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 * Needs moar warmth. And get rid of the spotlight, replace it with a gradient. ---- [[LaunchpadHome:jrothwell97]] <<DateTime(2009-08-17T16:36:37Z)>>  * Needs moar warmth. And get rid of the spotlight, replace it with a gradient. --[[LaunchpadHome:jrothwell97]] <<DateTime(2009-08-17T16:36:37Z)>>

Ubuntu Karmic boot demo and proposed GDM theme

Contributors: Otto Greenslade, Mat Tomaszewski, Mark Shuttleworth, Michael Forrest, Kenneth Wimer

Boot with automatic login - Flash mockup

Download flash demo

Splash screen


GDM theme


GDM theme – selected user


GDM theme – menus



  • What you have done is just superb! If you can implement that then you are the men Wink ;) I have some things I'm not sure about but they are not fatal: The right/left edge of menus I would not make round so that it merges better with the bottom bar. Also that spot on the floor and the user selection window don't fit imo but I have no idea how I could improve it Smile :) . Just to mention that this new shiny login will need a whole lot of beautiful preinstalled user images. --AntonKerezov

  • Not bad! But I think you guys can do much better than this. I don't think it feels professional enough. I'll try to remix this and put it up with my suggestions. --mr.doob
  • guys please give very high priority to a intuitive keyboard access for all the commands. i would hate it to be usable only with a mouse. and the login and the other button after the login name and password should also have rounded edges. other than that SUPERB job --tgpraveen
  • I have some constructive criticism as well, first off, I agree with AntonKerezov. Other things: The line separating the options menu button and the weelchairsymbol, is it really neccesary? Think it looks better without. The highlight when going in to the options menu is way to glossy. Otherwise nice! -olskar

  • guys please give very high priority to a intuitive keyboard access for all the commands. i would hate it to be usable only with a mouse. and the login and the other button after the login name and password should also have rounded edges.
  • I do agree with mr.doob, this doesn't look like it's the best OS in the world ;-). The background color seems a bit dull - perhaps look at mr.doob's submitions for inspiration. I do love the GDM --MadsRH
  • As promised, here it's my take on this version. I've included the .psd file for everyone's comfort. --mr.doob

  • I also agree with mr.doob. It looks good, but somehow a little bit unprofessional and unfriendly. Also it looks a little bit cold (not really "human" but more mechanical :-)). But there are also other problems. The contrast between the background and the ubuntu logo is too low and the background is more intense than the logo.
  • Mr. Doobs take is already better. But still I dislike the white glowing selectors. The reason is, that the selected field itself is white-only. This doesn't really look like a glow, because a normal glow has not a flat color inside. Perhaps it would be better to give the selection a slight gradient. The contrast between the selector and the text is too heavy, because the font is too small. For people with visual impairment it would be hard to read. A bolder font, would be better. Also the lines around the selector are looking too small and too sharp for my taste...

Also it looks still a little bit too cold for me to be "human"... (Of course this is *my* opinion. Unfortunately I can't work on an own take these days)-- xfuser4

  • Mr. Doob's Mockup beats canonical mockup here. Great job by doob. ;d
  • I also added a few more colorful mockups here --MadsRH <<DateTime>

  • @MadsRH: That's better - it looks less cold. I like the first and the last one. Still I dislike the flat white background of the selected elements. It just doesn't feel like "glowing" for me and the contrast between the text and the background is too heavy. Could you try to experiment with certain kind of gradient in it? Also the thin lines around all boxes are looking still a little bit unprofessional to me. Can you try it without them? -- xfuser4
  • I don't like it, quite frankly...I think you should be looking at things done by MadsRH and Mr. Doob's, Canonical... This looks like any theme you could download from We need the new theme to be amazing and there are great suggestions out there. Please pay attention to them. This isn't a terrible theme, by the way...but it's not good enough.
  • I think they've forget the "Pres ESC to start another operative system" and the DISK CHECK messages, and the NEEDS REBOOT messages. Also, i don't really like the colours, but I don't even want they to be FULL HUMAN, just a little more colourful.--dael99
  • What about for the GDM when you click on the user, it uses the current background from that user. Have it fade just like when you select a wallpaper for a user. If it were to fade in when the user was selected, I think it would help to make a smoother transition into a session. --natewiebe13

