The date & time for the meeting is set bi-weekly on Thursday at 21 h, or when needed as advertised on the mailinglist and calendar.
The meetings take place in #ubuntu-be on You can reach the reach the IRC channel through a web based client at Everyone is welcome to participate to the meeting, there is no need to register beforehand.
Reports can written in collaboration on: or using an IRC meeting bot
This agenda is a wiki page. Feel free to add items.
Past events
- ...
Upcoming events
events between brackets: might not be tackled in this meeting - on the page as a reminder.
(LanForce: 2012-04-06 to 2012-04-08) see report 2011-06-23 for details
- digital week 2012-04-21 to 2012-04-27 (all locations in Belgium)
Running projects
- Localized Ubuntu-be ISO (maintainer: Martijn Cielen?)
- What will we do with this project?
- USB-stick for Ubuntu-be (maintainer: Wouter Vandenneuker)
- Decision on delivery addresses
- ...
Brainstorm & concepts
- Ubuntu promotion on festivals
- ...
Wiki and website: evolutions
Stuff that happened
- ...
Stuff that should happen
Stuff that could happen
- ...
Things living in the mailing list (to be updated) and others
New members
- ...
- Organising the IRC-meetings: how and who?
Next meeting
- Proposal: IRC meeting on Thursday 01/12/2011 at 21 h. Organisation about IRC meetings: Organisation about the council
You have the possibility to suggest topics for future meetings: see /SuggestedTopics
Previous meetings
The reports and logs of past IRC meetings are available on /Reports and /Logs. The IRC bot meetingology has some logs since 2012 here
BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings (last edited 2012-09-22 21:23:55 by 137)