Ubuntu-AU Artwork
This is a central place to store and any completed or works in progress relating to the Ubuntu-AU team. Feel free to add your own work to this page if it is Ubuntu-AU specific.
Guidelines (Legal Stuff)
Please make sure that you read the Ubuntu Brand Guidelines when you are thinking about creating artwork. This will ensure you are following all branding procedure as set out by Canonical regarding colours, backgrounds, logos and fonts. This is also a very handy link to get some base materials to start your projects with.
If you are looking to use any of the materials here please have a look at the Ubuntu Wiki Licensing page to make sure you understand any requirements. Essentially in a nutshell unless otherwise stated it is released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license.
Web Buttons, Links & Banners
This is an assortment of graphics that can be used on websites to link back to a Ubuntu-AU page. Feel free to use them on your own site.
Ubuntu-AU Button 1
Ubuntu-AU Button 2
Business Cards
This is a proposed business card that could be used to hand out to promote the team. Please look at the regulations at Ubuntu Business Cards before you start to make any for yourself! Only Ubuntu Members are allowed to use the name and logo.
Ubuntu-AU Card 1
Ubuntu-AU Card 2
Ubuntu-AU Poster 1
AustralianTeam/Projects/Artwork (last edited 2011-02-27 00:12:46 by CPE-58-174-73-150)