General Agenda Items and Proposals
This means:
- If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda.
- Agenda items then should be discussed "informally" on #ubuntufourms-beginners. 90 % of the discussion should have taken place before the meeting.
- Meetings are primarily for decision making/team votes. Read the agenda and discuss your thoughts before the meeting. 10 % (or less) of the discussion should happen during the meeting.
- Agenda items that require more then 5 minutes of discussion may need to be deferred.
Who |
What |
(08/11 Meeting) Folding@Home and the #ubuntu-folding channel |
Should we roll the UA team (Unanswered Posts) into the BT - Input from BT members please. |
Agenda discussion
UA Team - ajmoris is awesome, but has not been active recently. I have sent an email, pm, and memo (on IRC). I would like to jump start the UA team and the idea to roll it into the BT has come up.
1 [00:01] <bodhi_zazen> #startmeeting
2 [00:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:01. The chair is bodhi_zazen.
3 [00:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
4 [00:01] <nhandler> [LINK]
5 [00:01] <MootBot> LINK received:
6 [00:01] <bodhi_zazen> First thank you all for coming, and it is awesome to see the team become more active
7 [00:02] <bodhi_zazen> don't forget to welcome new members
8 [00:02] <bodhi_zazen> swoody is not here
9 [00:02] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC] Folding @ Home
10 [00:02] <MootBot> New Topic: Folding @ Home
11 [00:02] <Rocket2DMn> we'll postpone that topic, he's on vacation
12 [00:02] <bodhi_zazen> any comments about folding at home ?
13 [00:03] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: That is for the 8/11 meeting
14 [00:03] <Rocket2DMn> I don't even know what it is, I thought he was going to enlighten us
15 [00:03] <nhandler> It says that in the What field
16 [00:03] <bodhi_zazen> I told swoody we would discuss it, he contacted me in advance
17 [00:03] <Silver_Fox_> how is it related to ubuntu or the beginners team?
18 [00:03] <bodhi_zazen> so it is open for discussion today, sorry for the confusion
19 === asac__ is now known as asac
20 [00:04] <bodhi_zazen> I am not sure Silver_Fox_ , some people like the priject =)
21 [00:04] <bodhi_zazen> any other comments re: folding at home then ?
22 [00:04] <Rocket2DMn> can somebody please explain what it is?
23 [00:04] <Silver_Fox_> i am not against the project bodhi_zazen, i just query what it is required of us to do
24 [00:04] <starcraftman> Uh, what exactly are we to discuss though? origami? I'm on the folding team, but I don't know what swoody wanted to discuss.
25 [00:04] <bodhi_zazen>
26 [00:04] <MootBot> LINK received:
27 [00:05] <bodhi_zazen> I think swoody wants to increase awareness is all
28 [00:05] <Rocket2DMn> oh it comes from the farm. Then no thanks :)
29 [00:05] <bodhi_zazen> any other comments ?
30 [00:05] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC] Migrate Mailing lilsts - nhandler
31 [00:05] <MootBot> New Topic: Migrate Mailing lilsts - nhandler
32 [00:06] <nhandler> [LINK]
33 [00:06] <MootBot> LINK received:
34 [00:06] <nhandler> That is the email I sent to the list
35 [00:07] <nhandler> Pretty much, now that we aren't only a forum team, we really should have our list on, which also offers many more features than
36 [00:07] <bodhi_zazen> I think there is a general consensus to move the list(s) if possible
37 [00:07] <nhandler> The responses to my email seemed pretty positive
38 [00:07] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Do you want to skip to a vote?
39 [00:07] <bodhi_zazen> any comments b4 we vote ?
40 [00:08] <Rocket2DMn> I dont see any burning need to move the council list, but it doesnt really matter to me if it makes it easier
41 [00:08] <bodhi_zazen> [VOTE] All in favor of migrating to ?
42 [00:08] <MootBot> Please vote on: All in favor of migrating to ?.
