- Introductions - For anyone new or would like to introduce themselves
Review LoCo status - Scott Evans VK7HSE
- How to work forward
Determine positions needed & vote (if required)
- If we do decide to vote, setting timeframes for how often we should vote, ie how long positions should be held for (jellyware)
- Set Goals (keep them simple and achievable)
- Timeline of re-aproval, set goals and make a schedule of what we think needs to be done (dns53)
Maintain ongoing relationship with LoCo Council
- Conduct regular meetings! (once a month)
- How can time-poor members best contribute - MoLE (MoLE_)
Mending relationships in the spirit of Ubuntu - caryb Wikipedia
Review what we can do collaboratively as a loco - Mitch Towner kermiac
- Organise online "bug jams" - perhaps every 2 months. If there is enough interest we can change it to a monthly event
Organise a GPG/PGP key signing sessions - QuailLinux
Organise Internet communication using different programs etc between states at big events like Software Freedom Day etc - QuailLinux
Organise InstallFest at big events like Software Freedom Day etc - QuailLinux
Discussion to continue on the ubuntu-au mailing list for topics mentioned in the log.
AustralianTeam/Meetings/2010May17 (last edited 2010-05-17 13:03:48 by ppp118-208-194-159)