    • Maybe you don't want your mum to see your pr0n wallpaper... hehe. But it's an interesting idea Smile :) --mr.doob

      • Never thought of it that way. Haha.. Why not though? :P But if it's possible, I hope it is implemented, it would give the illusion that you are already a step further to a ready desktop when you click/enter your username. --natewiebe13

    • really good idea, well, if you don't want your mom to see your p0rn wallpaper, don't use it, put it in a folder with a dot at the beginning (it's not that i'm doing that...)--dael99

      • Oh, that's clever! I can see you have some experience there... Wink ;) Nah, what I mean is that you are giving some kind of privacy by sharing your wallpaper to any computer user. Although you're doing that already by sharing your avatar. I guess it all depends of whether you're aware that your wallpaper is going to be public or not. --mr.doob

        • Maybe (if this get implemented) make an option in gnome-appearance-properties to make it public or not. Probably a checkbox underneath the style selection. If the box is checked, it will show during gdm, if not checked, it stays to whatever it was when no user was selected. (Just an idea) Wink ;) --natewiebe13

      • That idea is wonderful, natewiebe13! If it is not implemented I will write it myself. Anyway, I'd just like to say that for as many people who complain about the Human theme, it's certainly puzzling to see that when Canonical finally finds a way to change it a bit, there are more complaints about it not being like the Human theme. --bryanlbasil

  • Not bad. However, I'd make it browner and add some red and orange in there too (to tie in with the present Human palette) and get rid of the 'spotlight' effect on the background. I'd also be interested to see how the OS/kernel switcher will work, and what would happen when fsck determines the computer needs restarting. -- jrothwell97 2009-08-13 05:29:27

  • Anyway, the black elemets are a good suggestion to start developing a nice theme, so this way the GDM doesn't look too alien on the first boot (and if it's good enough, i'll be keeped on the next boots..) what i mean is that the theme should be similar to the GDM and to the screensaver lock-dialog coffcoffDustcoffcoff dael99

  • To me these themes look very, very good; professional and pleasing to the eye. I'd say they are the best mockups I have seen so far. The 'spotlight effect' gives a feel of space, which I find nice. I don't see anything wrong with how the rounded corners are done for the menus. The menus are not supposed to merge with the bottom bar, but the buttons which launch them. I agree with some in that the selected menu item is a little too bright. Congratulations! Smile :-)

  • Please don't use this one! The original Mr. Dobbs ones were much better, more refined. Shiny is on its way out to be replaced by matte. Mr. Dobb's matched the design aesthetic of notify-OSD (using similar alerts) and is consistent with other Ubuntu imagery (the one that immediately comes to mind is the UbuntuOne website). This one looks nothing like Ubuntu (I actually like the brown) and just really rubs me the wrong way. It's aggressive, even though this is the OS for human beings. -1.


Ubuntu Karmic boot demo and proposed GDM theme – Iteration 2

Splash screen


GDM theme


GDM theme – selected user


GDM theme – menus



  • I really like the clean design of the GDM greeter. But there are some points I still have to criticize: (1) I still dislike the thin lines around the dialog boxes and menus. Mostly, because it is not consistent with other designs inside Ubuntu (e.g. the Notify-OSD - which is also free of borders and uses shadows). (2) Also the thin lines don't really look professional (I still can't say why...). (3) The spotlight at the bottom of the background is useless, because it doesn't spot on anything. (4) Also I think, the red tone in the background is too heavy. (5) Also the glow around the selected items is still too heavy. -- xfuser4
  • (1) I agree that the spotlight is distracting. (2) I think that once it gets to the point where the user can login or select other options, it looks great. But something is still off at the start, when the Ubuntu logo shows up...maybe it needs to be more centered vertically? (3) An actual loading bar, similar to 9.04's, would be more useful than the oscillating indicator, which doesn't really give the user any information. --csquest99