43 [00:08] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot
44 [00:08] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
45 [00:08] <bodhi_zazen> +1
46 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1
47 [00:08] <jgoguen> +1
48 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2
49 [00:08] <w4ett> +1
50 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from w4ett. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3
51 [00:08] <nhandler> +1
52 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4
53 [00:08] <Joeb454> +1
54 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from Joeb454. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5
55 [00:08] <Silver_Fox_> +0
56 [00:08] <MootBot> Abstention received from Silver_Fox_. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5
57 [00:08] <Rocket2DMn> +1
58 [00:08] <MootBot> +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 6 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 6
59 [00:08] <duanedesi> +0
60 [00:08] <MootBot> Abstention received from duanedesi. 6 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 6
61 [00:08] <bodhi_zazen> any more votes ?
62 [00:09] <bodhi_zazen> [ENDVOTE]
63 [00:09] <MootBot> Final result is 6 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Total: 6
64 [00:09] <dvz-> damnit i was in the wrong channel...typing +1..wooops
65 [00:09] <drs305> +0
66 [00:09] <bodhi_zazen> [AGREED] Move mailing list
67 [00:09] <MootBot> AGREED received: Move mailing list
68 [00:09] <bodhi_zazen> wee hoo
69 [00:10] <bodhi_zazen> I think the problem in the past nhandler , we were not getting a response form
70 [00:10] <bodhi_zazen> so we went with LP
71 [00:10] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: I think I can get the list created on without too much problem
72 [00:10] <nhandler> I can also handle migrating most of the subscriptions
73 [00:10] <bodhi_zazen> thank you nhandler
74 [00:10] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC] UA team
75 [00:10] <MootBot> New Topic: UA team
76 [00:11] * nhandler -> Dinner
77 [00:11] <bodhi_zazen> The UA team has been under the guidance of ajmorris who appears to be mia =(
78 [00:11] <bodhi_zazen> I would like to keep the UA team going and am looking for new leadership
79 [00:11] <w4ett> How long has he been gone bodhi_zazen ?
80 [00:11] <bodhi_zazen> Depending on if we can find aj, it may be temp
81 [00:12] <nhasian> why do we need two separate teams?
82 [00:12] <Silver_Fox_> i applied to join the team over 3 months ago and have heard nothing
83 [00:12] <drs305> bodhi_zazen: Is the UA a FG of BT?
84 [00:12] <bodhi_zazen> Since june 27 th
85 [00:12] <bodhi_zazen> not yet drs
86 [00:12] <nhasian> Silver_Fox_, it took me 6 months to get into UA team :)
87 [00:12] <bodhi_zazen> drs305:
88 [00:12] <dvz-> ajmorris has said that he was gonna be away for a while
89 [00:12] <bodhi_zazen> I have a few people I am looking at for leadership
90 [00:12] <bodhi_zazen> mssever is co lead of UA, although I do not know how active he has been
91 [00:13] <bodhi_zazen> Hellow has also volunteered
92 [00:13] <bodhi_zazen> and there may be another
93 [00:13] <w4ett> bodhi_zazen: doesn't jacob have admin powers in that team?
94 [00:13] <Rocket2DMn> Just to be clear, I don't think we are deciding right now if we're going to merge the teams. I think it wil lbe discussed at a FC meeting this week
95 [00:13] <Rocket2DMn> Just discussing the matter to see what people think
96 [00:13] <bodhi_zazen> In discussing this ...
97 [00:13] <bodhi_zazen> many people have suggested rolling it into the BT as a FG
98 [00:14] <bodhi_zazen> so, I wanted opinions from the BT membership on that =)
99 === lukjad007 is now known as Commander_lukjad
100 [00:14] <starcraftman> Sounds fine to me, make it an fg with someone in charge that ya know can run it.
101 [00:14] * w4ett personally has no problem joining the teams, being a member of both
102 [00:14] <duanedesi> ya=unanswered posts?
103 [00:14] <Silver_Fox_> do we have the scenario where we have members in UA but not in BT ?
