Create Banners/Widgets for the Free Culture Showcase
Sponsor: Ivanka Majic
Posted: 2011-01-21
Due: Desired Due Date
Assigned: Artwork team/ Saleel Velankar
Packages affected:n/a
See also: Relevant Blog Post
The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is being reborn for this cycle; it now features an overarching theme of freedom, professional creatives as judges, but the word needs to get out there. Artists that participate, or people that may be interested need banners/widgets that are embeddable in their websites/blogs to spread the word.
- In the same vein as countdown banners regarding size.
Use Cases
- Person A.
- makes a great piece of music expressing Freedom.
- embeds song in his/her website along with widget.
submits link to something like MusicMakers Subreddit
- Widget is used to gain attention on piece and project.
- Person B.
- Runs a digital art blog
- Puts up a widget/banner and drives artists to contribute for exposure/accolades.
Design Considerations
- A set of 4 consistent/semiconsistent styled banner are needed. One per each category. If the styles are unique there should be a clear reason as to why.
- The Taglines for the 4 are as follows:
Music: The Sound of Freedom.
Photo: Capturing Freedom.
Illustration: Depicting Freedom.
Video: Freedom in Motion.
Each banner should be contain the phrase: Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase
- Final submissions should be in optimized png, gif or jpg.
- Draft sumbmissions should include source svg/xcf.
Submissions must adhere to Creative Commons license.
- Attribution must be stated if the submission is based on another design.
Dimensions: 180px by 150px
- Clear legibility of all text.
- No flash; if animated gif moderation in the amount of visual activity.
Either on here; on the artwork mailing; or a link on here to an external source (flickr/deviantart/etc...)
Artwork/Specs/0011_Free_Culture_Showcase_BannerWidgets (last edited 2011-01-21 22:18:40 by user-142gpah)