers using dapper". He then argues my opinion doesn't matter unless I fix such bugs. The defensiveness of his reaction and his unwillingness to productively discuss the issue are clear evidence his ability to work in the community is questionable and his judgement is not mature enough to be granted upload rights." Since then, I have noticed an improvement in his interactions with people. I am still concerned about the sufficiency of his ability to work in the community, but less so than before. -- [ScottKitterman]

    • Artur has helped me solve many packaging issues i had during my initial days as a packager.I cant really comment on his work as a packager, but he is quite helpful in #ubuntu-motu. -- [shadeslayer] -- rohangarg 2010-08-09 13:20:57.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.

Benjamin Drung

General feedback

I have sponsored great many sync requests and merges (more than 50 and counting). They were well described and I had nothing to criticize. I think that Artur is a great asset for the MOTU team. We need more people, who help reducing the sponsors queue.

Specific Experiences of working together

These bugs worked well:

Daniel Holbach (dholbach)

General feedback

Artur put a lot of work into Ubuntu Development and has improved his skills a lot in the last few months. I almost exclusively reviewed syncs/merges/etc from Artur and hope that he is involved in other tasks of day-to-day maintenance too.

Specific Experiences of working together

Areas of Improvement

There are a few examples where Artur was not careful enough. While a lot of these mistakes can happen to everybody, it'd be good to put some additional effort into being super-extra-careful in the future, particularly when about to drop previous changes:

Fabrice Coutadeur (fabrice_sp)

General feedback

Artur is putting a lot of work into Ubuntu (I sponsored almost 30 sync / merge during last cycle + 5 sync during maverick cycle). His level of English improved a lot lately, but there is still situations in which it makes more complex to work with him because of that. In general, I'd like him to work on more diverse topics, other than sync and merge (that may be the case, but I didn't sponsored one)

Specific Experiences of working together

Areas of Improvement

cases that could have been handled better:

Everybody makes mistakes, but my feeling is that Artur should be more careful.

Also, I still remember him being upset because he wasn't able to find available sponsors for Main. He should be more patient (even a MOTU needs to be patient sometimes Smile :-) ).

Michał Zając (Quintasan)

General feedback

I have sponsored only two of Artur's contributions. I don't have any complaints about the quality of them. Working with him was fast and efficient. It's worth mentioning that he is quite active in our Polish LoCo IRC.

Specific Experiences of working together

Stefan Ebner (sebner)

General feedback

I've sponsored only one sync which was okay, so I can't really judge his skills. He is now quite some time around in #ubuntu-motu and really motivated to do some work and/or to help others though.

Specific Experiences of working together

Areas of Improvement

I can't really say much here but I've also experienced him being too impatient sometimes.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
=== Areas of Improvement ===