104 [00:14] <duanedesi> us
105 [00:15] <starcraftman> duanedesi: Yup, uanwered posts team.
106 [00:15] <Rocket2DMn> w4ett, an advantage of merging witht the BT is that the UA team (or Focus Group as it would be known) would likely get more activity
107 [00:15] <bodhi_zazen> yes Silver_Fox_ I believe we do
108 [00:15] <w4ett> Rocket2DMn: agreed
109 [00:15] <bodhi_zazen> I think some of the UA team are not so much into irc
110 [00:15] <duanedesi> thank you Ian trying to do this on mobile :s
111 [00:15] <Silver_Fox_> from that point of view bodhi_zazen i think we should get them involved with this decision
112 [00:16] <bodhi_zazen> I have discussed it with the UA team members I can find
113 [00:16] <bodhi_zazen> 66 % want to merge to BT
114 [00:16] <dvz-> is it really necessary to have an fg focused on answering questions that should be getting answered anyway?
115 [00:16] <bodhi_zazen> 33 % want independence
116 [00:16] <bodhi_zazen> the ones who want independence feel the do more then focus on noobs, I mean beginners =)
117 [00:16] <nhasian> i'm on both teams and as far as I can tell, they both do the same thing. answer questions on the forum.
118 [00:16] <Rocket2DMn> dvz-, I think it's OK, we already have FGs like the Security one
119 [00:16] <w4ett> dvz-: the focus of UA was to catch the threads not answered otherwise
120 [00:17] <bodhi_zazen> yes dvz- , Unanswered posts are often esoteric
121 [00:17] <starcraftman> dvz-: Well, there's still a lot of posts I see with 0 replies falling off page sometimes. Plus, UA had a special tracker for watching em no?
122 [00:17] <w4ett> dvz-: lots of research involved in some of them
123 [00:17] <bodhi_zazen> yes starcraftman
124 [00:17] <Rocket2DMn> in fact, UA posts are often more complex than our team was originally designed to handle (though many members are capable of answering them of course)
125 [00:17] <jgoguen> bodhi_zazen: On that point though, "beginners" is somewhat relative. Are they thinking "beginners" as in "new users"?
126 === Commander_lukjad is now known as Cmdlukjad007
127 [00:17] <bodhi_zazen> probably jgoguen
128 [00:18] <Rocket2DMn> starcraftman, they have their tracker at
129 [00:18] <bodhi_zazen> The problem is, without leadership, the UA team is not as active and IMO in danger of falling into extinction
130 [00:18] <Silver_Fox_> would we have many UA members needing BT membership very quickly?
131 [00:18] <dvz-> what about having a cron job task that finds all unanswered posts daily or at some time interval and categorizes them in the UA category and have people pay attention to that category of posts?
132 [00:19] <dvz-> assuming we have the ability to create such a task on the uf server(s).
133 [00:19] <bodhi_zazen> Another broader question, has anyone had contact with ajmorris ?
134 [00:19] <jgoguen> bodhi_zazen: Maybe I have the wrong interpretation of "beginner" then, but perhaps put it to them that "beginner" means more "new to $TOPIC" than "new user"?
135 [00:19] <nhasian> dvz-, i think the UF servers are pretty taxed as it is. we cant even have threads solved anymore :(
136 [00:19] <drs305> The UA encompasses the entire forum though, doesn't it. The UA FG would not be dealing with just basic stuff.
137 [00:20] <Rocket2DMn> I don't see any pressing need to roll them into the BT quickly. Maybe after discussion at the FC meeting on Thursday, give it a few weeks more to try and get ahold of aj?
138 [00:20] <bodhi_zazen> +1 jgoguen
139 [00:20] <jgoguen> That may help convince the ones that vote for independence
140 [00:20] <bodhi_zazen> the UA team feels , and rightlfully so, they answer some quite advanced posts
141 [00:20] <Rocket2DMn> drs305, yeah, they cover the whole of the forums, but thats ok. We have FGs that focus on different areas of the forums
142 [00:20] <dvz-> nhasian: and the difference between having an automated script running it during relative downtime compared to a bunch of people scowering the servers is?