  • Both are good proposals, but the gdm theme is too dark for my taste. I would prefer a dark usplash, then a lighter gdm (at least the face browser box and menus). User's mood would welcome it I think. --pepinmore

  • I prefer the first iteration. The neutral colour looks more professional and the KDE style highlights to the frame make it easier to see against the background. I love the way the currently selected item's glow bleeds slightly. If you do move in another direction please release the grey one as an option on gnome-look --linuxoflondon

  • I also like the gray/black one more. The bright white hilites and black the brown don't really look very good next to the brown. -- jamesgecko 2009-08-15 03:11:51

  • Please have a look at my edits based on this iteration -- t-w- 2009-08-15 09:38:53

  • As much as the first one lacks color, this one is WAY too brown. Looking forward to Iteration 3 Wink ;-) --MadsRH

  • @t-w: I like your idea, to make the Ubuntu logo itself is not plain white, but colored. It looks not so cold that way. Perhaps if you keep the color of the ubuntu logo, one could reduce the color of the background to a very dark grey. -- xfuser4
  • Oh c'mon! This doesn't look innovative at all. I love Ubuntu but I think the artwork team is messed up. MadsRHs mockups all the way! hpis2cool

  • I'v added an idea for the gdm user list , I'v changed only the gdm list of Iteration 2 , and nothing else has been altered. --mac_v

  • Ok, I give up. This is like talking to the wall. I'm very disappointed with Ubuntu Design Team and the lack of communication. In this department Canonical is using the community just for having feedback. I don't think that's not really how you work with the community. Sad :( There is no single word in this page to justify the changes from iteration 1 to iteration 2, that's because they don't think they should reason anything, just put it out to see how much people love/hate it. I can just hope that karmic is not going to look like someone playing with filters in Photoshop. If anything at all! (Way too slow) Canonical: If you can't make your design "shine" by itself, glows are not going to help. Mark: There is no way Ubuntu is going to out pretty MacOS at this pace. Good luck!--mr.doob

    • @mr.doob > not sure if you are aware of this, discussions are at > , you can join and reply to the mailing list , It is easier for the Design team to answer via mail than on the wiki.

      • I wasn't aware, no. I tried to use the list before, what I found was very little constructive discussions and more complains of how people didn't answer emails correctly (answer on top). Talking about User Experience... Maybe it would be a good idea from now on to add a link from this page to the list? Which, makes me see that developers have launchpad were everything goes smoothly and is interconnected. Designers have a annoying wiki system and a disconnected mailing list to work with. So, unfortunately, this only adds up to my impressions.--mr.doob
  • First, I really like mr.doob's iteration 3. For the GDM I would still like to see what I suggested before. For the GDM, when you click on the user, it should use the current background from that user. It should fade just like when you select a wallpaper for a user. If it were to fade in when the user was selected, I think it would help to make a smoother transition into a session. It would also give the illusion that you are already a step further to a ready desktop when you click/enter your username. People said it would take away from privacy. In that case, make an option in gnome-appearance-properties to make it public or not. Probably a checkbox underneath the style selection. If the box is checked, it will show during gdm, if not checked, it stays to whatever it was when no user was selected. I think this would put our login experience above others. If this is not possible, let me know and I'll stop suggesting it. But until then, I really want this to happen. But please remove the glows and the spotlight. Use a gradient like mr.doob. --natewiebe13

  • Needs moar warmth. And get rid of the spotlight, replace it with a gradient. --jrothwell97 2009-08-17 16:36:37

Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo (last edited 2009-09-23 14:00:09 by pc013354)