
Gent, ICC


  • sun 11 may 2008: from 10am till 7pm


  • ICC ghent (Citadelpark)



  • 38 € in fees paid by:
    • visitors


  • 9.00: preparation. Be there.
  • 10.00: start. The first three hours are the busiest. Try to be there in the morning if you can only afford to spend half a day!
  • 17.00: fair closed
  • 18.00: booth cleaned up

Stuff needed

paper, attachments, various

  • Posters?
    • I have none anymore (I think), perhaps I can get some printed... (Dieter)
  • Flyers?
  • Pen's (with cords, to attach to the tables)?
  • Tablecloth (length about 6 meter?)?
    • I'm bringing some (Dieter)
  • Power extension cords + power strips.
    • I can bring enough (Dieter)
  • Candy?
  • Contribution urn?
    • I still have something that can be used for this purpose (Dieter)
  • Duct tape?
  • ...


  • cd's to burn hardy on or already with hardy on them (100) + paper bags for them?
    • I'll burn some cd's, and still have some paper bags (Dieter)
  • computers/laptops
    • laptop met ubuntu hardy (hfsdo)
    • laptop with ubuntu gutsy (perhaps i'll have hardy installed before the fair) (Dieter)
    • laptop with ubuntu hardy (tbc) (Dieter)
  • ...

What else?

  • Digital camera! (Dieter)
  • USB-stick (to transfer some open-source content: like a presentation, music, video)


11 may, Lots of sun, Mother's Day and Pentecost. We didn't expect many visitors on the fair... Pieter, Thijs, Dieter and Jan were present, and despite the lack of visitors we did rather well!

We spoke to may visitors and tried to convince them to try ubuntu. We noticed many people are using Ubuntu already, and a lot of them like it very much. The other visitors who aren't using Ubuntu mostly have heard/read about it. We were present to answer their questions.

The people were very generous and we could easily pay our stand fee. Even more! We gathered about € 60 for the Ubuntu-be war chest. It will be deposited soon.

Overall I enjoyed myself a lot, and think the others did as well, hope to see everyone next fair!

janc.jpg Jan planned to have a barbeque but installed Ubuntu on a visitor's laptop instead!

  • Fortunately, I was just in time for the BBQ still. And being able to install Ubuntu in "Türkçe" shows how great Ubuntu is! -- JanClaeys

BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Gent_2008-05-11 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:43 by localhost)