143 [00:21] <Silver_Fox_> we have a downtime?
144 [00:21] <jgoguen> Well in that case, point out our Security FG, even some seemingly-simple security questions can get quite complicated :)
145 [00:21] <Silver_Fox_> it always seems busy to me
146 [00:21] <dvz-> i don't know...and Silver_Fox_ the qualifier "relative"
147 [00:21] <dvz-> :-P
148 [00:21] <bodhi_zazen> Personally I could go either way, if UA stays independent I will probably look in on them for a while at least
149 [00:21] <Silver_Fox_> bodhi_zazen: what about requesting that they reorganise leadership
150 [00:21] <bodhi_zazen> That is in process Silver_Fox_
151 [00:22] <bodhi_zazen> we could use people willing to lead the team =)
152 [00:22] <bodhi_zazen> So far I have 3 candidates
153 [00:22] <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: what about getting it reset, and then give them 2 weeks or 4 weeks to figure out the status and what the plan of action would be and let the UA decide themselves if they feel a merger is warranted?
154 [00:23] <bodhi_zazen> Good idea
155 [00:23] <Silver_Fox_> +1 dvz-
156 [00:23] <drs305> And as Rocket2DMn discuss it at the FC
157 [00:23] <starcraftman> dvz's idea sounds fine to me, give em grace to reorganize and decide for themselves.
158 [00:23] <bodhi_zazen> I just want the BT to be aware as I said the prevailing opinion has been to merge the teams, in which case UA would become a FG
159 [00:23] * Joeb454 makes not to read logs in the morning
160 [00:24] <bodhi_zazen> I would like to have a feel for how BOTH teams feel
161 [00:24] <bodhi_zazen> Any more questions ?
162 [00:24] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: If we were to make the UAP team a BT FG, would all UA team members automatically become BT members?
163 [00:24] <bodhi_zazen> Otherwise I would like to get a vote, just for a feel of the team
164 [00:24] <bodhi_zazen> yes I think so nhandler
165 [00:24] <bodhi_zazen> out of courtesy =)
166 [00:24] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Could we maybe create a list of who would be gaining BT membership as a result of that?
167 [00:24] <Rocket2DMn> I would like to see UA members still go through the process, perhaps shortened a bit. i expect they should all be able to make it
168 [00:24] <Silver_Fox_> that is something i was querying earlier nhandler
169 [00:25] <Rocket2DMn> at least those that IRC. not sure what to do with the rest
170 [00:25] <bodhi_zazen> ok nhandler and Rocket2DMn
171 [00:25] <bodhi_zazen> [VOTE]Merge UA into BT
172 [00:25] <MootBot> Please vote on: Merge UA into BT.
173 [00:25] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot
174 [00:25] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
175 [00:25] <bodhi_zazen> +0
176 [00:25] <MootBot> Abstention received from bodhi_zazen. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 0
177 [00:25] <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: did you end up quizzing pleia for admittance to bt?
178 [00:25] <nhasian> +1
179 [00:25] <MootBot> +1 received from nhasian. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 1
180 [00:25] <nhandler> +1
181 [00:25] <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 2
182 [00:25] <duanedesign> +1
183 [00:25] <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 3
184 [00:25] <dvz-> +0
185 [00:25] <w4ett> +0
186 [00:25] <MootBot> Abstention received from dvz-. 3 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 3
187 [00:25] <starcraftman> +1
188 [00:25] <MootBot> Abstention received from w4ett. 3 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 3
189 [00:25] <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 4 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 4
190 [00:25] <bodhi_zazen> no dvz-
191 [00:25] <drs305> +0
192 [00:25] <MootBot> Abstention received from drs305. 4 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 4
193 [00:25] <Silver_Fox_> +0
194 [00:25] <MootBot> Abstention received from Silver_Fox_. 4 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 4
195 [00:26] <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: okay, thanks
196 [00:26] <Rocket2DMn> +1 if the UA members are willing
197 [00:26] <MootBot> +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 5 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 5
198 [00:26] <bodhi_zazen> Any other votes ?
