
For those of you who liked the animal skins, here are the final high-resolution images:


I've created both "academic" 4:3 versions (2048x1536) and widescreen 16:10 versions (2560x1600) If you're going to use it I strongly recommend that you resize the wallpaper to its final size using your preferred program or Imagemagick.

You can download the wallpapers here:

elephant-2048x1536.jpg (2164.3 KB)

elephant-2560x1600.jpg (2761.9 KB)

elephant-bleu-2048x1536.jpg (1912.8 KB)

elephant-bleu-2560x1600.jpg (2448.7 KB)

lion-2048x1536.jpg (1191.6 KB)

lion-2560x1600.jpg (1551.9 KB)

lion-claar-2048x1536.jpg (1433.5 KB)

lion-claar-2560x1600.jpg (1889.1 KB)


For those of you who may be wondering about it, here are the original sources for the wallpapers.

The original lion source is this picture by Allyson


The original elephant source is this picture by Nick


Both pictures used with permission. -- Damianvila 2007-10-02 19:59:47


I really like the idea of having the same wallpaper in different colours. This would be perfect to brand Ubuntu's official desktop environments:

elephant-ubuntu-thumb.jpg elephant-kubuntu-thumb.jpg elephant-xubuntu-thumb.jpg

  • In my opinion the logo should go to the right, since the left side is usually the default location for desktop icons. -- Vexorian
    • You are right, I didn't think of that. I was just looking for an appropriate part of the image to put them. Maybe someone else with better graphic skills can enhance the idea. --NickBauermeister 2025-03-25 01:17:09

    What about placing the logo in the bottom right? Instead of just darkening the area, it would be interesting to see it chiseled in, sort of like branding effect on leather. -- Spr0k3t

Full resolutions:

Ubuntu Kubuntu Xubuntu

--Added by NickBauermeister 2007-09-23 12:19:37

  • Both, Vexorian and :Spr0k3t, sugested the move the logo to the right side. I agree and made my own version of Lion Claar with a bigger logo in the bottom right corner.


  • I liked the final look and made a few more stuff with lion claar as base:



Splash Screen


  • You can find all this stuff here

--Added by Dernalis - Thursday, October 11 2007 - 21:47 GMT+1

Artwork/Incoming/Attic/Animals (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:00 by localhost)