Having new ideas isn't hard, keeping track of them and getting them done is! Therefor we'll be able to keep track of these ideas with this page. Feel free to add/change/update your ideas about this. When talks about one of these things result in more than just some words you can make a bug for it on the launchpad. Not creating a bug for every idea will result in a clean and fairly empty buglist, just as we want it.
Commercial links of companies that have something to do with Ubuntu or Ubuntube should be added to the website.
Links to Associations who are also promoting Ubuntu / Linux / FOSS stuff should be added to our website. A network with backlinks would result in benefits for all of the people on the 'network'.
- Twitter and Facebook are great ways to keep people up to date, once we've got a subteam for these social media we'll be using it a lot more often. We should try to add these to our website in a clean, smooth, non disturbing way. We already started on this, but Facebook is giving us a hard time.
- Perpetuating new members to join Ubuntu-be is critical to keep things going. We should try harder to accomplish this. One way to do this is by making people aware of the fact that they are needed and that they CAN help. Most of us aren't developers, and that's okay, we can still be helpfull.
-Telling new people your story and how you started in Ubuntu-be might help. Focusing on 'connection' and 'humanity to others' (the Zulu translation of Ubuntu) are essential here. Write down your story, add a picture of you to it and post it in the ML if you like. -woutervddn 06/05/2011
Along with the previous idea we can start a blog on our website, that way we could give the site more dimension. People would be more willing to visit us again. The blog should be kept general. As I said yesterday after the meeting: Most people that will look at it don't want to know the new search algorithm for the search option. they just want to know that they'll be able to find the mp3 they are looking for a whole lot faster.
-I'm really willing to write for this, but I need more people who are co-writing. When you have a blog it should be updated on a regular basis. If you're used to update once a week and you skip it for one week you'll see that some of the readers don't return. Therefor I suggest to have more than 1 writer for this. Candidates? - woutervddn 06/05/2011
Responsibilities of different subteams should be added to the wiki once the council points out the new subteams.
BelgianTeam/Website/Overview (last edited 2011-05-06 07:35:47 by d54C1A7ED)