199 [00:26] <bodhi_zazen> [ENDVOTE]
200 [00:26] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 5 abstained. Total: 5
201 [00:26] <bodhi_zazen> OK, thanks everyone
202 [00:27] <bodhi_zazen> I will keep you updated, but I will say the BT is neutral to favoring a merge
203 [00:27] <bodhi_zazen> If we go that route we can work out the logistics =)
204 [00:27] <Silver_Fox_> i think importantly nobody objects
205 [00:28] <bodhi_zazen> OK, Focus groups :
206 [00:28] <bodhi_zazen> leads raise your hand if you have issues ;)
207 [00:28] <Rocket2DMn> o/
208 [00:28] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC] Focus groups
209 [00:28] <MootBot> New Topic: Focus groups
210 [00:28] <bodhi_zazen> Go Rocket
211 [00:29] <Rocket2DMn> I just want to thank those of you participating in the Summer of Documentation, you're doing great work. Anybody else interested in helping out, please talk to me after the meeting.
212 [00:29] <Rocket2DMn> I'd like to setup a FG meeting soon, the doc team has one this weekend I believe
213 [00:29] <Rocket2DMn> that is all :)
214 [00:29] <Silver_Fox_> o/ for an announcement
215 [00:29] <starcraftman> Yup, sunday, I think we settled on 8 PM UTC for the doc meeting.
216 [00:29] <bodhi_zazen> Wee hoo
217 [00:29] <bodhi_zazen> Thank you wiki team
218 [00:29] <bodhi_zazen> nice to see some activity there =)
219 [00:30] <bodhi_zazen> Silver_Fox_: go =)
220 [00:30] <Rocket2DMn> we're rockin and rollin' like its the 80s baby
221 [00:30] <duanedesign> oh snap
222 [00:30] <Silver_Fox_> i just wanted to say thank you to the irc focus group members. over the last 5 days the channel has seen a fair amount of activity. well done to you all
223 [00:30] <bodhi_zazen> =)
224 [00:31] <bodhi_zazen> Any other FG discussion ?
225 [00:31] <bodhi_zazen> Education team :
226 [00:31] <bodhi_zazen> The UCLP is slowly forming
227 === Cmdlukjad007 is now known as Cptlukjad007
228 [00:31] <bodhi_zazen> IMO we grew too fast in too short a time
229 [00:32] <Silver_Fox_> UCLP?
230 [00:32] <bodhi_zazen> we have been working on team structure and I think are close to involving other teams and starting on some actual content
231 [00:32] <pleia2> Silver_Fox_: ubuntu community learning project
232 [00:32] <Silver_Fox_> thank you pleia2
233 [00:32] <bodhi_zazen>
234 [00:32] <bodhi_zazen> Education FG has broken free =)
235 [00:32] <dvz-> yay
236 [00:33] <bodhi_zazen> The remining Education FG is focused on team education, as a benefit for team participation
237 [00:33] <bodhi_zazen> I know there are team members who want to learn, those who teach, and I think it is a nice little benefit of team participation
238 [00:33] <bodhi_zazen> Any other FG ?
239 [00:33] <dvz-> o/ dev
240 [00:34] <bodhi_zazen> go dvz- =)
241 [00:35] <dvz-> we've been discussing the possibility of opening membership for the dev team up to non-BT expand on our base of developers...requiring atm that they sign the CoC in order to have access to our future SVN the paultag is in the diligent process of bringing up together.
