
Revision 1 as of 2011-02-05 14:30:04

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desktop folder always been a serious disorder problem since time ago. Modern desktops are moving to new metaphors (Windows, MacOS, kde4, android). I'm talking about widgets. Gnome desktop is the only desktop enviroment who does not have native widgets. with unity we can do something great!

Besides the visual models would be good to create a dbus api as for widgets. Other option is include kde widgets( ubuntu accept qt libraryes,I'm not programmer so I do not know how this could be resolved), but a common api suport by freedesktop would be a great step forward.

Unity widgets

Mockup 1(widgets preferences and example)

Mockup 2(widgets options)

Thank you for watching. Daniel.P daniplanas.a@gmail.com

gimp files and others