242 [00:36] <dvz-> but those non-BT members wouldn't have any say in the direction of the FG itself, as it would still remain a BT-FG, that is unless they went through the process of joining the BT
243 [00:36] <nhandler> o/
244 [00:36] <dvz-> sure nhandler
245 [00:36] <bodhi_zazen> Sounds good to me dvz-
246 [00:36] <Rocket2DMn> dvz-, I would support you working with other developers on projects, but I wouldn't give them voice/membership/etc
247 [00:37] <nhandler> I am fine with that, but please notify the council before adding a non-bt member to the LP team, as that is currently a subteam of ~ubuntu-beginners
248 [00:37] <bodhi_zazen> which is a verbose +1 from Rocket2DMn as well
249 [00:37] <Rocket2DMn> :)
250 [00:37] <Rocket2DMn> nhandler, do we want them added to the LP team at all?
251 [00:37] <dvz-> Rocket2DMn: our ideas were involving a tier membership..BT members and non-bt members...and of course, there'd be a segregation in place...but more details to be discussed later as we figure more of this out.
252 [00:37] <bodhi_zazen> IMO no =)
253 [00:38] <bodhi_zazen> and I would really like to see good relations w/ the MOTU
254 [00:38] <pleia2> o/
255 [00:38] <bodhi_zazen> we should support , not re-create the MOTU
256 [00:38] <nhandler> Rocket2DMn: We can work with -dev to figure out a way to handle the LP membership when/if they get a non-bt member wishing to join
257 [00:38] <Rocket2DMn> sounds good nhandler
258 [00:38] <dvz-> pleia2, go ahead
259 [00:38] <pleia2> there is precendent for this, the education team had members added so we could get on the team mailing list
260 [00:39] <pleia2> before we were BT members
261 [00:39] <Rocket2DMn> plars, we are switching our mailing list now :)
262 [00:39] <pleia2> Rocket2DMn: I meant the education subteam list, not the general BT list
263 [00:39] <dvz-> does switching the BT mailing list also imply the FG mailing list switching as well?
264 [00:39] <bodhi_zazen> We like to be as flexible as possible pleia2 =)
265 [00:40] <bodhi_zazen> yes dvz-
266 [00:40] <Rocket2DMn> dvz-, no
267 [00:40] <pleia2> dvz-: no, I don't believe so
268 [00:40] <Rocket2DMn> o rly
269 [00:40] <bodhi_zazen> One advantage is non-team members can post
270 [00:40] <Rocket2DMn> I would expect FGs could use whatever list they want
271 [00:40] <nhandler> Rocket2DMn: We deactivated the FG mailing lists
272 [00:40] <nhandler> There shouldn't be any
273 [00:40] <Rocket2DMn> that is true nhandler
274 [00:40] <bodhi_zazen> LOL Rocket2DMn
275 [00:40] <nhandler> All FG messages should go to the general team list
276 [00:41] <bodhi_zazen> +1 on that nhandler
277 [00:41] <bodhi_zazen> I think fewer lists is better
278 [00:41] <bodhi_zazen> we only need additional lists if the team list is too active
279 [00:41] <nhandler> The only two lists we should have are ubuntu-beginners@ and ubuntu-beginners-council@
280 [00:41] <bodhi_zazen> IMO
281 [00:41] <bodhi_zazen> I think that is all we need
282 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> and that it would be a strong advantage to allow non-members to post to our ml
283 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> moderated of course to keep out the spam
284 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> =)
285 [00:42] <dvz-> nhandler: if the dev team is going to open up to non-bt members though, then it'd make sense to have a seperate one in that sense - because otherwise they'd have to subscribe or whatever to the general BT list and try to decipher which posts relate to dev and which dont
286 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> Any other FG news ?
287 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> Everybody know of the newest FG ?
288 [00:42] <bodhi_zazen> -ynu ?
289 [00:42] <nhandler> You announced it last time or the time before
290 [00:43] * bodhi_zazen is very proud of the new group and I think I know of a potential candidate in fact :p
291 [00:43] <Silver_Fox_> bodhi_zazen: tell me who and i'll get in contact :)
292 [00:43] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC]NEW MEMBERS !
293 [00:43] <MootBot> New Topic: NEW MEMBERS !
294 [00:44] <bodhi_zazen> Silver_Fox_: lets see if they come back to the channel
295 [00:44] <bodhi_zazen> Any last minute members who did not make the list ?
296 [00:44] <bodhi_zazen> [TOPIC] starcraftman =)
297 [00:44] <MootBot> New Topic: starcraftman =)
298 [00:45] <Rocket2DMn> psh -1 that bum ;)
299 [00:45] <bodhi_zazen> It is a great pleasure to introduce starcraftman to the team
300 [00:45] <starcraftman> lol
301 [00:45] <bodhi_zazen> I have known starcraftman from the past , and he took a break for real life
302 [00:45] <bodhi_zazen> but, heeeees back =)
303 [00:46] <bodhi_zazen>
304 [00:46] <bodhi_zazen> anybody else wishing to add a comment ?
305 [00:46] <bodhi_zazen> or shall we vote ?
306 [00:46] <nhandler> starcraftman: Would you like to say a few words?
307 [00:47] <starcraftman> nhandler: I dunno, not very good at speaches... Not much to say. I mean I been helping beginners long time, and now part of the wiki fg team.
308 [00:48] <drs305> Here here, great speech, let's vote.
309 [00:48] <starcraftman> haha
310 [00:48] <bodhi_zazen> [VOTE] starcraftman for membership ?
311 [00:48] <MootBot> Please vote on: starcraftman for membership ?.
312 [00:48] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot
313 [00:48] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
314 [00:48] <bodhi_zazen> +1
315 [00:48] <Rocket2DMn> +1
316 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1
317 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2
318 [00:48] <drs305> +1
319 [00:48] <jgoguen> +1
320 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from drs305. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3
321 [00:48] <Silver_Fox_> +1
322 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4
323 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5
324 [00:48] <nhandler> +1
325 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6
326 [00:48] <nhasian> +1
327 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from nhasian. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7
328 [00:48] <w4ett> +1
329 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from w4ett. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8
330 [00:48] <dvz-> +1
331 [00:48] <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 9
332 [00:49] <dvz-> tho i must say, i may end up using your table layout on your wiki starcraftman :-P
333 [00:49] * bodhi_zazen wonders where starcraftman got such a nice table =)
334 [00:49] <bodhi_zazen> any other votes
335 [00:49] <starcraftman> dvz-: I stole it from Master zen... :)
336 [00:49] <starcraftman> lol
337 [00:50] <bodhi_zazen> It is not mine, I got it from vorian, who stole it from someone else , lol
338 [00:50] <bodhi_zazen> [ENDVOTE]
339 [00:50] <MootBot> Final result is 9 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 9
340 [00:50] <dvz-> lol
341 [00:50] <bodhi_zazen> weee hooo !!!!
342 [00:50] <starcraftman> :)
343 [00:51] <nhasian> werent we suppose to make starcraftman answer a whole bunch of silly questions first?
344 [00:51] <nhasian> like how to know which robot is lying and which is telling the truth?
345 [00:52] <Rocket2DMn> starcraftman, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
346 [00:52] <w4ett> Rocket2DMn: @5000Meteres AMSL
347 [00:53] <nhandler> starcraftman: Welcome to the team. You are now a member of ~ubuntu-beginners
348 [00:53] <bodhi_zazen> And you are entitled to !starcraft
349 [00:53] <starcraftman> thanks, nice to be onboard.
350 [00:54] <bodhi_zazen> any other issues ?
351 [00:56] <bodhi_zazen> If there are no other issues ...
352 [00:56] <Rocket2DMn> let's wrap up
353 [00:56] <bodhi_zazen> FYI I am ging skiing August 8-16 =)
354 [00:56] <bodhi_zazen> #endmeetign
355 [00:56] <Rocket2DMn> quit bragging :)
356 [00:56] <bodhi_zazen> #endmeetign
357 [00:56] <dvz-> third time's a charm
358 [00:56] <bodhi_zazen> #endmeeting
359 [00:56] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 18:56.